The Resurgent Menace by TheFreind

The Resurgent Menace

By: TheFreind
Last Updated: Dec 11, 2023
2 Votes
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Build 1 of 3


Build: Bush-stalker

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Dehaka with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Azmodan You don't need help dragging this fatty around. If he tries to use his laser on you, dragging him interrupts it. Put more effort in macro play so he doesn't take over the map. You can easily brushstalker over and murder him if he gets overconfident in his Fort pushes.
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Artanis Wait for his little warp-prism-swappy thing - if he hits someone, he becomes unstoppable afterwards. Land a drag when he's vulnerable, or isolation, and he'll be unable to generate shields for himself. Burrow away his blinding ult. Close out the game quickly before he scales too hard.
  No Threat
Tyrande Tyrande has tools to stop you from killing her teammates. When dragging an opponent away, Tyrande will always be in range to land a stun on your predictable path to interrupt it. She also has access to a level 16 talent which lets her heals cleanse stuns - INSTANTLY invalidating your drags. What's more, she reveals big chunks of the map, so it is hard to utilize bushes against her or her team.
  No Threat
Zarya Absolute nightmare of a hero for Dehaka. Her shields can stop your killing right in its tracks. Furthermore, she can cleanse other teammates of your Drag, or grant herself Unstoppable. She also hits hard and is hard to beat solo. Obviously, don't hit her shields or she charges up, but you may lose the chance to kill in many cases.
Mei Overwatch heroes are very annoying. Take it as you will. A smart Mei can spec into many talents that will frustrate you beyond belief. She's got slows, blinds, stuns, displacements, attackspeed slows, an unstoppable, and a decent dash. It's a real challenge killing her - the time you spend on her could make too much space for her team.


Build: Tank-buster

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Pack-Leader

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

It That Collects Top

All of your friends are dead. You are the last one alive. A shadow darts from bush to bush. You run. Run. Running. But the monstrosity is too fast to outrun. You fear it before you see it; you hear it before you feel it. Something viscid struck your back, intended to be as close as possible to the spine. A foreign entity hijacked your nervous system, its fast-acting poison paralyzes the muscles. Your body refuses to respond to your mental commands. You are being dragged away at a frightening speed the opposite way you came.
There is no hope.

Dehaka is a bush-weaving predator that can abduct and isolate targets. Just like how a shark that smells blood in the water, Dehaka can chase down stragglers with impunity, rejuvenating after every takedown. If you are interested in playing a behemoth that can be lightning fast, impossible to kill, hunt anything without fear, and be a psychological threat at any point on the map, then you've come to the right place.

Apex Prowess Top


Passive: Dehaka collects 2 Essence for every minion death in a 12m radius. Takedowns reward 10 Essence. Can store up to 50 Essence.

Active: Dehaka consumes all of his Essence and heals for ~1% of his health per Essence consumed over 5 seconds.

Additional Notes on Essence Collector


Passive: Dehaka does not have a mount. Instead, he gains a 20% movement speed buff when moving through bushes. This speed is retained for 2 seconds after leaving a bush.

Active: [75s CD] Select any bush on the map and quickly burrow to it. Dehaka must channel for 2 seconds, then he will exit the battlegrounds and re-emerge 1.5 seconds afterwards. Bushstalker CANNOT be aborted manually once cast.

Additional Notes on Bushstalker


Active: [15s CD] Dehaka lashes out his tongue, dealing moderate damage to the first enemy hit, stunning and dragging them with him for 1.75 seconds. If Dehaka were to be stunned or silenced whilst dragging, the victim is immediately released.

Dehaka may still attack whilst dragging, may activate his Swarm ability, and may consume essence to heal. However, he may NOT burrow or use his ultimate abilities.

Additional Notes on Dragging

Dark Swarm

Active: [10s CD] Summon a swarm of ravenous insects to surround Dehaka, dealing low but numerous instances of damage to all nearby enemies. Dehaka ignores unit collision whilst Dark Swarm is active.
Additional Notes on Dark Swarm


Active: [20s CD] Burrow into the ground, becoming invulnerable and untargetable for 2 seconds. Dehaka can still move around at 50% speed.

You may move, consume essence and use Dark Swarm while burrowed, but may not do anything else.

Additional Notes on Burrowing


Active: [60s CD] After a short wind-up, Dehaka unleashes a biomass that strikes the first enemy hero hit. The projectile deals moderate damage, silences and slows them for 30% for 3 seconds, and cripples their vision for 6 seconds.

Additional Notes on Isolation


Active: [60s CD] After 4 seconds, heal for 100% of the damage Dehaka took over this period.

Additional Notes on Adaptation

There are 2 general Dehaka talent archetypes I follow. One specialized for hunting assassins, and one specialized for fighting more durable tanks and/or bruisers. A few talent choices will change here and there will change accordingly to the game-state and flow. There is also a rare third build that I would follow if I were the only front line of the team.


This talent build is all about firing all of Dehaka's cylinders. Enhanced Agility is a core tenant of your playstyle - you will run at enemies aggresively, either brawling with them, diving for a kill, or cleaning up low health stragglers. You will be rewarded with increased essence from Hero Stalker, maintaining this relentless tempo. You want to use your hard-hitting basic attacks to kill people, and every attack will reduce the cooldown of your next drag. The Enhanced Agility speed makes it easier to stay on top of your enemies, constantly putting in those attacks every second you are able to.

Hitting a Isolation with such a high-damage build makes for an easy kill, a build where you have the damage and speed to capitalize on your own disabling effects. Since we are so obsessed with bushes, getting a damage bonus on your swarm + slow is a cherry on top of the cake. It helps killing heroes - but it helps A LOT when killing minion waves quickly! The level 16 talent is a flexible choice, I like the increased reliability of an Elongated Tongue. At this point of the game, you will have fully maxed out your Enhanced Agility. You will exit a bush at +40% speed, hit a long range drag, start walking back to the bush at +40% speed and excise an entire hero from an enemy formation as though they were a tumor. Finally, late game arrives, both teams will huddle together like they are climbing mountains with nothing but a connected tether. A multi-hero Isolation is fight-winning, and hence game winning with the 60 second death timers. And if not, you are offered considerable leeway to beat down anyone you choose with little retaliation. This build is highly recommended against a squishy enemy team composition, which may be composed of assassins and healers.


Against tough enemies, your high speed and damage builds will make you fragile and unable to do kill your targets. You need to match their durability with some of your own! Tissue Regeneration massively increases your passive regeneration, letting you stay on the map permanently until you need mana. This kind of regeneration can out-heal some tanks' damage! And of course, a bigger limit on essence is vital for fighting and your level 13 talent Primal Rage. Level 4 talent is your preference - if the map is heavily macro-based and there are lots of mercenaries, One Who Collects. If you are fighting heroes all the time, Hero Stalker. I prefer the former so I can put pressure on an enemy team that cannot quickly kill mercenaries like Dehaka can. Feeding Frenzy is still very good, even against stun-based compositions for the execution potential.

There is no way you are killing anything that becomes Isolated, much less see if they care and push forward regardless. Adaptation lets you waste the enemies team time for a whopping 4 seconds whilst the rest of your team dishes out damage. Your goal against the enemy team is to rush for Primal Rage as quickly as possible. Your main source of damage are your basic attacks, increasing it by 75% is simply incredible! Also, it helps killing bosses and mercenaries. If you fight a dive-heavy composition that is capable of killing you, Tunneling Claws is your get-out-of-jail-free card. Otherwise, Pack Leader gives a minor boost in durability and damage. Storm talents are interesting - all three options are technically good, but I gravitate most towards Essence Claws. Primal Rage requires you to bank your essence for damage output, disincentivizing you to use your essence for healing. Now, you can freely eat your essence for healing when you're in trouble and expect to be back up to full in a few seconds! In addition, being super-glue to your target is a handy bonus. Otherwise, Apex Predator gives you a godly amount of global pressure. This kind of pressure is back-breaking against enemy teams weak to macro. Highly recommended on your "Ideal Hunting Grounds" maps.

Curious Adaptations Top

In nature, 'Survival of the Fittest' will select organisms best adapted to their environments to be the most successful. One must adopt this mindset and be willing to change on the whim of a dime. Your triumphs will vary substantially depending on the team composition on either side, as well as the map. Also, it's plain fun to experiment ideas on your own terms. Someone needs to cook up that primordial soup, someway, somehow. Click below to see a breakdown on when and why I choose every talent on Dehaka.

-- Full analysis on all talents --

Hunting Grounds Top

Although you may play Dehaka on any map and be just fine, he objectively performs better on maps that are large and have more bushes. This is especially true with bushes near objectives, as those get fought around the most often.

Every map has a consistent general rule of thumb to follow - walk to a solo lane, soak XP, apply pressure, and then burrow in to help out with the objective. You should hold onto brushstalker until you see an opportunity where winning the fight will lead to a reward (I.E. stealing a mercenary camp, doing an objective, clearing out a fort) OR to punish and kill a split-pusher that is sieging your own fort.


Cursed Hollow

Dragon Shire

Garden of Terror

Towers of Doom

Blackheart's Bay

Infernal Shrine


Warhead Junction

Braxis Holdout

Sky Temple

Tomb of the Spider Queen

Alterac Pass


Hanamura Temple

Volskaya Foundry

Battlefield of Eternity

Ancestral Instincts Top

Dehaka does not gain much by being a passive brick. He's not like a Stiches where he can sit around patiently finding picks with his team. To be a true menace, you must be aggressive and adopt a very special mindset. Should you follow these tenants, you'll leave a significant fingerprint on the map and your match performance:
    Be cunning
    Be opportunistic
    Be decisive

Chapter 1) The Enemy is Crafty, But So Are You

Gentlemen, I am proud to announce that Dehaka is one of the best escape artists in the entire game. If the fight is turning for the worse, you can just turn around and start running in the direction of a bush. Eat your essence, burrow and avoid abilities, activate adaptation, or even do an emergency Brushstalk across the map if you must. You have many options to make it out alive. The only hero in the entire game that can match your pace is Lucio - and he brings his entire team with him.

Soooooo if you're the best at getting away, then you have a blank check to do whatever you want, no matter how dangerous it is. Split push a sidelane, even if you know the enemy team is in the dark hastily approaching your position. Get aggressive and run up to a target and just start wailing damage on them! Drag an unsuspecting victim that got too close to your bush and backpedal from the enemy team! Start stealing their mercenaries under their nose! This kind of behavior is so unbelievably suicidal that they would've thought you were a Murky. Pay attention to the enemy team's positioning and calculate if they you have the time and opportunity to do it.

Dehaka is essentially a sprinter and not a marathon runner. Push your capabilities to the limit and test your opponents' resolve. Figuring out what you can get away with will determine how much you can do in a match. For example, picture this scenario:
You know that Nazeebo is tough, with lots of health and close range damage. He's an uninviting target at first glance. But you will find that he is an easy kill! Run after him with Enhanced Agility, land a drag, output as much damage as possible. If he fights back, eat your essence to keep going.
However, what if has a teammate? If he has a healer, this changes little about my plan. I will still attempt to kill, but I may target the healer instead. But if it were a teammate with crowd control, then suddenly I'll think twice.
You'll find that every hero in the game requires a special approach, attitude, and a level of respect. However, they all have a health bar, and they WILL die to a well placed drag. Evaluate what you can do alone and when you need your team to do the impossible.

Sun Tzu's Art of War has some surprising applications to dinosaur Dehaka gameplay. Appear threatening and aggressive when unwilling to engage, appear passive and submissive when luring enemies into a false sense of security. Your opponents will fear your aggression, believing that you have something up your sleeve - but you don't! You don't have any essence banked. Or some people may attempt to gank and kill you. All the sudden you've burrowed away, eating a full stack of essence, and just turned around and dragged someone into the towers for massive damage.

I'm a big fan of spooking my opponents by simply running up to them in order to buy time. This tactic works best if you've already made some audacious and terrifying abductions to demonstrate your lethality. In fact, I may not have any mana, my drag is on CD, I have no essence, and I won't be able to kill my enemy. But the enemy team won't necessarily know that! Their first instinct is to immediately panic and retreat. You can buy a lot of time and ground for your teammates by appearing threatening.

Chapter 2) Quick Eyes, Quicker Feet

Chapter 3) **** It, We Ball

You'll learn from using Brushstalker that there is no "Cancel" button. You cannot change your mind once you start digging into the midst of hell.

Catching Prey Top

One cannot call themselves a Dehaka if they cannot connect a drag onto anything. A drag translates to a kill, which is how you earn momentum to finish a fight. If you’ve learned nothing from this guide, then allow this wisdom to be the only thing you take away.

Positioning >>> Aim

The easiest target to hit bar none is someone right in front of you. And I mean kissing-you-on-the-lips in front of you. Utilize flanking or your speed from Enhanced Agility to close the distance. If you are in range to auto-attack, then the only way they can dodge a point-blank drag is by using some sort of instant blink mobility spell, which few heroes have!

They came from behind

Approaching from a flanking angle also helps your odds. Your opponents will be torn between choosing to retreat and walking into you, or to attempt a juke by walking in a non-optimal trajectory. If they attempt the latter: it could fail, it could work but they die regardless, or they die to your team. It’s not a pretty situation for a human brain to compute in a millisecond before a Dehaka reaches them. Also, flanking gives you a clear path to reach the squishy backline unimpeded and attempt a crucial drag!

Chain friendly CC

Firing a drag into the wind is a very dry process. A difficult one, in fact. But if you were to drag someone that is immobilized or slowed, then your odds get significantly increased. Make a mental note of your team’s CC capabilities and how easy it is for theirs to land. If you walk with a Muradin, you’ll know he’s going to jump in and throw a stun immediately! That’s where you follow up with a more devastating stun and drag. Even the shortest mini-stun can be enough to help you land a drag. Please coordinate with your team on the procedure. Communication will make them throw out a less meaningful CC they otherwise wouldn’t have if you’re in the area to capitalize on it.

Rock and a hard place

Use terrain to your advantage. When opponents must dodge, they may choose one of three directions. Straight, left, or right. If they were pushed against a wall, then their options shrink to just two. I recommend pursuing a target until they reach some sort of wall. That’s your opportunity to land a 50% chance shot rather than a 33% shot.

Matter over mind

There are mind games about your Drag. Gauge your opponents skill at juking drags. Remember their dodging patterns. If you’re running at them, they know you want to drag. And you know that they know. If you’re uncertain about your odds, just start hitting them! The pressure of taking damage will force their hand. They will run, and you hit an easy drag. Or they die dancing to noone’s applause. Dance in this tango long enough and eventually you’ll learn to ‘smell’ precisely when someone has committed to their decision… and you’ll drag them.
One way to counter dodgers is to weave in a drag between your auto-attacks. If you do it fast enough, the drag wind-up animation will look very similar to your auto-attacks. This slight amount of screening can surprise an assassin overconfident with their mobility!

Tower Defense

It is the start of the match, or you're fighting around one of your exterior forts. When someone gets confident about fighting you somewhat close to your side of the map with no minions, you can punish by dragging them into the fort. The towers will obliterate your target, or bring them down to their knees for an easy kill. People forget that they're in danger of the towers so long as you can drag them in.

Element of surprise

Starting every fight by launching from a bush is the way of life for Dehaka. There are many psychological studies that show the difference in reaction speed between expectation (~250 milliseconds average for male) to surprise (1 or 1.5 whole seconds). You and me both know the carnage we can inflict with one simple second. Run out briefly (or sit in bush until they enter), connect an easy drag. Backpedal and consume.
Furthermore, people that are surprised will subconsciously walk straight back to home. Even before they contemplate using a mobility spell. If you can reach them in less than 1 second from the bush, aim a little behind them and they'll almost always walk back into a drag.

The Tap-Drag

Against huge hitbox heroes, like Azmodan, Diablo, and Stiches, you can pursue and do a nifty trick. Auto-attack them once, and immediately attempt to drag. You’ll land +1 hit and the drag will barely reach their backs as they’re running, maximizing drag distance and damage output. This trick is easier with Elongated Tongue whilst becoming possible against smaller targets.

Nocturnal Respite Top

Thank you for reading my Dehaka guide! It's my first time operating with HeroesFire formatting, so I'll get used to it.

Curious for what else I have in stock? Check out my other guides!

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