Threat |
Hero |
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No Threat |
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Chen |
Chen is one of the worst tanks in the game right now. Dont have to worry too much about him because you can just E him up while he charges his shield. |
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Jaina |
Jaina is very easy to fight and pick off. You out range her with your D+Q so just abuse her in teamfights when she stops to cast . |
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Li Li |
Lili is my favorite healer to go against right now. She is so easy to burst and interrupt. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Sgt Hammer is really squishy and locks herself up for ya. Just wait for her to start pushing a lane in siege mode and blow her up. |
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Sonya |
Sonya is the worst hero in HOTS right now. She wont kill you if she engages on you so blow her up asap. |
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Diablo |
Diablo was nerfed this last patch and it really shows. He is pretty easy to blow up with 2-3 people and he will do most of the work for you by coming toward you. |
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Gazlowe |
Gazlowe isnt a threat imo. Big target to hit with not much hp. Just dont stand near turrets and clear them with D+Q or D+W. |
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Malfurion |
Malfurion is really easy to go against due to his short ranges on heals and his cc. Try to burst him as soon as he starts his ult. |
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Nazeebo |
Nazeebo is pretty easy to take care of. He has to stop pretty frequently to throw out his abilities. Throw out your D+Q at him as much as possible when he throws out casts. Also you have a very good interrupt for his Ult with your E. |
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Raynor |
Raynor is pretty easy to duel. His dps output doesn't come close yours, so if he engages just go all in on him. |
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Rehgar |
Even though Rehgar is a very good support right now, he is very easy to deal with as KT. He cant engage on you without getting bursted and his heals aren't very strong against the AOE that KT puts out. |
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The Lost Vikings |
TLV aren't much of a threat. You can easily take out whichever one comes to your lane to deny the insane xp gain. |
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Valla |
Valla is very easy to pick off mid-late game even with her Vault. Try to gank behind her in lane and snag her with your E |
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Arthas |
Arthas is fairly easy to go against. He is pretty squishy early on and cant really deal damage until mid game. Just abuse him in lane and dodge his root. |
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Azmodan |
Azmodan really isn't that much of threat to you. The only reason he is yellow is because he gets too tanky for a specialist and you will have some trouble finishing him off. |
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Tassadar |
Tassadar doesn't do much damage early on so you can fight him with ease. He is very good about denying you kills though with his powerful shields. Just double check that he isn't gonna shield the target you want to blow up before you engage. |
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Thrall |
Thrall isn't really seen much these days. In QM's though he is picked every so often and when he is, its scary as s@#!. He can get up to you with very quickly with his Windfury and then root you with his W. Try to save your E for when he runs up on you. If he lands his root, you are gonna take a lot of damage. |
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Tychus |
Tychus is one of the rare assassins that is actually kind of hard to fight. He can dash out of your Q very easily and can stand from a distance to poke. He also provides a bit of CC with his grenade which can really ruin your day. Id recommend trying to fight Tychus only if you have someone else in lane with you. |
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Tyrande |
Tyrande is very easy to solo kill. However she has one of the best roots in the game imo. The range on her E is enough to where she wont even take damage from you, yet she can allow any of her teammates a free kill. Try to not push out too far in lane if she is roaming and stay near team when moving between objectives. |
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Uther |
Uther is pretty easy to kill if he mispositions himself. Both of his ults are very good against you though and should not be taken for granted. His Divine Shield will deny kills and his Divine Storm can easily mean the end of you. Try to stay away and burst early. |
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Zagara |
Zagara is very squishy and easy to pick off in fights. However her lategame hunters will tick your hp down very quickly late game and she can maw you for an easy pick for her team. |
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Brightwing |
BW is one of the harder supports to fight later on in game. Early on though he is easy to abuse because he lacks hp and damage. |
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Falstad |
Falstad is pretty easy to deal with if you watch your positioning. Try to dodge his Q and double bomb him. He will have to run away with his E or take tons of damage. |
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Sylvanas |
Syl is one of the more tricky specialists to fight against. Early on its a cakewalk to fight her and you can basically just mash your buttons. Post 10 she can silence you for 4 seconds and put out a lot of damage. Watch for when she shoots her Black Arrow in fights. |
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Abathur |
Abathur is not very hard to deal with but he sure is annoying. His shields prevent many kills early on and his spikes make any melee carry able to kill you with ease. |
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Murky |
Murky is very easy to kill, but of course that doesn't really matter because he will come back 3 seconds later. Avoid his |
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Nova |
Nova is pretty darn annoying due to her stealth poke. You can do your best to avoid her Q but realistically your best bet is to take the initial burst from her and then blow her up with an E and D+W and double bomb her. |
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Stitches |
Stitches can be very good against KT. If he lands a hook on you midfight, you will die. Try to watch where he will throw his hooks out. |
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Muradin |
Muradin is such a great tank right now. He provides ton of cc and single target burst. Try to hold your E until he jumps in on you and then D, W, W to double bomb him. |
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Anub'arak |
Anub is one of the most annoying heroes to deal with right now. His shields and constant damage output are just nuts right now. Try to dodge his burrow engage and double bomb him to punish. |
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E.T.C. |
ETC is a very good pick against KT due to his fast movement and cc. If he can get in front of KT even slightly, then KT is bound to die to one of ETC's teammates. |
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Illidan |
Illidan seems to be very hit and miss against KT. If he engages on you it is very easy to clean him up if you are with a teammate. But if he is supported by his team, you wont be getting away typically. |
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Tyrael |
Tyrael is such a jerk sometimes. If he ults you with any other enemies around you are more than likely gonna get killed. Try to stay near your team so they can help peel. |
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Kerrigan |
Kerrigan is really difficult to fight against. She can just about 100-0 you with her full combo. She is also pretty hard to burst due to her shields. |
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Zeratul |
F!@$ Zeratul. I hate this hero so much when playing KT. He is probably the best duelist against KT because he can jump around so much. Try to keep an eye on what lanes he is swapping between. |
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