1. +50% dmg for Blinde is always nice, u could also go globe for faster mana regeneration but i never use it.
2. Increase numbers of blinding wind from 2 to 4 (good with Gale force) or u can go with healing ward.
3. Pich perfect always (less mana cost)
4. ofc Jug of 1000 cups (because healing guide)
5. Surging Winds, so this one is important. 5%AP for 8 sec for every enemy hit. With Mass vortex we hit 4 and gain + 20% healing power. So use it befor u heal. (watch ur mana!)
6. Two for one: double heal, but only plus x1.5 refresh time (At this point u want to get fast lvl 20)
7. Kung fu hustle, at this point u want to get dmg done to u so u charge faster ur abilitys. Best way over time low dmg, like aura ice from arthas.
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