(Cho) ' (Gall) QuickMatch Off tank build by TrickyZerg7

(Cho) ' (Gall) QuickMatch Off tank build

By: TrickyZerg7
Last Updated: Feb 3, 2016
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Build: Fist Build Off tank

Level 1
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Level 20

Threats to Cho with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
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  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Abathur if hes good he will place nests between the creep lines making it really tough for you to move from lane to lane
Rehgar If hes smart he can kite you really well
Thrall Good mobility, good sustain, if he has skill he can kite you
The Butcher Butcher for obvious reasons
Leoric Heros that do % based dps or that can pick up % based dps ie leoric
Stitches Stitches because he doesnt care how big you are hell eat you anyways
Diablo Double mini stun and large body can own you, you might want to pick up hammer vs the D
E.T.C. If he makes u dance you both dance, and if your team lacks a stun it can be punishment time with upheaval, you might want to pick up hammer vs etc
Anub'arak double stun can punish ur lack of positioning, you have to dodge them or they will chain you
Artanis if he talents right he can do major dps to you with % dps
Kharazim if he talents the ult into 7 strike and he catches you by yourself major dps coming to your face
Brightwing bw can polymorph you stopping your gall from casting
Illidan if you have a noob gall the illidan will kite your dps and evade your auto attacks, with a good healer he can be tough
Raynor if he talents right vs you and knows how to orb walk and dodge galls dps he can kite you like a boss
Murky if he specs octo grab be prepared to get chained
Zagara her ult can be tough to dodge in the heat of battles
Chen if he knows what hes doing he can barrel roll your fat butt way out of position
Sonya stun, high sustain, 0 unit collision when spinning, you might want to pick up hammer vs her

Intro Top


Today I bring you my guide to (Cho)'Gall guide, base around my experiences with the game and being a long time Moba player, ie how do i get lumber? If you get that joke then you know how long I've been Moba ing it. With this guide I made I will talk about why going flame build is not ideal from my experiences. I have been playing Hots since the first keys were out in alpha, I even got steam rolled by total biscuit in alpha with his goons when he was Sgt Hammer while she was still completely broken, we lost like 30-1, and that one kill was me ninjaing biscuit on blackheart bay with OP uther assassin build. Anyways why am I going pure fist build, well i have play loads of games with cho and gall and why I played gall so much was to see what other good chos were doing out there. So technically this isn't my build it is a build I saw from jumping into games with other chos and seeing different play styles. Most of my games were played in either a 2 man or 3 man group. When I qued with my noob friends as 5 I have only won 4 of my 20 something games with cho and 3 of them have been with this build. Here is the key to playing cho.... protect gall!!!! its super simple and playing this style means you play in the middle or edge of fights only committing to a fight when you know victory is secured. This build is best coupled with a more dedicated tank since you dont want to be front line and if you do find yourself front line you can quickly escape.
How do you counter chogall well play as him enough and you see what the communities consensus is on owning him. Some of those strategies include ccing him and chain killing, ccing him and owning your team, gaint killer, and most importantly playing as a spread out team. Yes chogall has huge impact on where ever he is, but where he is not the other team can exploit ie he has really weak map presence. When a team will go for the kill on you body blocking you works wonders to since your the fattest toon in the bunch. Another thing better players will do vs you is wait with their stun for you to charge fist. The second you start charging the fist for what it seems like eternity you will get cc chained and your done unless you have a pocket healer. Remember this is a QM guide so obviously you can build a team comp around him which you have to do if hes on your team. Going this build coupled with a good gall can be unstoppable since they will NEVER KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! if your never dead you can stop a 4 man push and just generally own everyone from far... ie you have to have a good gall, but a bad cho can just completely ruin the game for everyone since they think they are this uber tank and rush in not knowing their stupidity will lead to their death.

+/- Top

+ highest hp in game
+ arguably best dps in the game attached to you
+ decent mobility
+ strong off tank
+ his strength
+ all other heros fear you 1v1 (mostly)
+ lane control early
+ pushing and counter push
+ Gall can cast from dragon and terror
+ I think one of the highest skill cap heros in the game
+ good body blocker

- map presence
- low dps leading to over extension from noobs
- makes you over confident
- death is huge punishment for team
- if you die its 3v5
- since you have low presence death seems to be exponentially terrible for you and your team
- certain heros can solo you if they pick the right talents to counter you and are high skilled
- can get kited
- can easily be body blocked
- % dps vs you will own you

LvL 1 Top

Since you will be playing middle or far ranged in most battles only committing once that battle is secure the increase range and speed is nice. This talent can save you from illidan or other pesty heros that slow and troll you, once you play this build a couple times you'll see how that extra range and speed will save your life / help own low heros trying to kite you!

LvL 4 Top

Again your playing off tank protecting gall, since your not auto attacking and heros wont commit to you since your not in the front row the other 2 talents at this level are wasted. I like the roll back for added dps for pushing and lane control, also if your gall is smart and your smart which you are now that i have enlightened you, if you roll the bomb even in the wrong direction fist into proper position the bomb will roll back and gall can crush the team with the explosion, also its nice to have if for some reason the gall misses the bomb and can still pop it while its on the way back

LvL 7 Top

This talent makes the build, decrease delay on fist is huge vs better players since they are holding on to that cc for when you channel the fist. Also since its wider you can really mess up other teams formation in battle or push people out of objective locations, if your really good you can use this talent to help knock your food into the line of galls spells ie the bomb the bounce or the ult.

LvL 10 Top

The ult is situational and it depends on your team comp and your enemy's team comp. I personally like the pull in since your really not fighting them up close unless they engage on you. Also a pro fist into ult when the food is trying to run can win you the game, knocking down the gate into an ult can own them, laying in the weeds and blind siding them into a team wombo combo can win the game, the value of the ult is huge, no you wont do dps but by now with the guide you should understand you don't have to worry about your dps, but ill do more dps to creeps... if you played chogall you dont need to auto attack the creep line by this point to kill all of the minions if your good, the only dps you should focus on is your gall, put your gall in a position to own by keeping him alive and you will be much more successful with this hero than before. I like picking up the hammer when a team has alot of dive to push them back and distance myself from the food. So i guess it comes down to is the enemy running from you or do them bring the fight to you.

LvL 13 Top

Easy choice on this one for obvious reasons, your use of this talent will make our break you and will define you and your potential as chogall. Pick up that gaming mouse and rest your thumb on that hot key all day.
From my experience chos like to think for themselves funny how that works because they will use this talent offensively and alot of times it can be used offensively amazingly ie fist into ult take a load of dps while they are around you block up watch your team own with your enemys abilities on cd. Since I am suggesting that you play mid or edge of the battle formation this talent works into your favor beautifully. So your facing a chogall that will not over commit, gall is pumping out dps like its his job and your wondering what to do, dive him they say chain cc him while hes in the middle of their formation, bad idea for them. Yes thats a generality but they have to come to you since you play so removed forcing them to make a bad engagement leading into you blocking and gall's ult owning
Last note about this talent, if you haven't played gall, do that now, and realize you can't cast when in block, that means your ult to will stop channeling and resume after block has diminished.
Ultimately your player experience with other block characters should help you, knowing when to block can be key

LvL 16 Top

This talent i am also divided, honestly i would prefer the crippling blow fist since if you are of one mind with your gall an ult into crippling fist into twisting nether can do so much dps youll just laugh as the other team melts to your will, but in QM things can be a mixed bag sometimes you dont have a healer or tank and you have to assume the role of tank, or maybe they have huge burst or cc and getting resistance can be huge.
so think about this if you pick up flaming and twisting flame yes you get some really nice mitigation from attacks and ability but thats only if you are well positioned to get the flame on multiple targets, getting into a position to apply flame to all targets most likely means you are completely circled by your enemy... not good. Resistant fist is 25% across the board for 4 seconds i like this talent alot and starting out i would suggest you pick this up.

LvL 20 Top

Favor of the old gods is a clear choice, I have played around with the will of gall which situationaly can be amazing but even in those few situations where it can be applied favor of the old gods is still really good. Resistant fist plus this = 75% mitigation for 4 seconds with that last second 50% if you cast them at the same time, now thats some tankage, and this talent will greatly reduce those pesky % dps on cho'gall. When you pull a few of the enemy heros back out of position the other team will panic and quick burst anything in their path most likely you and reducing all that dps by 50% can win you the game. Combined with block i found unless your 1v5 you can sustain for a good 7-10 seconds and all that extra time is great for gall.

Closing Remarks Top

Position Position Position, thats all that matters, i know you want to fist into a huge flame and try to own them but even if you get a good flame your most likely in the middle of a concave, and if youve ever played starcraft warcraft or any other RTS you will know the importance of this, yes you get those blocks and reduction of ability dps but it could be at a terrible cost
Also with positioning the better players will kite and cc you and split to mitigate your dps, play more games and you will learn to counter this
I forgot this and wanted to add it, positioning for all your spells, the placement of bomb is so key, lead your target or use it to poke or check the grass. I like to run up infront of my creep line before it gets there and watch my mini map and see since its mirrored where the enemy creeps are roll the bomb into fog and gall will throw the bounce out, walk up a bit explode bomb on creeps gall shadowflame creep line and that means no auto attacking the creeps rinse and repeat.(dont do this if the lane isnt secure but doing this while enemy creeps are in a line will increase gall's dps. Bomb placement is so huge for overal gall dps

"A dead dps is 0 dps"
my roommate back in college introduced me to wow and battle grounds and arena dominated those few years, he would tell me this all the time since i just wanted to rush in there as a warrior and spin to win with him pocket healing me. If youve played wow a pocket healed warrior or dk can seem like a nightmare since people rarely ff down targets.
what you should take from that quote is this, cho has 2 people to protect, the healer and the gall, with the fist build you can push enemy's away from your healer and keep your healer up, if you do rush in it means that you are moving into their formation while the rest of your team is coming in late which vs noobs means your team can crush them but vs better players they will split and mitagate and turn around the fight since your teammates may be balled up to come and support you.
Keep gall and the healer up and you will again be closer to domination.
Dont over commit! only commit to using fist at the right time, play loads of games with him and you will get a better understanding when you should use it offensively or defensively
Try and go for 0 death games with cho; keeping this mind set will help you with the idea that you have to protect gall at all costs
being a bad cho is much worse than being a bad gall since position is everything in RTS games, even the worst galls can just randomly spam abilities and will still be one of the top dps.

Map presence; I left this to the end because this can be a problem, I played a game where the other team saw that we were starting to snow ball with the cho'gall and they all just started split pushing till their death, we crushed them in kills 3:1 but we lost the game, Cho'gall on some maps can utterly just suck, to reduce his lack of map presence i suggest getting or telling someone to lane and push. I like falstad since he can be nearly everywhere and both of his ults can work wonders with your ult. Abathur can be great too to make up for map presence or even a good murky or specialist will work. I like a team comp with cho'gall to be this, tank healer offtank cho ' gall assassin specialist. My favorite comp with my friends is uther cho'gall abathur falstad. with fal going death laser and abathur going hive mind / push build. hive mind on chogall with uther can make up for the lack of range and if abathur picks up clone you could have 2 cho'galls running around body blocking people. Find an abathur to run clone and hive mind build and the first time you get cloned and own their whole team the next time they see that cho'gall being cloned they will run for the hills. A more relable team fight comp i like is cho'gall sonya aba uther for sonya aba synergy combined with hive mind.

Last last thing i promise; if you have made it this far I would like to leave you with some food for thought, To me the most important thing to victory on the field of battle is information, picked that up from the book art of war. Through information we can deceive our enemy, use the fact that you picked up upheaval to your advantage if the other team will not group hard and stay split you can find some picks / gall can push, forcing their hand, sometimes holding on to it can be the ultimate mind game to other players since they don't want to get chained by your team. Sometimes i like just getting in the front line with my fist channeled walk around make it look like im running in (tell gall to hit z) and then when the stun is being casted fist backwards. These mind games and little tricks make a difference and you will pick up on the difference as you play more cho'gall. Mix it up don't be predictable. "the greatest teacher is your enemy, for your enemy will not hesitate to destroy you" play more games with cho play games with gall play games with cho'gall on your team hope to play against him all this information will help you understand why this build to me is superior to the flame build.
GL HF hope to see you in the nexus!!!!

Closing closing remarks (advance information) Top

IF you have gotten this far then you must be serious about your cho and love chogall as much as me. Since writing this guide i have gone 32-3, and currently on an 18 game win streak. I have more information to share that I hope will help you in your quest to rule the nexus.

First off to me the game is now boring if I dont chogall, his skill cap and potential are so high that all other heros are just boring to me now. To me now chogall is the best hero in the game with the most impact. I updated the hero threat list and there are alot of threats to your chogall, but your positioning will trump all of these things. I will re word that, positioning will trump all of your wanna be flame build mitigation... if your in the best position you wont receive as much damage so when I play gall and i suggest they do my build and they are like what that makes no sense maybe you will understand even more about your positioning. If your reading this because I told you to search for my guide then your positioning was extremely poor and being dead 9-10 times is unacceptable to a master cho, I would only allow for 2 deaths a game, anything more is a disgrace to chogall.

Positioning positioning positioning...
I have played more games as gall to better understand my cho, i see chos constantly forget they have the best dps attached to them, when you do the camps make sure as many of the merchs are in a line for gall, when your approaching the creep line and the way you roll your bomb. Y are you standing in the middle of the creeps cho that means me as gall can only hit half of them! that goes the same with the overall theme of this guide, rushing in means your gall can't hit as many targets and allows other teams to split up and force you to focus one and if that one has an escape your screwed.

Stop over committing!! try to focus using fist on defense!! to escape, watch your mini map they will come to gank you and if you picked up the talents i suggest you wont die because you can fist away so quickly into a gall sprint. Again try to only use your fist to secure kills when the battle is in your favor, use your fist to seperate melee heros from your healer or to save teammates.

Body blocking is so amazing on chogall, if you go for a kill focus only on body blocking dont autoattack!! your gall will own them and if your good at body blocking they can never run around you!!!
Stop thinking your a solo hero! every death is x2! force them to commit on you and you will see the difference because they will all ball up running at you. if you run in they split...

Hammer vs Upheaval
the only heros i would even think about getting upheaval vs is Diablo, Etc, and Sonya. Sonya has no unit collision when spinning and if you swing your hammer she will stop spinning, Diablo can set you up for a huge combo and if your timming is amazing you can smack him while hes charging stopping this. Etc if he catches you in a dance you and gall can not act! I found out that if galls ult is already going gall can explode Etc during dance. If your facing an etc upheaval can mean your doom if you have no stuns, if you have other teamates that have stuns i would still pick up upheaval since its value is x1000 hammer.

So you dont agree with my fist build, you go the flame build and you pick up hammer, and at 20 you get range attack.... making your flame build even more useless since you are now range.

When using upheaval all units will move back at a set distance, so all the heros caught in it will not be grouped into a ball, remember this, remember the second you get a hero or two into the upheaval to run back so they land right in front of your gall shadow volley. After testing shadow volley is x1000 better than twisting nether. Its the highest dps move in the game, dont forget that you have to help your gall aim it!!! thats why it does so much dps! playing gall i start casting ult and having my cho not help me aim it was so frustrating! Again you don't need to do dps! position your gall to do the dps!
If your gall isn't top dps then your not playing cho well enough or your gall is weak, figure out which one it is, maybe that quote from pwntbrah will sink in a little about a dead dps is 0 dps.

Last thing about upheaval, this is super advance, if you ever get caught completely out and you want to run, upheaval towards your base and run through it, it will throw all the heros back!!

If you again are getting caught, charge fist, molten block, break block and proceed to fist away! didn't know that mechanic till i played him a lot and now is saving me loads.
*this doesnt work anymore, charging up fist makes it so you have to cast fist next or get stunned.

You are the best hero to zone other heros out, when capturing objectives let someone else channel the objective so you can zone, if you channel gall isn't in a good position to zone and potentially allowing the other team to stall.

There are a couple of reasons I put so many threats down to the chogall, first being that every hero I have listed has something to counter you with or something that will work in their favor vs you. Playing at the higher levels with this none main stream build I see the better players trying to figure out a way to play against my way of chogall. They don't have much success but as more of you start playing like me and this build better counters will arise and I look forward to that day so I can have some excitement, winning all the time is getting kinda boring hah.

I know some of you are thinking, you probably just found randoms that are low hero rank or lvl to que vs lower ranked players... not true, yes I did have some lower level teammates as my gall and they were still top dps because my positioning is really good. Going 5 games in a row where I didn't die I forgot what it felt like to be dead making me only realize more how detrimental to your team you dying is. I also had a lot of games with a gall that was hero league < 10 and a handfull of games with players HL rank 1.

No one can stop my chogall, I wish i could post videos of me owning with chogall but im not going to and ultimatly 95% of you reading this guide will never reach the potential I have with chogall because I have always played the hard carry in Dota, HoN, and Dota 2. And all that experience playing these moba games I learned how bad dying is, when your on a 10 kill streak the rubberband gets stronger for the other team. Moba games now a days are making it more noob friendly and the punishment for death isn't nearly as bad as it was 10 years ago.

Don't over commit, Don't chase down one hero, protect your gall, protect your healer, body block melee heros on your healer, body block heros trying to get back into their gate, use fist more for defense than offense, try to use flame for defense rather than offense, Own all other heros, make everyone fear the chogall!

Again gl hf hope to see you in the nexus

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