'Raiders Roll!' Raynor Guide [Updated Dehaka Patch] by NesTea

'Raiders Roll!' Raynor Guide [Updated Dehaka Patch]

By: NesTea
Last Updated: Apr 3, 2016
200 Votes
Build 1 of 2


Build: Auto-Attack Assassin Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Raynor with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Valla Valla can be considered an extremely easy matchup as your heal compensates for her huge burst damage as she cannot sneak up to you like Zeratul or Nova. Use your superior range to your advantage by kiting her and now allow her to get into her firing distance without taking a lot of damage.
Abathur Not much of a threat to Raynor as Raynor outranges him, however be careful when he is laning with another melee heroes (such as Illidan) as his abilities can dish out a lot of damage on top of the melee hero's damage if they close in on you.
Brightwing Extremely easy matchup, be careful of his polymorph ability, other than that he cannot do enough damage to kill you through Adrenaline rush.
Malfurion Extremely easy to deal with. Has no damage output, be careful of him rooting you and leading you into traps.
Li Li Same as Malfurion extremely easy to deal with, however be careful of her winds ability as this can severe hamper Raynor's damage. Let other heroes soak the twisting winds ability so you can deal damage from behind.
Murky You outrange him and can kill him in one or two bursts. Extremely Easy.
Tychus Tychus is an extremely easy matchup as PR takes care of all his threats and Raynor out ranges Tychus making him easy to kite. Try to kite him always as he can do a lot of damage up close.
Rehgar Can be somewhat hard to deal with due to his ultimate healing him up completely and also his minor heals (plus slow totem). Try to kite him and take him out quickly.
Uther Can be annoying to deal with because he has a lot of heals. However he does not really have the damage to take down Raynor. Try to kite him as much as possible and also be careful of his stuns in team fights and 1v1 as it prevents Raynor's heal from activating. Also stay out of the range of divine storm at all costs.
Gazlowe Easy to 1v1, be careful of his Turrets and laser when at low HP, however with Adrenaline Rush his laser is less of a problem but his Turrets can still dish out a lot of damage.
Anub'arak I find Anub'arak somewhat tricky to kill however he is not much a big threat because he doesn't really have the damage to kill you. Be sure to watch out for him in team fights as his stun prevents you from casting Adrenaline rush.
Arthas I would advise you to stay away and try to kite him if possible. If he gets you with Howling blast he can quickly do a lot of damage. You should also try to stay away from him in team fights as he will freeze you making it easy for the rest of the team to kill you. However due to the nerf on Frozen Wastes, his Howling Blast doesn't reach too far now and he is not that much of a threat.
Diablo Somewhat easy matchup in 1v1 because he can't really dish out a lot of damage whereas you can, however in team fights try to kite Diablo as he can slam you back into his teammates.
Tassadar Tassadar can be dangerous in team fights as he can dish out a hell lot of damage from his abilities however in 1v1 focus and kite him as he can be taken down extremely fast if focused. Do not pursue him when you're at low health as his abilities can do a significant amount of damage.
Tyrande Be careful of Tyrande's stuns and Hunter's mark. Other than that she's not much of a threat and can be easily taken down as she is not especially tanky.
Jaina I consider Jaina a low threat due to the fact that she requires teammates to be effective (so be careful in team fights) as she cannot take out Raynor by herself due to his self heal. On top of that Jaina is also extremely squishy so kite her as you outrange her.
Sylvanas Somewhat easy matchup as you have more heals then her and outrange her. You can also knock her away with PR if she gets too close.
Chen Chen is extremely annoying to deal with. However he also cannot deal with you because he simply does not have the damage to kill Raynor before heal kicks in. Be careful of his barrel ability in team fights as he can knock you back into his more high DPS allies.
E.T.C. I don't find E.T.C to be extremely challenging as he doesn't have the damage to take you out but is extremely tanky and has great CC, in team fights his Ultimate Mosh pit can be deadly so stay as far away as you can and try to kite him.
Muradin Can be extremely hard to deal with due to his high health and multiple stuns available, do not take him in 1v1 and try to kite him in team fights. Muradin, however, cannot kill you outright by himself as he cannot do any damage.
Falstad I would say this is an extremely even matchup as; you outrange Falstad and can easily take him out by kiting him because he is not especially tanky, however if he gets the advantage he can also take you out pretty quickly because of high DPS. Try not to let him close in on you to utilize his auto-attacks.
Azmodan Azomdan is extremely annoying with his huge range however if you can get in range you can easily burst him down, as you have decent range too and can usually avoid his laser. Try to bait out his laser then retreat then kite him.
Sgt. Hammer Sgt. Hammer is hard to deal with due to her immense range, however you also have good range and good damage, try to find a teammate that can tank the shots for you. Do not try to take her out by yourself as she has more DPS and is more tanky.
Zagara Zagara can be considered a somewhat moderate matchup. when you're facing her try to avoid her minions as they can dish out a lot of damage. Target Zagara herself, and retreat when she spawns minions.
Nazeebo Be careful with Nazeebo, don't get trapped in his Zombie Wall. If you do calmly take down one zombie and run, because zombie wall does a lot of damage before your heal kicks in and can kill you.
Sonya Try to stay as far away from Sonya as possible. She has extreme burst damage and the best thing you can do is kite her. If she gets close try to quickly get out of her range as she can kill you extremely fast.
Tyrael Tyreal is a somewhat hard matchup, however if you can kite him he's easy to take down. Be careful of his ultimate as it prevents Raynor's heal from being used.
Stitches Stiches is an extremely hard hero to fight and is pretty dangerous to Raynor. He can pull you to the front line allowing his teammates to finish you off. Try to avoid his hooks at all cost. If you get caught in his gorge you are basically dead as Raynor does not have good escapes.
Kerrigan Try to stay away from Kerrigan and kite her as she has extremely good close quarters attacks. Kite her whenever possible and try not to take her alone. If she manages to pull you and stun you, you are dead as Raynor has no escapes.
The Lost Vikings Pretty dangerous to Raynor as they can constantly catch up with him and gank him. Try to take them on with your teammates instead of alone.
  No Threat
Zeratul I consider Zeratul a huge threat due to the immense burst damage he can dish out and his cloak, you should never try to engage Zeratul in the early game by yourself as he can take you out easily, try to engage with a teammate who can tank for you. You can use PR to reveal his cloak.
Nova I consider Nova a huge threat because again. Nova, like Zeratul, has high burst damage. Nova is mostly ranged and doesn't really have a good Blink ability. However it is wise to avoid her, unless you have a teammate who can tank for you.
Illidan Illidan can bring to bear a lot of DPS and is extremely effective in countering any kind of auto-attacks. Try to get a teammate to buffer for you and do not engage in a 1v1 as you will lose.
Thrall Very High threat, has extremely high DPS, massive heals and is pretty tanky. Only engage when your team is with you.


Build: PR Assassin Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Intro Top

Raynor is an extremely versatile and good all around hero. He is good in 1v1's, Team fights and even as a laning champion. Raynor does have some weaknesses. He does not have a good escape ability such as Vault or Blink and is considered somewhat squishy to other heroes, however he has a couple abilities to help him escape and survive such as the Give Me More! + Penetrating Round combo. Depending on your build Raynor can either dish out a whole lot of hero damage or take down forts like they were nothing, this makes Raynor and extremely good hero and one of my favourites.

Abilities Top

Raynor's abilities are generally easy to use and I would expect such, since he is classified as an easy hero. Raynor becomes an excellent hero for beginners to use because instead of having 3 abilities you cast he has one passive ability that automatically activates by itself. This means the new player has less abilities to memorize, which in turn means he/she can spend more time analyzing what is going on around them (such as Map objectives, Merc camps, etc.). As you will see with Raynor he is a pretty all around hero and can do both laning and ganking pretty efficiently.

(Q) Penetrating Round is an extremely good ability for Raynor, although I would have preferred a Blink or Vault like ability, this ability prevents enemies from getting the finishing blow and keeping enemies away while Raynor can poke away from range. This becomes your main damage dealer later in the game and is extremely useful for the finishing blow.

(W) Inspire is an extremely good ability in team fights. When I say Raynor is an all around hero I mean it. He can take on enemies 1v1 as well as help out his teammates in a team fight with his (W). If you pick Revolution Overdrive, Inspire also becomes a great escape tool in case you need to escape quickly.

(E) Adrenaline Rush is an extremely good ability for beginners as well as for the hero itself. Since this ability is a passive it will automatically activate without the need of a button. It also gives Raynor extra life, which is good in case he gets ganked, since Raynor has no escape ability. In many cases Penetrating Round + Adrenaline Rush will keep you alive in cases whether you would have otherwise have died.

(R) Hyperion or Raynor's Raiders both these abilities have their own uses. One is generally used for laning since it does random AOE damage in a straight line while the other is generally used for an assassin build as it can chase down and target one enemy doing immense damage.

Trait Top

Advanced Optics is an extremely good trait as it increases the range of all your basic attacks. This makes it easier to kite enemies and provide support in team fights without getting killed. The increased range also helps with an auto-attack oriented assassin build as it can deal damage from range without fear of retaliation. The increased vision radius also helps Raynor in terms of survivability because he can notice enemy threats earlier. The trait also helps Raynor when laning as he has an easier escape if he gets ganked.


Seasoned Marksman is the new best choice in this build because Raynor doesn't do as much damage as he used to before his damage nerf, therefore Raynor now needs an increased damage output in order to effectively burst down enemy heroes and fulfill the assassin role (Which Seasoned Marksman provides). Although Raynor is now more vulnerable to high burst heroes, he can still dodge high burst heroes with Revolution Overdrive and still have some survivability/heals from Adrenaline Rush. Raynor can also take down the squishy burst heavy heroes quicker from a range (eg. Jaina, Kael'thas, and Li-Ming). Raiders Recruitment and Scouting Drone are not worth it as it does not help Raynor increase his survivability/damage at all. Give Me More! is the second best choice as it still holds some value and gives Raynor more survivability.


For the second ability I like Focused Attack as it gives you sudden burst damage and may be the difference between securing a kill and not. This ability is also useful as Raynor now has plenty of buffs to his fire rate. However the other 3 abilities are also decent and can be used as well. I generally like to deal more damage than additional heal because I already have Adrenaline Rush as an ability.


Revolution Overdrive is the best choice in this scenario, as Raynor has pitiful escapes. Revolution Overdrive helps with that by increasing movement speed allowing Raynor to escape more easily. An added benefit of Revolution Overdrive is that he gains even more movement speed when allies are around helping him in team fights and during the laning phase (if he is not soloing a lane) as it allows Raynor to stay behind the tanks and provide a barrage of firepower more easily by escaping enemies chasing him. This being said Revolution Overdrive also works if Raynor is alone, but the speed increase is not as large. All in all this ability helps Raynor exploit his ranged attacks as well as giving him an escape he desperately needs.


Hyperion is the better ultimate for Raynor in this current meta as this ulti can chase down fleeing enemy heroes without fear of getting destroyed and has a great zoning potential like the Phoenix ultimate for Kael'thas. Raynor's Raiders can also chase down fleeing enemy heroes however it does not provide area of effect damage and can be destroyed easily. The Raynor's Raiders ultimate also has another flaw as it cannot provide zoning for objectives and lane pushes which are important in this game.


Giant Killer is a great ability for a assassin build as it provides a damage increase for 1.5% of the enemies health. This is a lot and can be the difference between a kill and your enemy getting away. The other abilities are Ok however Giant Killer is the best in this case. I also would not recommend swapping this ability for another in the auto-attack build.


Due to the change in the meta game Berserk is not as useful as it once was, my new talent of choice for this tier would be Bullseye. Although Bullseye no longer increases all damage dealt on a hero, it is an extremely important tool for helping Raynor stay alive and get kills. Before the new heroes ( Kael'thas, Kharazim, The Butcher and Johanna) were released Raynor did not have as many threats that could close the distance quickly or pull Raynor towards them quickly, but now due to the addition of these new heroes Berserk + Revolution Overdrive no longer helps as much as it once did. Bullseye is kind of like a two way talent. It can be used on the offensive as well as on the defensive. Bulleye can help keep enemies that close the distance quickly away by stunning them (allowing you to get away) or it can be used when you and your team are chasing down an enemy to secure the kill. Therefore Bullseye is too important of a tool not to have. My second choice would be Berserk if you still favor an increased fire rate.


Nexus Frenzy is the best ability because it gives Raynor another attack rate buff (permanently and passively) which increases his DPS even more. Nexus Frenzy also increases attack range and goes well with Advanced Optics. I normally would take Bolt of the Storm as Raynor has no escapes but since we took Bullseye and Revolution Overdrive, Raynor has plently of chances to escape. Not to mention that his increased range and vision from Advanced Optics and heal from Adrenaline Rush also helps a lot in terms of escaping.

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