Taskmaster is a wonderful spell in almost all situations, but especially where there is a lot of basic attackers, or speedy basic attackers. In any case the only reason to go with We See You! is when they have stealth.
Taskmaster, Runic Persistence, Ogre Rampage (make sure to have D up all the time), Shadowbolt Volley, Searing Shadows, Shadowsnare, Shadowfury.
Press Z to run, 1 to See Stealth, use all your Abilities including E and R on Heros and buildings (not minions).
Keep your D up 80% of the time, when out of the thick of war. Make sure you hit heros (and not mininos, but buildings) with your abilities. Make sure to put down your eye when it's needed, and mostly on cooldown. PLEASE press Z for our run and shove (out of stun)!
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