the strategy is quite simple actually early game soak as much exp as possible for your team support them in team fights give vision with mines abathur stuff
the early game talents let you save heros who would die or push heros to the next level illidan being the prime example of a hero reaching the next level with buffs from abathur
middle to late game we start to pick up the talents that are going to let us push lanes generate alot of exp for our team or counter push enemy waves the monstrosity is intresting because it lets us split push but also if the opportunite presents it self it allows us to contribute to the team fight with a physical body the one thing abathur was lacking in an at max stacks an with symbiote support the monstrosity is quite tanky an very very lethal
aggresive postioning of locusts an locust nests combined with the monstrosity will tear down any structures including the core left unattended for to long you shouldn't be in to much danger of being killed if you choose the moment correctly you can choosse to stay in lane preferrably hidden in a bush if you feel safe which dramatically increases the threat of your locust push all of this while still supporting your team with the symbiote while not the strongest symbiote i don't feel either side of the build loses out when you think of the benfits of being able to switch between both styles of abathur play seamlessly
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