I'm playing since the Alpha and mostly warrior heroes since then. I love the warrior classification and trying my best in tanking enemy teams while my team is destroying them. You can see this in my builds as well.
I'm a former LoL and Dota (the original one) player and not new to the moba genre.
Please provide feedback to the builds and my general guide style as this i my first guide to a hero and i want to get better with this. As you may already know, English is not my first language :) please keep that in mind before you flame me for grammar reasons.
I mostly pick Tyrael when the enemy got Jaina. I also like him when my team got a burst heavy combo. General spoken: he is a really good allround choice and can be the first and also second tank of your team.

This is an utility based build. Mainly use this if your team is going for a double or triple tank combo. Your job is chasing enemy heroes, locking them down and supporting your team with buffs. Tyrael got a wide kit of speedbufs, debuffs, lockdowns and blocks.
Tier 1
Horadric Reforging
You want to chase your enemy and create blocking fields as often as possible. Go for this for more Teleport uses.
Regeneration Master
If you need more survivability and sustain take this instead. If your enemy got very high damage potential you should prefer this choice.
Tier 2
Lower cooldown on your smite will increase your damage output and will help you and your team to chase the enemy as you can use smite for the speed buff more often.
Amplified Healing
Is always a good choice to make you more tanky if paired with a healer. Good allround choice in most team setups.
Tier 3
Angel's Grace
Really good to increase your chasing potential and also synergizes with
Horadric Reforging
Battle Momentum
Also a really good choice to lower the cooldown for all your skills.
Tier 4
Only viable choice for a lockdown build :)
Tier 5
Imposing Will
If you chase them, they will likely also hitting you, so this option is superior as you debuff their attack speed and also movement speed.
Tier 6
Holy Ground
Create a blocking field is usefull in many scenarios. You can secure your escape, seperate enemy heroes for your team and block enemies from capturing mercs if placed well.
This is good to buff your support ability as the shield is also applying to your team in range. But keep in mind, you chasing heroes and so you are often alone at the front and not able to take advantage of this talent.
Tier 7
Angel of Justice
Cooldown reduction and range increase making this a really good option.
Hardened Shield
Tyrael will be annoying with this build and can so, become a focus target. Take this to survive heavy focus on you.
Nexus Blades
If you are lacking damage or just want another slow, take this. On this build, this is mostly my standard choice to assassinate the enemy backline for my team.

This is the Tank Build for Tyrael. You are able to soak lots of damage and be the first tank for your team. I am using this build mainly for the hero league, it fits in most common team setups and also works well against most teams in my opinion. But dont let us waste more of your time, here are the talent choices.
Tier 1
Regeneration Master
Simple and efficient, get the globes and buff your sustain. Best choice in this tier.
Other Options in this tier are not an option for a tank build.
Tier 2
Amplified Healing
Best choice. Buffs your regeneration even more and supports your healer. You are nearly unkillable in normal situations.
Vampiric Strike
If you dont got a Healer on your Team, you might consider taking this alternative. Your auto attacks arent doing this much damage but paired with regeneration master its sometimes, mostly in the lategame, a better choice for your survivability.
Tier 3
Battle Momentum
My personal favorite in this tier. Cooldown reduction for all your skills is a pretty good choice because its increasing your chase, survival and kill potential.
Angel's Grace
Increasing your chasing and escape potential. Viable choice but not that good if you look at the other options in this tier.
Paired with the tier 6 talent
Salvation this is a very good choice as it buffs the duration of your shield and the shield of your allies. Also with the
Salvation talent its a very huge, long lasting shield if you stick by your team.
A word to
Reciprocate this does not apply if your shield is destroyed by damage. Under these circumstances it's not a viable choice.
Tier 4
This ultimate is, if used right, a gamechanger. Place it under your squishy damage dealer and engage. Or engage and let the enemy focus you, put this on and survive all the damage while your team is shredding them down. The circle will remain where you cast it and you can freely move out. Also you can save your team, jump in and cast it. My normal choice as a tank Tyrael.
If you really the only one in your team who got any CC, you might choose this. But normaly
Sanctification is better to keep you and your team alive.
Tier 5
Burning Rage
Want some wave clear? Normally this does not matter as full Tank but you have the possibility to choose it :)
Angelic Absorption
More health regeneration for you. Buffs your sustain. Most of the times you dont need this because
Regeneration Master and
Amplified Healing should be enough to survive most teamfights.
Imposing Will
If your enemy is auto attack heavy, go with this smart talent. As a toping you also get a slow!
Angelic Might is a pure damage choice and i have never taken it for a tank build.
Tier 6
Trust me, you want this! Always! 25% bigger shield for every hero you buff with it? Thats a plus of 100% if you shield your whole team.
Holy Ground
For utility reasons you can go with this but keep in mind there are only 1 best choice here :)
Blood for Blood
As it now only doing damage and heals you it's mostly gone on all builds as the other options are much stronger cause of the missing slow effect. However, if you dont have a healer in your team, this can be a viable choice if you have trouble surviving teamfights.
Tier 7
Hardened Shield
This is the standard and most viable option for a tank tyrael build. Its one of the strongest talents when it comes to buffing your survivability. However, there are other options too which you can prefer to add a bit more utility to the build.
Nexus Blades
My normal choice, as i mostly lacking damage in the late game. Also the slow is very nice for chasing people.
Holy Arena
If your team lacks overall damage you can take this and buff it up in team fights.
And here we are, Tyrael as Justicebringer, hero killer with high mobility. This is a pure damage build and should never be used as the only warrior in your team. Great against squishy backline heroes. You just can jump in and slay them all.
Tier 1
Purge Evil
As you want to hunt down enemy heroes, this is your talent of choice. 25% more damage is a very good number so take it and kill stuff.
Horadric Reforging
Also a good choice if some more chase potential is needed. Versus high mobility heroes i would preffer this instead of
Purge Evil
Regeneration Master
This is also a good choice too if you want to go for a more mixed build. But normally your healer and
Vampiric Strike should keep you alive.
Tier 2
Vampiric Strike
Buffs your 1on1 potential and synergizes very well with later talent options where you buff your auto attack damage. Normally my standard choice in this tier.
Amplified Healing
Also a good choice but in my opinion
Vampiric Strike is a lot saver because you will find yourself very often in the enemy backline where your healer should not be in most scenarios :)
Tier 3
Searing Attacks
Great damage buff. Very mana intense, but you will do lots of damage to your target. Activate when your other Auto attack buffs are up for best results.
Battle Momentum
At first it looks like a good choice but you are not a skill spamming Angel. You mainly use auto attacks and use your skills for chasing and buffs.
Angel's Grace
Buffs up your chasing potential and increase your escape ability. In my opinion its viable but
Searing Attacks is a better choice.
Tier 4
Ultimate chasing ability and a stun and it seperates your target from his team and does damage and got a huge castrange. You see, there are many things which are speaking for this talent, but read on and choose wisely :)
Now imaging this scenario: you
El'druin's Might into the enemy backline to toast 3 squishy heroes at once! They all want to burst you down, but you hit R and non of their burst will hurt you while you shredding them down. If you want this to happen take that talent! But keep in mind that some players aren't that dump and just wait for you to cast your ult before they do their combo. Most games you should be doing great with this.
Tier 5
Angelic Might
This nice talent gives you a 25% damge boost to your next basic attack for every enemy you hit. So if you hit a hero and some minions you can easily get a 100% + to your basic attack which is really huge. Consider to pair this with
Searing Attacks
Burning Rage
Dealing some area damage while standing in the middle of a minion wave or group of enemy heroes? Yep good choice
Imposing Will
Debuffs your enemies attack and movement speed. Helps chasing and surviving. Good overall choice.
Angelic Absorption
A little buff for your sustain. Viable choice.
You see, in this tier you got many options and can freely choose what fits your playstyle the best.
Tier 6
Blade of Justice
Teleport to your target and get a 75% damage boost for the next 3 attacks? You want that! Awesome talent for hunting down heroes.
Blood for Blood
If you having trouble surviving team fights take this. Good heal and moderate damage. Sadly the slow is gone but in some cases its still a considerable choice.
Before you ask,
Salvation is a great choice for tank and utility builds, but in fact you will be often alone in the backline so you can benefit from this as much as other builds would do.
Tier 7
Nexus Blades
Very good damage buff and also a nice slow to hunt your targets down. My preffered choice in this tier.
Angel of Justice
If you took judgement and got enough damage to kill your targets fast, you may consider this talent for the cooldown reduction and the huge castrange increase.
Holy Arena
Buffs the damage of all allies in the
Sanctification area. Good choice if you got a melee assassin by your side.
Hardened Shield
A pure defense option. You will never need this if you have choosen
Sanctification otherwise you may take this if you are often under heavy focus and took
Changelog Top
- edited Talentchoices for the tank build
- updated description for Hardened Shield
- fixed some layout issues
- corrected spelling errors
- added Tyrael video
- added DPS description
- corrected some spelling errors
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