Predator - Frontline Anti-Tank Burst Damage
This build is mainly for ganks and playing hit and run against tanks and squishies.
With that said, here are some explanations regarding talent picks.
As said above, you will focus on dealing a great amount of damage in short time to take down valuable heroes before team fights, or finish off retreating heroes.
Wolfheart does not have great synergy because you must keep attacking something to benefit from the talent's cooldown reduction. This will force you to stay in one place and AA all day long, slowing you down.
Viciousness grants an additional second of the
Inner Beast duration and allow abilities to refresh its duration. This is great because you won't be needing
Inner Beast every second of the game with this build, but when you need to use it,
Razor Swipe will have more value.
Extra protection is always nice, especially when you are engaging for a gank! You will expect resistance from your victim but they cant hurt you fast enough with your 10 +50 armor. This is the most valuable pick in this tier for this build.
If you are a true thug with
Greymane, you should already have a few kills in the bank before mid game. Having that extra attack damage will help you survive longer and secure kills much faster. Be careful not to overextend alone. Greed is number 1 reason for a player's death.
This ability will grant you extra mobility plus burst damage. After the
Darkflight + AA +
Razor Swipe + AA combo there is a small chance that your target will still stand and try to flee from your dominance. Lunge at the target with
Go for the Throat, dealing a nice chunk of damage to secure the takedown.
I recommend this over
On the Prowl because this gives additional mobility to a damage ability, making things much easier when surprising your victims and bursting them down before they escape you. You can also use this before you
Disengage to escape faster.
You don't need the
Eager Wolf sustain damage right now, you are on a killing spree! With
Alpha Killer, No hero is safe. None. Nada. Nope. Zip. Zippity Doo. You may now kill in relative peace as you will most likely not lose in a 1v1 at this point even if you get jumped on by a
Self explanatory. Bigger hand. More kill.
(Work In Progress!)
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