Threat |
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Li Li |
About as easy as it gets for you. Tychus is custom built to shut her out. Grenade her ult. Use your superior positioning to zone her out from wherever she wants to be. Show her no respect, she deserves none from you. |
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Azmodan |
Massive creep waves? Deadly channeling spells? Skill shot AOEs? Not much problem here. Overkill on him, then interrupt his channeling with a grenade, then watch him try to scurry away. |
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Illidan |
Make sure you are the reason Illidan is afraid to dive your team. Evasion does not help him against Overkill (unless talented for 50% dmg reduction). Be sure to bully him in lane early to let him know where the gun show is at. |
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Nazeebo |
Nazeebo likes to catch players out of position. Thankfully you are playing Mr. Mobility. Remember to help teammates out of zombie jail with a grenade. |
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Sonya |
One of your ideal opponents, kite her like you are Thomas Edison. |
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Arthas |
Arthas is the type of warrior you want to fight. His root ability can be dodge easily with R&G. Be wary of his burst if you are less than half. |
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Gazlowe |
While not a direct threat to you unless you overcommit, it can be hard to safely secure kills on Gazlowe when he has a few turrets down. Don't stand on his trap, duh. His gravity bomb is a thing. |
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Murky |
Do not respect this fish or he will always make it not worth your time to fight. AA his puffer, wait out the bubble, and Overkill him. Then track down his egg and kill his babies. You have all the tools to make him into a fish fillet and make him want to leave your lane. Play smart. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
If Hammer is in siege mode, reposition her with your grenades. When she enters or leaves siege mode, that is the ideal time to pounce on her. Remember that she can interrupt your Overkill if you are close to her. |
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The Butcher |
Not someone you want to be standing next to for any reason. Good thing you are the highest damaging character while mobile. If you are going to eat his charge, time a grenade throw between you right before he stuns you. This will stop him from getting more than one hit on you before the stun wears off, then its kite as usual. |
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Abathur |
If you get locked down, his symbiote target can eliminate you quickly. Use run and Gun diagonally to avoid his stabs. Capitalize on the scenario presence advantage your enemies have given you. |
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Jaina |
The key to this fight is being able to dodge her skill shots. Thankfully the last patch buffed Tychus's AA range to the edge of her Cone of cold to make that a bit easier. R&G to avoid Ice Lance or Blizzard. |
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Leoric |
With his massive health sustain and high burst damage you will want to be wary. Without an interrupting ability you have game against him. |
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Rehgar |
Try using grenades to burst down his ultimate heal target. His speed and totems make it harder for you to capitalize on positioning. |
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Sylvanas |
She is tough for you to lane against. She will chip away your health when you press to engage. If your overkill connects for the full amount you will trade up on her. |
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Tassadar |
Only reason he is listed this high is because he is a TERRIBLE Overkill target. Nothing causes Tass to pop out faster than being target by Overkill. |
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The Lost Vikings |
I like seeing TLV on the enemy side during team fight, it means your Overkill and grenades are going to wrack up that much more damage. The longboat ult usually forces your to disengage or waste a lot of damage for little effect. |
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Zeratul |
Like Nova, he doesn't want to commit to the sustained fight that Tychus can bring. Overkill will often force a teleport (which can be good or a waste of your ability). Remember your spray can reveal stealth and engage him if he gets revealed. |
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Chen |
He has good engagement, high hitpoints, and 2 frustrating Ults (one that will interrupt you). The plus side is he will have just as hard a time finishing you as you have finishing him. Harass him in lane, ignore him in jungle and in team fights. |
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Malfurion |
So you can't really stop him from doing what he wants during team fights, and you have to respect his root, which can zone you pretty hard. On the plus side he has no real damage to speak of. |
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Thrall |
Try not go group up too much to avoid being hit by his rift. Use grenade toss when he is on wind fury to get some more separation. His burst and root make him one of the more deadly melee threats. |
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Tyrande |
Respect her stun from long range during team fights. Remember she has to lead you quite a bit to land it if you are disengaging. |
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Uther |
He has a stun, on the plus side he needs to be nearly on top of you to use it. |
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Falstad |
He has high sustain damage and a proximity DOT. Until you get level 16 movement talent, he can run you down. |
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Stitches |
Hook=Dodge, Swallow=GTFO. Not something you want to tangle with during teamfights. Nothing new here. |
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Valla |
Going up against an equal level Valla is a crap shoot. Her vault has the range to take her out of Overkills range reliably. Like other AA range assassins, commit only when you are confident of a kill. |
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Brightwing |
A smart BW player will make you a Polymorph priority. Only use Overkill after he polymorphs. |
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Kerrigan |
Her pull has a deceptively wide area. If it combos into her stun you can be in trouble. Use your mobility to make her job hard. |
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Nova |
Nova wants to play the kind of hit and run game you DO NOT want to play. If you can catcher her with an overkill you should be able to burn her down. Catching her with a grenade while she is stealth and pouncing on her will make her a sad sniper. Remember you can retarget your overkill if you initially hit her clone. |
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Tyrael |
You are a prime dive target for his Ult. Keep calm, create separation with your grenade, then apply Overkill. |
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Zagara |
Her Ult is a showstopper. Her hydra pushes her damage to the point that 1v1s are risky. If you are forced to lane against her, focus on keeping her minions at bay. |
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Johanna |
If you see her trying to face tank her way toward you, use a grenade. She can have a very annoying Impending Doom build where she can cast it almost non-stop. Her level 10 ults are difficult to avoid. |
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Kael'thas |
One of your hardest matchups for an opposing Assassin. It basically boils down do if he lands his stun. If not you should be able to power him down. |
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Anub'arak |
With 2 (sometimes 3) ways to interrupt your Overkill, Anub'arak is someone to be weary of. Adding insult to injury, his high health and sustain allows him to go toe-to-toe even when CC is not a factor. |
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Diablo |
He will dive on you and then dunk you. It will not be fun. Do not commit heavily to team fights until after he dives. Bonus points if you can juke his dive with R&G. |
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Raynor |
Heavily recommend side strafing with Overkill so to avoid his skillshot. He is not really your ideal choice to go toe-to-toe agaisn't because his superior AA doesn't give a squat about your superior positioning. |
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E.T.C. |
Another tank with stuns for days. Same deal, don't commit to Overkill until his interrupts (especially Powerslide) are used. |
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Muradin |
He has a semi-spammable ranged stun. its pretty easy to anticipate. If he leaps at your location R&G away to avoid the thunderclap followup, then run diagonally to avoid the stun. You should be able to harass at this point. His ultimate causes his AA to do mini stuns, making Overkill a No-kill. |
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