Sylvanas Windrunner | Burst Build by Sparian

Sylvanas Windrunner | Burst Build

By: Sparian
Last Updated: Mar 30, 2015
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Build: Sylvanas Burst Guide

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Threats to Sylvanas with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Kerrigan Early game, as long as you dodge her combo she isn't very hard to deal with. She becomes even less of a threat late game when you have the ability to slow her as she jumps in.
Tassadar Wait for his shield to go down before bursting him. Your healing from your W will negate the damage he can do to you, and your passive also negates his shields he places on buildings. (It still buys time, but they still won't be firing anyways.)
  No Threat
Valla You destroy Valla in lane and in burst for the first few seconds, or at least that has been my experience so far.
Falstad You will be able to out burst and out sustain him easily, as long as you are dodging his Q. You'll want to be careful of his Heroic though as you don't have much health to begin with.
Azmodan Early game your W will shut down his push potential. Late game his dunks are going to hurt a LOT.
Uther IF he can land a stun on you it can be dangerous. Once you get your slow at 13 however, you will laugh every time an Uther runs up to you to attempt to do so.
Sonya You have no way of interrupting her Whirlwind without using your Heroic which makes her a pain to deal with in lane. But, like with almost every other Melee hero, you destroy her in team fights.
Chen Chen and his Barrel Roll can be quite annoying. If he pops this when you use your Heroic or your E to try and escape it will cancel them out. He isn't much of a threat otherwise.
Sgt. Hammer Kind of hard to deal with 1v1 early game. Avoid laneing against them solo.
Sylvanas Strange on why I would put the same hero here, but bear with me. In QM you will have to keep an eye on what the enemy Sylv is building, as if they go for more of an Assassin Build, they will end up beating you. But what they get out of early game isn't as great as what you will get out of late game. Just be careful and keep an eye out for her E.
Zagara Early game, her Hydra's will drain half of your health alone if you soak it all. Late game it's not that bad as a few auto attacks and 5 stacks of Q will tear through them.
Zeratul Poses a high threat, but once you get your slows going he will start to fall off as he won't be able to chase to finish you off.
Stitches Can be a bit dangerous to face up against. If he's a good player, he'll be able to hook you from your E, or even Gorge you as soon as you cast it. Make sure to get Bolt of the Storm if you find him bullying you.
Jaina Jaina can be a bit of a problem late game. Her slows negate your slow towards her, so movement speed is negligible. What she does have over you is burst, and a Water Elemental to soak the damage from your Q. You should never engage her 1 on 1, but during a team fight you can definitely make her have a bad day.
Diablo With his large health pool he will soak up a lot of your Q damage, and can easily put you in a place you don't want to be. Stay away from him and get ready to E away.
Nova Can easily delete Sylvanas. If there is a Nova on the enemy team, wait until she engages before putting pressure on their team.
Tychus NEVER lane against him, period. His ability to deal tons of damage on the move hurts Sylvanas way too much. During team fights it won't matter as much, but NEVER lane against him
Murky Suprisingly deadly vs Sylvanas. A pufferfish into Octograb will one shot you if your team doesn't do anything about it. So until you get Bolt, beware of him.

My Message Top

I'll played Sylvanas really long and than i will create a guide for new sylvanas players.
This build are good for new players because you do really much damage on enemy heroes and towers.
I hope this guide help you to master Sylvanas Windrunner!

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