Thrall - Hail to the Chief Baby! by Execute

Thrall - Hail to the Chief Baby!

By: Execute
Last Updated: Jan 21, 2015
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Cousin Masturbin | April 24, 2015 9:51am
How do you tag attacks like you did on level 7? and how to make the big images of the attacks?

I want to do guides too.
Galuf (2) | January 27, 2015 4:50pm
Execute wrote:

You might find this page of interest, the stats are pretty dam close for the top four builds by Stats.

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Hots Logs Thrall Talent Details

It can be missleading hence it shuffles players skill. But yes having bolt giving 5% more chances to win really isn't that much, hence generally better players use the blink more often while you see it more rarelly at lower skill. I don't think following this kind of stats is relevant, better make your own judgements on experience or at least constructive reflexions.

I really think that upgrading this ultimate isn't necessary hence it's too situationnal, while bolt gives an escape or at least something to yolo WF if needed. It is more fun, and imho really better.

The other ultimate is a really strong gamechanger end game, and in more organised content and some maps, imho it is something to consider seriously with its upgrade. (without it's meh no dmg no hard cc so it's kind of a loss pre lvl20)
Execute | January 27, 2015 7:03am
Galuf wrote:

So you max windfury and do not take bolt... It works against ****py opponents I'm sure but imho it is a really bad build overall. Thrall has in his kit ways to be more effective than this while being less obvious in his moves.

I agree with envenom because as a melee "dps", having that extra damage source is great.

For the record if you are into not taking bolt, just use the second ultimate. The upgrade is a better shield of storm for your team and it synergises better with your no brain build. It really wins games after lvl20, but it is true that it can be underwhelming and at least far more situationnal than the other one pre lvl 20, because after lvl20 it is really far greater anyway except if you have some severe lockdown in your team.

You might find this page of interest, the stats are pretty dam close for the top four builds by Stats.

Scroll to the bottom for popular builds.

Hots Logs Thrall Talent Details
Galuf (2) | January 24, 2015 10:34am
So you max windfury and do not take bolt... It works against ****py opponents I'm sure but imho it is a really bad build overall. Thrall has in his kit ways to be more effective than this while being less obvious in his moves.

I agree with envenom because as a melee "dps", having that extra damage source is great.

For the record if you are into not taking bolt, just use the second ultimate. The upgrade is a better shield of storm for your team and it synergises better with your no brain build. It really wins games after lvl20, but it is true that it can be underwhelming and at least far more situationnal than the other one pre lvl 20, because after lvl20 it is really far greater anyway except if you have some severe lockdown in your team.
Execute | January 21, 2015 10:18pm
Ok on the first point I found that a global ulti hit more of their team in team fights and gave the opportunity to across the map participate in fight that I wasn't in and it could turn fights. Your 2nd point is simply this. If you do more damage in a fight than the guy that has the mana then hes still gonna die first, hence why I take it over mana tide.
Outlashed | January 18, 2015 5:41pm
Pretty basic build, except for why would you get Worldbreaker? No need for a global ulti, when you are always in range for it - Bolt isi just so much better to use either offensive in-between your windfuries, or to safety.

Envenom is inferior IMO compared to Mana Tide, as you will run out of mana A LOT, forcing you to not take fights you could've taken, due to being OOM - And remember, Q-E deals the same damage as envenom, so why not keep on having Q-E ready?
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