Runnin' and Gunnin' by XanderJJ

Runnin' and Gunnin'

By: XanderJJ
Last Updated: Mar 4, 2015
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swarlied | June 7, 2015 12:26am
Good guide, but i feel the starken laser a bit underrated. It has additional damage in top of the heroe, while Odin is a trade. So the odins higher damage is not compareable. Also Odin has a selfstun uptime while laser is an instant. It is a decent tactical tool, especially sneaking it in the flank or behind the enemy Team in a fight. Works great and has many kreative options especially not only at objektives which is a no brainer.
XanderJJ | March 5, 2015 4:26pm
Thanks for the comments.

For the early game I would say you want to practice putting your Q on squishy targets and hitting as many targets as possible. When poking you want to trade effectively with your Q and W, using your W to either put the enemy in a bad position or disengage a fight. Remember you can use your W and E while your Q is channeling. Play more passive when your abilities are on cooldown. You want to focus assassins, specialists, and/or healers if possible, but do not be afraid to Q/focus the tank if that is all you can safely hit. You cannot do damage if you are dead. Ranged carries, like Tychus, want to stay behind their tanks until the enemy is low enough that by dashing in you can secure a kill and not die yourself. Another tip for early engagements is practicing chunking out enemies before an objective comes up. You do not have to go for a kill, you just want to create a favorable trade so they will be hesitant to contest the objective.

When solo laning you can use your abilities to clear waves as the mana costs are low but be careful when they are on cd because the cds are kind of long. You can change which target you have your Q on so use your Q on a minion where you will hit the most minions possible, or switch it to a Hero if they come in range. CC will really mess with your Q so try to wait until the enemy uses their CC before you Q, or dodge their CC if you are already Qing.

In lane Tychus pairs well with a support like Rehgar or Uther, or a tank like Stitches or Muradin. Supports can heal you up and make your trades even more effective. When a tank engages in lane you have a lot of follow up: you can dash in, provide additional CC, and deal aoe damage.
Johnnyboy | March 4, 2015 6:42pm
Great guide! I really like the idea of Tychus and I have been playing him pretty exclusively for the past few weeks. Do you have any tips for early game engagements? I have been struggling a lot with the basics (solo laning, poking, which heroes to initially lane with) pre level 10. Any advice would be much appreciated.
euthlogo | March 4, 2015 2:55pm
I wish this guy would write more guides. So insightful! 5 stars.
Xtwo | March 3, 2015 12:30pm
Damn, i thought tychus was just a one-trick pony. Sick guide!
TheHandofGod | February 27, 2015 7:20pm
Nice in-depth guide!
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