Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Tracer |
Tracer literally can't do a thing against you and your team if you blind her. Her ult may still cause some trouble however. |
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Samuro |
This some kind of joke? |
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Raynor |
You can blind his auto attacks, but no his abilities. But they don't do much without his team helping. |
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D.Va |
She will be a major nuisance for your team. Blinding her attacks are easy, but her boos ability may case some trouble, just like her ult. |
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Lunara |
Careful with her Q, and don't let her get away with her Ultimate by using your dragon. |
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Lúcio |
Blind him and use your Dragon to slow him down. Easy kill for your team. |
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Illidan |
This guy might be a problem. You can still blind him for a long time, but if you're not around, he may use his ult to deliver damage while he's blinded, just like his abilities. Take care when against him. |
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Zul'jin |
Just stay away, and make sure to blind him whenever he uses his ultimate, or he will destroy your team. |
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Tychus |
His grenade will deal a lot of damage if he knows what he's doing. Try not to get too close, even when you blind him. If he focus you after the blind, you're fucked. |
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Brightwing |
Ignore the fact that it exists and just destroy her. |
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Kharazim |
He will do damage, and he will give out massive heals. Blind him to make sure that he won't cause any more damage than necessary. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Blind her auto attacks, and hit her as much as you can to make her use the Healing or to just run away. |
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Kerrigan |
Her combo will make you cry if she hit's you. Be sure to stay away from her, and blind her form the distance, and you'll be fine. |
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Chen |
You can run away from him pretty easily. Just try not to get too close to his barrel ultimate, or he will push you into his team. |
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Genji |
His damage comes mostly form his Q and E. Blinding him won't do much, but will still do a lot. Stay way from him, and lure him into traps for an easy game. |
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Thrall |
Dodge his roots, stay away from his E, and you'll be fine. If he picks Earthquake as an ultimate, try to stay away from him as much as possible. If you really want to attack him, make sure to have your team backing you up. |
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Falstad |
This guy will be a pain in the ass. Make sure to blind him, and only engage when he has used his W. |
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Greymane |
Careful with him. If he's skilled, he will hunt you down like a pig, and kill you. If not, he'll just focus your team mates whilst you blind him and cure them. |
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Artanis |
Dodge his Prism and you'll be fine. |
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The Butcher |
Blind his auto attacks after he uses his E on you, that he will certainly use. Kite him as much as you can, and maybe use your Ult on him. |
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Gul'dan |
Dodge his E, and try to stay away from his Q, and you'll be fine. |
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Jaina |
She'll destroy you if you give her the chance. Stay the maximum distance away as possible. |
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Kael'thas |
Same as Jaina. |
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Nova |
Same as Jaina. |
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E.T.C. |
His stunning and CCing will make your life miserably bad. Stay away form him, and help your team to put him down. |
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Johanna |
You won't do damage against Johanna, but try working around her and focusing the other enemies. This applies to all other tanks. |
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Muradin |
Same as Johanna. |
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Diablo |
Don't let him CC you, or you are dead. |
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Valeera |
If you see her coming, run. |
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Leoric |
Harass him at early game to make sure that he will be tilted enough to make a Q build. Other than that, you'll need to dodge his W as much as you can. |
10 |
Cho |
You are fucked. Don't even bother. If your team doesn't have a good enough assassin, just run for your life. |
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