I was excited to see something new about one of my favorite warriors. Especially since you put Full guide in the title.
And then I got sad to see this. What is going on here?
Almost no explanations. The whole information is outdated. You haven't even removed the talents, that no longer exist in his kit, from the description. And even the builds names don't match. Your tank build has no team utility and focuses on DPS. Your DPS build has no DPS talents and focuses on Burst. And your balance build doesn't help your team, or let you do decent damage. The last one is all over the place.
You state you know his talents well. However all your talent descriptions are ether of non existent talents, 1 year outdated, or just missing. You are even lacking description on talents you have in your builds. Again what is going on here?
I am so disappointed. It is so sad to see a content creator that doesn't care, what is in their work. Bumping something, that you know is bad, is just not acceptable. It's like giving the finger to your audience. Thumbs down. Literally every other Tyrael guide on this site is times better than this. Even the outdated ones.
So sad :(
It's great that you want to keep making content for other people. But please fix this guide and give good quality, that makes you proud to put your name on.
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And then I got sad to see this. What is going on here?
Almost no explanations. The whole information is outdated. You haven't even removed the talents, that no longer exist in his kit, from the description. And even the builds names don't match. Your tank build has no team utility and focuses on DPS. Your DPS build has no DPS talents and focuses on Burst. And your balance build doesn't help your team, or let you do decent damage. The last one is all over the place.
You state you know his talents well. However all your talent descriptions are ether of non existent talents, 1 year outdated, or just missing. You are even lacking description on talents you have in your builds. Again what is going on here?
I am so disappointed. It is so sad to see a content creator that doesn't care, what is in their work. Bumping something, that you know is bad, is just not acceptable. It's like giving the finger to your audience. Thumbs down. Literally every other
So sad :(
It's great that you want to keep making content for other people. But please fix this guide and give good quality, that makes you proud to put your name on.