Threat |
Hero |
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Abathur |
Honestly, if he gets anywhere in range, he's escargot. |
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Anub'arak |
Just avoid stuns because Anub'Arak can't take many autos from worgen form. With alpha killer, he might as well begin uninstalling. |
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Azmodan |
LOL. Even if fatty tries to go heal beam build, you'll tear him to shreds if he tries to face-tank you. Save both ults for when he runs or bolt of the storm's out. |
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Lt. Morales |
No escape. Squishy. First three autos (if shes smart she'll grab block) will do nothing but kill her and like every other game with Morales in it, the rest of the team will fall apart. Either ult works on her, though the vulnerability reduces her resistance. |
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The Lost Vikings |
... Honestly, pick whatever talents you want against them. Erik usually dies within a Razor Swipe and auto, Baelog after about 4 autos and Olaf just dies. Consider Wizened duelist if they are in your game. |
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Chen |
If he stop drinking, he's dead. No hard CC though his slow can stop you from escaping. Grab Alpha killer and his shield won't last. |
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Gazlowe |
With improved Disengage, you can easily dodge an upgraded grav-bomb. In human form, take out his turrets and zone him from the scrap while poking and you can take him down easily. If you can fake him into using Sprint then even better. |
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Kharazim |
Squishy and his heal passive doesn't heal enough for his to go fist-to-claw with you. You can disengage from 7SS and Divine Palm will just delay the inevitable. Mark him if he dashes away and send him to those gods he won't shut up about. |
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Malfurion |
Silence and the root are the biggest threats but most Malf's go Tranquility. Has no real escape besides bolt at 20. Pretty easy kill to secure. |
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Rehgar |
Slow is the only hiccup against Rehgar. Ancestral Healing can be annoying but nothing that is game breaking. Try to zone him from fights since his he can outrun you in ghost wolf. |
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Illidan |
Not too much of a threat. Stealth disengage with prevent him from diving you and he can only last so long against your basic attacks even with evade. Force him to use shield and/or First Aid by poking in human form to gain the advantage. Main threat is The Hunt but Relentless Predator resolves that issue. |
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Kerrigan |
Despite her damage being very high, you can easily evade her stun by either disengaging away or leaping at her. Don't engage her if she has a phat shield otherwise you're making it harder on yourself and your support will have a burning rage for you, or at least, I will. |
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Nazeebo |
You've got stronger poke and can disengage out of his zombie wall. He has no escape. Disengage out of range of his Ravenous Spirit, Inner Beast on his Gargantuan and his frogs are a joke. There ya go 3/4 of Nazeebo's abilities avoided. Still has strong damage so if he channels RV, Inner Beast in worgen and he'll die quickly. |
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Rexxar |
Ignore Misha and you can delete him from the game. With no escape and Misha's stun avoidable by disengage, both human and worgen form trounce him. |
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Stitches |
Pathetic damage. Alpha Killer will make quick work of him. Biggest threat is the strong slow from his slam and gorge. Walk around him and take out his team. |
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Artanis |
Can catch you with phase prism even after you disengage. With W up, you can solo him (unless he's hatted by Abathur). |
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Arthas |
The slow and root will make it hard for you too chase any squishies if he is doing his job right. With no sustain, an improved Frostmourne Hungers can tear you apart. |
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Johanna |
Utility with her can cause problems for you. Blind makes your autos useless and both her Q and W leave you extremely vulnerable. Do not focus her at all or you will most definitely lose every team fight and it all be your fault because you have a thing for blonde punk girls in armor. |
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Li Li |
Not too much of an issue if you can remember that he blind ONLY applies to basic attacks. Switch to forms and use an ability while blinded. Her sustain makes her a bit annoying and her damage is relatively high for a support but again don't allow her to use any ability besides her heal by laying into her. |
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Thrall |
Not as strong as I thought. Poke until he is in your face and Inner Beast on him while in worgen form. Go for the Throat will make it easier to kill him since Windfury Weapon may make it too hard to land Mark. |
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Tyrael |
Biggest threat is Judgement. Mediocre damage and you can disengage out of his passive. Alpha Killer will bring this angel down to earth. |
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Zeratul |
Same as nova though not nearly as bursty. Stay within minion waves to avoid singularity spike. He can't tango with you so if he Void Prisons your team, go enjoy yourself a nice hotel stay right inside it as well to avoid unnecessary damage. Mark for the Kill would be best if he tries to blink away. |
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Greymane |
Human or Worgen? Avoid standing behind anyone or anything to avoid Gilnean Cocktail splash damage, poke to stop Inner Beast, avoid being too far in lane if you have no vision as being caught out in human form is a most certain death. Disengaging behind a gate during the activation of either ult can get the enemy Greymane stuck and forced to cry into his bowl of cereal as humans outwit beast once again. |
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Jaina |
Her slow is the biggest issue seeing as how Greymane has the best, in my opinion, sustained damage. Avoid her Cone of Cold mainly due to the root is can be upgraded to otherwise even if she pops Stasis, you can mostly likely Razor Swipe her and auto if she's that low. |
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Sylvanas |
A bit tricky. She doesn't do a lot of forward damage but she can kite you very well with her Q and Wailing arrow. Mark for the Kill helps against those who try and wraith away. |
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Tychus |
High damage and sustain with shield/first aid. With no real escape (dash is not an escape don't even lie to yourselves) Tychus can be taken out pretty quickly with either ult. |
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Tyrande |
One of the strongest supports at the moment. Her Shadow Walk can catch you off guard if you're not looking for it. Stun + Hunter's Mark can easily take off half of your health and leave you open to a dirt nap. Squishy so focus her first. |
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Muradin |
Despite how much CC he has, Relentless Predator kind of ends his existence. With no strong damage, Muradin can SOMETIMES be ignored. Can solo easily with Alpha Killer. |
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Tassadar |
Deceivingly strong against you. Strong plasma field, shield and phase shift. He can actually solo you so be careful. Poke him in human form and clear his waves with worgen. |
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The Butcher |
Even with stealth disengage, his stuns continues. With no escape either, poke in human form and engage him when he's low. If he uses his heal, disengage until its ABOUT to wear off. Otherwise, he'll run away beforehand. |
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Uther |
The CC and Divine Shield baits can catch you will your pants down. Strong heals will make team fighting hard. Poke as often as possible to make him waste mana before engaging. |
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Brightwing |
Ugh. Well what to say about this idiot. Q is pointless against you but what makes her a strong counter is her improved pixie dust. Literally any talents put into PD will make your day worse. The movespeed and block charges make your worgen form null not to mention polymorph will paint a bullseye on you. Avoid but burst asap in teamfights. |
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Lunara |
Slow and passive damage. Can be problematic if she grabs the Leap. If she doesn't the only issue would be catching up to her. If necessary, stay in Human form until you can finish her off. |
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Zagara |
Clear her creep. Worgen form kills the hyrdralisk after about 2-3 autos. Don't just run. She is squishy but her creep causes issues when trying to secure a kill. Go for the Throat would be the preferred ability due to movement issues. |
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Raynor |
Stronger poke than you with a stun at later levels and a strong heal. Has no escape but can burst you do quick if you engage at the wrong time. Trigger his heal by poking in human form with autos and his Q. |
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Sonya |
A lot of movement and enemy disruption. Poke as much as possible in human form to get an advantage otherwise you'll get slammed into a defeat screen. |
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Valla |
Her autos hurt. Her abilities hurt. She hurts. An escape, a talented slow, move speed, attack speed and a stun. She's got all she needs to take you down. She is squishy though so if she positions incorrectly take full advantage and lay waste to her. |
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Kael'thas |
Heroes of the Shield! Any semi-intelligent Kael'thas will grab his mana shield trait to avoid being bursted. You burst. PROBLEM. With KT having his ability burst damage and CC, even building defensive against him with prove to be challenging. Marked for the Kill should be saved for the last few seconds before his shield wears off so you can land it before he scurries away. Ping a billion times if you have to but make your team aware that KT must die first. Chain Bomb can still wreck team fights. |
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Leoric |
This guy HURTS. Leoric hit Greymane with Skeletal Swing. It's Super Effective. Greymane fainted. No joke Leoric's Q will put you in a position to be easily annihilated by the enemy team. Disengage all you want because he'll just Entomb you. Alpha Killer will help if he tries soloing you but avoid if possible. |
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Nova |
With the gathering power change, this female dog doesn't even need to leave stealth because he holograms hit hard enough to do the work for her. She has no escape rather than her pathetic slow. If you see her lurking on you, try and stand in minion waves to avoid being deleted from the game. |
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Cho |
With high health, decent CC and stupid amount of damage, Cho'Gall should only be engaged if, and ONLY if you grabbed Alpha killer. 3% + Cho'Gall = GG no re scrub. No but seriously engage with a support plz. |
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Gall |
With high health, decent CC and stupid amount of damage, Cho'Gall should only be engaged if, and ONLY if you grabbed Alpha killer. 3% + Cho'Gall = GG no re scrub. No but seriously engage with a support plz. |
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Murky |
WTF EVEN IS?! Ok so 1. Strong burst damage with octo grab 2. Invulnerable every 12(?) seconds 3. Fast respawn 4. A strong slow with a low CD. Destroy his pufferfish and grab relentless predator. Screw this hero. Speechless. Just don't focus on killing him just pray you're not the one he grabs. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
A problem. Don't let her set up in lane and if she does use the minion wave to poke her with Gilnean Cocktail. Do not engage unless you can absolutely kill her otherwise you'll lose to much health trying to get to her. |
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