How to Brightwing! by Arrion

How to Brightwing!

By: Arrion
Last Updated: Jul 1, 2015
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Build: Phase Shift

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Threats to Brightwing with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Abathur In my personal experiences, an absolute joke. A hindrance to any team with him on it.
Sgt. Hammer Polymorph to render "tank" mode useless.
  No Threat
Tyrande Have yet to really find a Tyrande that is played well, but can be a potential threat to team if played as DPS.
Malfurion Slightly annoying but nothing to fear.
Arthas Easily shut down if CCd.
Anub'arak High mobility and CC, makes this one a bit hard to handle.
Azmodan Good Siege damage, have yet to find one to be afraid of.
Raynor Not particularly dangerous on his own, try and intercept his push back so you get thrown behind your team if you have health to spare, or shielded yourself.
Uther Moderate challenge. Nothing to fear at present.
Illidan Good DPS, but squishy, and easy target if morphed. Wait for him to ult into Demon form, to really hurt him the most early on.
Nazeebo Can go either way depending how player builds him.
Tassadar Good zone control, and powerful shields. Grants Lifesteal through shields if specced right.
E.T.C. More than anything is an annoying pain in the ass, with his amount of CC.
Muradin Potentially higher threat to you, if stunlock spec.
Kerrigan More annoying than hard, Polymorph priority if no healer present on enemy team.
Sonya High lifesteal build, Priority for Polymorph if no healer present.
Li Li Can be hyper offensive support, or spam healy support. Either way, Polymorph focus.
Diablo Can separate you from your team, letting you get picked off, if you're not cautions around him.
Gazlowe Hard to deal with if good with turret placement, and bombs.
Zeratul Can easily shred your health if you're not watching for him.
Zagara High burst, and summonable minions, make for a dangerous foe.
Tychus High burst, but easy to shut down, if morphed dearing railgun attack.
Valla Good mobility, high burst, good life steal. Avoid if alone.
Rehgar Ridiculous heal support. Can rival, if not outclass Brightwing early on.
Brightwing Can easily lock you out with Polymorph and shields if enemy Brightwing gets the jump on you first.
Jaina Constant slow effects make it hard to get away, even with shield speed boost, or blink heal.
Thrall RIDICULOUS burst, and moderate CC.

Introduction Top

Hello and welcome to my guide for support Brightwing.

Basics Top

The entire idea here is to make high use of your automated AoE heal, and Pixie Dust. Most importantly is keeping an eye on your minimap so you know when to phase shift into other lanes to help turn a fight around.

Early game you really want to watch your map to see where the enemy is trying to push hard, and use phase shift to teleport around and help turn fights around, or in the very least prevent deaths for your team.

Mid game is much the same as early game, but you're going to want to start being a little more patient in the use of your Polymoprh and make sure you're focusing healers, or high priority targets who are very hard to take out in a team fight because of life steal builds like Sonya or Valla.

Late Game is where you really shine, and will probably become the priority target of the enemy team. Do your best to use your team as a shield while using Polymoprh to CC priority targets of the enemy team, allowing your team to take them out quickly, shielding your high damage squishiest so they can engage for longer periods, and poking with your Arcane Flare. If aiming for runners, scroll your map and aim ahead of them so they run into it.

Why? Top

Hyper Shift: This will help maximize the importance of Brightwing's mobility, allowing you to get into the thick of things more often, and capitalize on your ability to travel to your allies in an instant.

Peekaboo!: This is a great one for if you're dealing with a stealth Sgt Hammer, Nova, Zeratul, or T***ador. IF None of these heroes are present on the enemy team, take Manic Pixie instead.

Phase Shield: This one is highly important as it literally changes the outcome of an encounter. Using Phase Shift is a huge part of Brightwing's play-style, and what makes him such a fantastic support over every other hero in the game. Giving a shield for phase shifting and then chasing with blink heal, can turn a lost duel into a win.

Blink Heal: Again we're going for all out support, and being able to not only heal a retreating ally, but get out of a bad spot yourself, and instantly, makes this a bigger, prime choice.

Shield Dust: This should be fairly obvious as a support you want to be able to prevent as much damage as you can on your assassins, or members getting focused hard.

Bouncy Dust: Two shields for the price of one? YES PLEASE! Another good option if you're snowballing your enemy team is Critterize or Hardened Focus.

Final Slot: This is up to choice based on what talents you took earlier. If you took Mistified, and Hardened Focus to squeeze out more Soothing mist Heals you will want to take Revitalizing mist. You MIGHT even take it for the sake of squeezing out another phase shield during the heat of combat, or to evade an ultimate attack that has a long wind up and instant damage. You could also take Wyrmhole to get a free no charge use out of blink heal that allows you to move all over the place rappidly. Storm Shield is another fantastic choice for if you just want to group shield your whole team, and turn the tide of a team fight at the enemy core.

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