I have a question for you MajorProbes. I am curious the choice of Spirit Bond Vs Frenzy for the specialist build. My main concern is that some of the Frenzy could be wasted. Which could reduce its efficacy. I am not being critical of your guide at all. As a matter of fact, I greatly appreciate your insight, time, and expertise. Thanks!
I have a question for you MajorProbes. I am curious the choice of Spirit Bond Vs Frenzy for the specialist build. My main concern is that some of the Frenzy could be wasted. Which could reduce its efficacy. I am not being critical of your guide at all. As a matter of fact, I greatly appreciate your insight, time, and expertise. Thanks!
It's a matter of individual play-style with the talent choices and i certainly wouldn't suggest Spirit Bond was the superior choice for everyone.
I usually go a specialist build on maps like Blackheart's bay and find the 50% increase in duration of spirit bond help take down those late game solo stealth boss steals!
Over the last week, i've split this guide into three builds with alot more information on why and how to play them. Hopefully that will make my synergy based choices (on non synergy - in a lot of cases)
I feel that Taking Flight outperforms Crippling Talons. It has a stronger synergy with Bird of Prey, and the ability to hit more targets with the base slow seems more valuable than the additional 10% for 1 more sec. Not to mention the mana refund.
I think you're kinda underestimating Flare, Taking Flight and Aspect of the Hawk. While I didn't play that much with Rexxar (bought him and did 2 games with him and will do more), Flare's great at revealing stealthed, making you kinda their mortal enemy.
Taking Flight's also really good, due to the fact your Swoop does not cost any mana. (seriously, and that's really useful with Aspect of the beast, as you have now only 3 abilities costing mana)
And you also get more range, which means more chasing. Awesome!
As for Aspect of the Hawk, this seems great with Frenzy.
Though imo Feign Death is the better one if you're going for Spirit Bond, and/or a Misha build (aka Block/RM + Heal on Misha/Easy Prey + Aspect of the beast + Any lv13 talent minus mvt speed increase).
UtB seems kinda underwhelming in the first game I tried it.
Meanwhile, with TF and Aspect of the beast, I just kited a team for a while (like 10 seconds at least, which is kinda high when chased by a lot of dudes wanting to get you) before they finally got me in a 1v4. :D
EDIT : And Easy Prey increases the damage of Misha, Charge btw. With Bear Necessities you can clear wave in 2 Misha, charge! ^^
One of first decent guides on rexxar... Not like the one who gets 22 votes with " what do you think??? 3 builds!!!"
Can't wait for your inside hiw to play him...
Not every choice iget... But hei thumbs up
I see that Bear Necessities doesn't get much love at 13. Like Barkskin, it synergizes well with Aspect of the Beast. In my experience, it has been a super-effective wave/merc clear, and it is also a really valuable gab closer that can get misha to the back line when she isn't in an ideal position in team fights.
While I don't agree with all of the choices here, it is nice to see a well formatted and more detailed guide. You get an up vote from me!
For example - Bird of Prey is a must have on minion heavy maps, it nearly insta clears lanes and objectives.
Thanks Hobo, I agree on the Bird of Prey and will look to update the guide asap. As the 2 second cooldown hasn't made alot of difference when not picking it. Especially on minion heavy maps as you said!
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It's a matter of individual play-style with the talent choices and i certainly wouldn't suggest Spirit Bond was the superior choice for everyone.
I usually go a specialist build on maps like Blackheart's bay and find the 50% increase in duration of spirit bond help take down those late game solo stealth boss steals!
Over the last week, i've split this guide into three builds with alot more information on why and how to play them. Hopefully that will make my synergy based choices (on non synergy - in a lot of cases)
As always any feedback is appreciated.
Updated with a few tips on playing as
Taking Flight's also really good, due to the fact your Swoop does not cost any mana. (seriously, and that's really useful with Aspect of the beast, as you have now only 3 abilities costing mana)
And you also get more range, which means more chasing. Awesome!
As for Aspect of the Hawk, this seems great with Frenzy.
Though imo Feign Death is the better one if you're going for Spirit Bond, and/or a Misha build (aka Block/RM + Heal on Misha/Easy Prey + Aspect of the beast + Any lv13 talent minus mvt speed increase).
UtB seems kinda underwhelming in the first game I tried it.
Meanwhile, with TF and Aspect of the beast, I just kited a team for a while (like 10 seconds at least, which is kinda high when chased by a lot of dudes wanting to get you) before they finally got me in a 1v4. :D
EDIT : And Easy Prey increases the damage of Misha, Charge btw. With Bear Necessities you can clear wave in 2 Misha, charge! ^^
Can't wait for your inside hiw to play him...
Not every choice iget... But hei thumbs up
While I don't agree with all of the choices here, it is nice to see a well formatted and more detailed guide. You get an up vote from me!
For example -
Thanks Hobo, I agree on the
Thanks again Hobo
For example -