"That Tickles" Tank Regen Build by w3sker

"That Tickles" Tank Regen Build

By: w3sker
Last Updated: Sep 25, 2014
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Build: Build #1

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Stitches Top

Welcome to my guide for stitches, firstly "Good Choice", Stitches is by far my favorite hero. The amount of huge plays i have made with his hook are incredible, and the feel of this hero is just fun, so well done for picking such an awesome hero.

Skills Top

Lets get on with it, before i talk about play style, i feel it is important to talk about the skills first as they are key to how you will be playing the game.

Regeneration Master
I cannot stress to you how amazing this ability is, when pair with "Savor the Flavour" this turns your hero in to a snowballing machine. The ability gives you an extra 4 Regen permanently there is no limit to how much health regeneration you can have, making you near unstoppable late game. A must acquire.

Amplified Healing
This ability makes all of your healing and regeneration increase by 30% which is nothing to laugh about, this will make you a ton more tanky. A must acquire.

Savor the Favor
This ability is incredible, every time you use Devour on an enemy hero, you permanently gain 2 health regeneration per second, as i said before, when you pair this with Regeneration Master, that is truly what you become. A must acquire.

Putrid Bile + Regenerative Bile
I figured i would talk about these as one, since the reason i pick up Putrid Bile is largely related to Regenerative Bile.
These abilities lets you unleash a trail of bile, doing significant damage, plus you get healed for 50% of the damage you deal. They make you a huge nuisance to the enemy team to say the least, it is very hard to ignore you with the added 20% movement speed buff as well. These are both must acquires.

This ability speaks for itself, 50% less duration of stuns, slows, roots, and poly-morphs. This ability is key when versing teams who have a lot of lock down, if they don't however, you may want to choose another ability. I personally pick this up 99% of the time, however i leave the choice up to you, if you see mainly dps with little lock down, you may want to pick up Helping Hand instead.

Imposing Presence
Another incredible ability, but also situational. 30% attack speed slow on attack is huge, however there will be times where you are finding that the dps being thrown out is not really affecting you(this is usually when you are winning). In this scenario i usually pick up 50% extra range on hooks, particularly when winning. The Choice is up to you.

Play Style Top


The way i play stitches with this build is completely different to any other build. I play for mid-late game.
At the start of the game you basically want to gather as many Regeneration Globes as possible, this will help you start snowballing early. On particular levels, you can go from lane to lane killing the wizard(because he drops the globes) allowing you to get more than 1 globe per wave.

Early - Mid

You have been collecting globes from the lane happily, now you can move to the jungle as well, timing is helpful but not essential. When you can, kill the creeps in the jungle, this will help with pushing, and get you an extra globe to keep those tasty stacks continuing.

About now you will also gain "Savor the Favor". Once i have acquire this i do something that people would consider slightly unordinary, whenever i see a hero, i devour them, regardless of how much health i have or how much they have. After devouring a hero i go back to farming globes, i do not chase them(unless easily killed of course). Doing this assures maximum efficiency for your regen stacks(a key to this build)


This is when you start joining the fight a little more, put some pressure on the enemy, use that hook, and do not be afraid to use your Putrid Bile The cooldown is not that long.
While you are doing this keep stacking when you can, if you see a wizard creep close, kill it, if you run past a jungle camp, kill it.


You can basically do what ever you like, you can almost tank the entire team with the amount of regen you are getting, when you use putrid bile the enemy will almost certainly flee, if they decide to target you, you will be far to tough to put down, and your team will be at an advantage even if you die. This is where you have fun.


I hope you enjoy playing with this build and feel free to leave feedback, i am always open to criticism.
Just remember that this build and the others on this side are guides, the most fun is trying these things out for yourself, but it is always nice to get an idea every now and then.

Thanks for reading, see you online!

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