Hi, my name is professor and I play a lot of hots, with my focus mostly on melee and bruisers
I will be updating this guide as the day goes on, but this is what I will be using as my basis
Playstyle basics
Greymane has a unique toolkit that allows him to effectively poke to whittle down his opponents then dive in to finish them off when they don't expect it. His melee burst is absolutely insane, but if you build full melee it is very easy to get focused and bursted down. After several games I have found that going hybrid is both incredible damage and the safest option.
When playing Greymane, most of your time should be spent in human form throwing out cocktails and maintaining uptime on your attack speed increase. I suggest
only going worgen form to finish off opponents at half health or less.
While Relentless predator at level 16 seems like it would be the go to choice, going with concentrated blast makes for insane aoe damage (think on the level of kaelthas chain bomb). Make sure to only fire concentrated blast while you have Inner Beast active!
When entering a fight, your rotation should be as such:
Inner Beast>Gilnean Cocktail>Auto attack (ranged)>Gilnean Cocktail
or darkflight in to finish off low targets.
Focusing on building gilnean cocktail allows for insane spread damage on grouped targets. As most teams tend to stay closer during the late game, this is going to be my go to build. Firing 1 cocktail into 5 heroes with inner beast active post 16 takes away at least 1/4 of all of the squishies HP...insane!
Level 20 is still up in the air, I have yet to do too much testing between the talents, but I think that the wolf cleave for when you go in will be the go to if you take Go for the Throat as your heroic ability. That being said, there may be some insane synergy between taking marked for the kill an the level 20 upgrade then dropping some damage multiplied cocktails on grouped targets.
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