Builds - Auto Attack (A)
Breath of the Wild
Lately the meta has shifted away from double tank to double support and the May 16th patch has given
Tyrande even more tools fulfill an aggressive support role by increasing her damage and giving her lots of diverse talent options. Using this auto attack build,
Tyrande is able to support her team with a barrage of
Light of Elune, a plethora of
Hunter's Mark and a relentless onslaught of
Lunar Flare. In this regard,
Tyrande still carries the title of support without being a full healer.
Level 1:
Ranger's Mark empowers the rest of the build by making
Hunter's Mark available more frequently for yourself and your team.
Tyrande may not put up the biggest numbers in the game, but she can definitely enable the rest of her team to do to the enemy team what the U.S. did to Vietnam.
Level 4:
Kaldorei Resistance grants fifteen (15) spell armor to whomever gains grace in the sight of Elune, stacking up to sixty (60) spell armor with consecutive heals. This tier is a flex tier for
Tyrande, so
Celestial Attunement is a strong choice against stun-heavy comps while
Moonlit Arrows is a decent choice if
Tyrande is a designated solo healer.
Level 7:
Darnassian Archery is the best increase to
Tyrande's single-target, sustain damage, however,
Trueshot Aura provides another substantial increase to your team's overall damage assuming you have at least two other auto-attack heroes; it's like having a small
Hunter's Mark active at all times.
Level 10:
Starfall adds even more utility to
Tyrande's kit because it applies a slow in a large area to enemies caught in it's wake while also doing a moderate amount of damage. This can be combined with
Celestial Wrath at level twenty to greatly increase your personal and team damage.
Shadowstalk applies a personal speed boost that can be useful for escaping or chasing down low-health, priority targets, but is usefulness pales in comparison to
Level 13:
Harsh Moonlight applies a 30% slow and damage reduction to each target hit, allowing you and your team to either escape an oncoming death-ball or chase down the cowards who would flee from a battle. It's also amazing in a team fight severely reduce incoming damage from anyone on the opposing team; you can hit the front line bruiser or aim for that mage on the backline.
Quickening Blessing is also dank as titties for giving a quick speed boost to yourself or an ally.
Level 16:
Overflowing Light will make
Tyrande's heals fatter than a fat kid who loves cake. Being on the backline makes it easy to meet the 60% threshold criteria, so you will being tossing out those obese heals more often than not. This talent is superior to the others in this tier.
Level 20:
Iceblade Arrows improves the effectiveness of other talents and your trait by increasing your attack speed by 25%, making
Ranger's Mark stack faster and
Light of Elune become available more frequently. What's more, it shuts down incoming damage from your target by reducing the damage they deal by 40%. This is significant because it allows
Tyrande to 1v1 many other heroes while also giving her another layer of utility to support the team during a throw-down. Alternatively,
Celestial Wrath can be taken if your team has the AoE damage to follow up.
Post-Game Stats
Builds - Sentinel (W)
Hedwig, Spirit of the Fallen
The new owl build has seen improvements with the recent patch thanks to a lot of the old talents being baked into the base kit. The purpose of this build is to stack
Ranger and land hard-hitting nukes on the opposition. This build has the potential to hit harder than Ray Rice in an elevator so long as you can land those skill shots and keep the stacks snowballing into the late game. Because of it's snowballing effect, this build is stronger in games that will last longer.
Level 1:
Ranger is the core talent behind this build that will ramp up your owl damage at a constant rate throughout the match.
Sentinel is by no means a short cooldown, but that doesn't mean that you should hold onto your owl until the absolute, ideal moment. Toss it out and get some stacks built early so that you can be prepared for the first team fight.
Level 4:
Kaldorei Resistance is a really great way to support your team mates who don't know how to avoid AoE damage and skill shots. You can use it to pre-heal your tank, or your haphazard allies, before going into a fight and reduce the incoming damage from big abilities like
Pyroblast. You could also take
Celestial Attunement against stun-heavy comps, especially
Uther, to offset enemy CC.
Level 7:
Trueshot Aura passively gives 10% increased auto-attack damage to your ungrateful teammates. Activate the cooldown during a team fight, after casting
Hunter's Mark, to really boost your team's numbers. Then watch as your rancor
Valla gets MVP after the game and doesn't give you any credit for their success.
Level 10:
Starfall is a decently sized AoE that slows all enemies within it by 20%; very useful for trapping fleeing opponents and making it easier to land your
Sentinel casts. At level twenty, you can spec into
Celestial Wrath and absolutely wreak havoc on the enemy team with some absurdly fat owls. It's just like fish in a barrel, only instead of fish it's people who you mildly despise for twenty minutes and then forget about forever once the match is over.
Level 13:
Empower takes four seconds off the cooldown timer for each enemy hero you hit with
Sentinel. If you can manage to hit the entire enemy team, then the cooldown is instantly reset. Likely, however, you'll be able to hit two targets per cast, resulting in eight seconds removed from the cooldown. This is significant when your consider that the original cooldown is eighteen seconds.
Level 16:
Overflowing Light turns your small heals into big heals. Because you're a back line support, it's really easy to maintain your own health pool above the 60% threshold and there's no shame in tossing yourself a heal to meet that threshold. The other talents in this tier pale in comparison because of the total lack of auto-attack talents being taken throughout this build.
Level 20:
Celestial Wrath makes your
Sentinel nuke more deadly than ever with the potential to hit every single enemy hero for 25% more damage on top of the other bonuses that your owl already carries (ranger stacks and travel distance bonus). Like before, the other talents offered here really don't appeal because no other investments were previously made into auto attacks.
Builds - Lunar Flare (E)
More Stuns than Uther
The final build that
Tyrande's rework offered her is a stun build that focuses on increasing the value of each stun she casts through infinitely increasing damage, improved range, and reduced mana cast. This build is similar in most ways to the owl build, except your damage source is
Lunar Flare rather than
Sentinel. The trade off is that stuns are harder to land than owls, but has the benefit of a shorter cooldown that can be cast more often.
Level 1:
Lunar Blaze is the core to this build, making each
Lunar Flare stronger than the last. Stunning ten heroes removes the mana cost of the ability, meaning less time spent chasing after globes, running back to the fountain, and hearthing. Stunning twenty heroes will increase the range of
Lunar Flare by 40%, making it easier than ever to land stuns on those cowardly backline mages and fleeing opponents who would have escaped otherwise. Remember, each enemy hero hit counts towards quest completion, so landing double and triple stuns will progress the quest much faster than individual stuns.
Level 4:
Kaldorei Resistance is a really great way to support your team mates who don't know how to avoid AoE damage and skill shots. You can use it to pre-heal your tank, or your haphazard allies, before going into a fight and reduce the incoming damage from big abilities like
Pyroblast. You could also take
Celestial Attunement against stun-heavy comps, especially
Uther, to offset enemy CC.
Level 7:
Trueshot Aura passively grants 10% increased auto-attack damage to your team mates, making each one of your stuns so much more deadly as your team is able to follow up on the stun and capitalize on your
Hunter's Mark; you'll very likely need to see a chiropractor after the match to fix your back after carrying the team on it all day.
Level 10:
Starfall applies a 20% slow to all enemies caught in it's wake while also dealing a small amount of damage. Maximize your damage from
Starfall by following up with a stun and
Hunter's Mark to really wear down your target.
Starfall's six second duration is great for zoning the enemy team out of objectives or slowing them down if your own team is retreating to safety.
Level 13:
Harsh Moonlight is a great way to ruin someone's day by adding more CC to
Tyrande's kit. Imagine a fleeing opponent, or a distant mage, who gets slowed by your owl and then stunned by your arrow. They will have about as much of a chance of escaping to safety as those Chilean miners did; some chance, but very little.
Level 16:
Overflowing Light turns your small heals into big heals. Because you're a back line support, it's really easy to maintain your own health pool above the 60% threshold and there's no shame in tossing yourself a heal to meet that threshold. The other talents in this tier pale in comparison because of the total lack of auto-attack talents being taken throughout this build.
Level 20:
Shooting Star grants increased range to your auto attacks while also firing off free
Lunar Flares at nearby enemy heroes. While this talent may seem somewhat random, it's beneficial because it contributes to the level one quest and any stun that does connect is going to be a lot of free damage and lead to potential kills. It's also a good way to catch enemies by surprise who weren't ready for the extra volleys.
Playing As Tyrande - Tips & Tricks
Strategic Positioning
Optimizing Cooldowns
Light of Elune's cooldown is reduced by two seconds each time you successfully auto-attack an enemy unit. That means that minions, walls, towers, forts, keeps, and camps all count towards lowering the cooldown of your healing ability. When you're desperate to cast a heal to save yourself or an ally, look around to see what you can quickly auto to refresh your ability. Move yourself with the A + Left Click command to automatically auto anything in range.
Wombo Combo
Maximizing Hunter's Mark
Hunter's Mark is an extremely potent ability and is usually cast for the benefit of the team as a whole to secure a kill or burn down a target. However, you can also time it with your
Lunar Flare to get 25% more damage off the hit when you stun. To land the combo, get within
Hunter's Mark range of your intended target, cast
Lunar Flare, then immediately cast
Hunter's Mark. The target will be stunned immediately after becoming vulnerable and take the 25% increased damage.
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