This Alexstrasza build focuses primarily on single target burst healing, the primary goal being to keep your beefy tank or aggressive melee carry alive by pocketing them at a key moment such as an intense team fight, this build also allows you to keep your entire team topped up with low CD/no HP cost Breath of Life (Q) casts- combined with Abundance (W) this allows you to keep your front line very well topped up. As such this build works quite well with dive heavy compositions. Liberal use of Breath of Life (thanks to your tier 1 and 3 talents) allows you to be healing quite regularly, while burst healing with Life-Binder will quite consistently save a key member of your front line from certain doom (try with a good Cho'Gal for ridiculous results)
This build does require excellent positioning however as you need to avoid going low HP even more so than usual. You don't get your cooldown reduced on your Q while low health nor will you be giving your tank armor (tier 6 Q talent). This build also does not make heavy use of dragon queen but don't be afraid to use it to bully enemies off a point or save your hide when that tank is trying to make a pick on the "defenseless healer". I've lost count of how many times a well timed Dragonqueen (D) has turned a dive around on my would-be killer.
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