Just like Zeratul but a little worse. She has to land skill shot that you can easily dodge, or just drink the damage up. Both ults are weak against you, and if she goes the sniper shots, you can easily just body block them.
Li Li
Your niece cannot to much to you. She can blind you in lane and prevent you from attacking her, but just burst your kit on her, and ignite her.
He can't do anything to you. His turrets could benefit you if things get stciky because you can kick on them. The exception is that his Xplodium Charge will have to make you stop drinking. You drinking will have a faster cooldown than any of his Xplodiums, so you can peel back and start drinking again, in a circumstance for a team fight it could potentially damage you for having to stop drinking, but Gazlowe or somebody else on their team should have been bursted down by then.
Zeratul's damage is nothing that you cannot soak up with your brew, and not having any CC to stop you, he cannot 1v1 you. Do not play chicken in lane though, and you cannot underestimate his damage at low health.
The only thing that he can do to it is his laser. With Brewmaster's balance you can ignite him and walk out easily, kick back in, drink and repeat. Laning against him is a breeze.
Detainment Strike can be annoying, but you can just kick back into the fight as soon as possible. Try and pick out the person she resurrects if she goes that ultimate.
She can do decent damage depending how someone is building her, but she should not be to much of a challenge for you. When she uses fend just make sure to peel and sone for your team.
His kit can do a lot of damage when activates it. When it is on cooldown, rush him. The only ultimate you need to worry about is his wind ultimate. Zoning is important here to keep your teammates safe.
Jaina is most difficult for her slows. The damage can be soaked up, however, do not get caught out in lane, because you are slowed and cannot escape.
Li Ming's damage can be dodge or soaked. If you are worried about ehr damage the most, make sure that you are going a build that negates her spell power.
Murky is difficult for his Octo-grab Fish combo, but it is better used in you can a squishy in your team.
You have nothing to fear here. Just do not fight in his turret's and use his turrets if place incorrectly in lane to escape any dives and pull ins.
Stitches is the least to worry about. He hooks you than you need to kick away. If he (Gorge's) you than you need to again... kick a will if he puts you into base. You ALWAYS need to remember that your kick is your best escape and your best engager.
Arthas has heavy sustain is he goes his ghoul army ultimate. I would just not engage at that point. If he goes (Sindragosa) than it is a ay easier engage. Pressure point works well against him as he will slow his enemies with Frozen Tempest, making it harder to chase. YOu can brew all his damage easily.
Genji may be very strong, and a very good chaser, but his damage is not enough alone. Genji will need to seek help form others for CC or more damage output to kill you.
Tracer is META, and she can damage out a lot of assassins. Her damage can not eat your shields, but be weary of her bomb and someone stunning you hard. You will take massive damage.
Her ultimates can disrupt you, however, you should be able to outplay very easily. Her shields can also be a problem for your team, but focusing her is not the key to win. Zone her.
King Leoric is just life stealing. While you drink, all the damage that you did to him can be soaked away. Runaway when he starts to lifesteal. He is just a nuisance.
Tyrael's Judgement is the only scary thing. He can chase you down at low health, so do not play chicken him him in lane or in the map.
Do not let her push alone. Her damage cannot kill you at all. Solo laning vs. her would prove worthy if your other teammates can handle you not being around for team fights often, if Sylvanas still pushes.
Sonya is scary early game, but late not so much. He can stun you and spin a lot of damage on you, so fight in minions and try and dodge her spear as much as possible.
Sgt. Hammer
If left a lone in the team fight, she can do major damage. Bodyblocker her is the best option. Do not go Keg against her, Spirits will body bodyblock a lot easier.
He is a wildcard. It depends on how Greymane is played, to see how her fairs against you personally.
Rehgar's feral dives can do some damage, but overall not as much that Chen can drink.
Anub'arak is nothing to be afraid of. You can dodge all of his stuns. When someone thinks they have countered me in any sense because they chose Anub'arak. It is comical. Be keen of his ultimate choice, he will most likely go his web shot and use it on you. If so, warn your team ahead of time and let them know, then when Anub'arak does this to focus the web quickly. I put him up here, for the Chens who cannot yet outplay Anub'arak. Brewmaster's Balance extra speed helps you dodge those spikes, and his dive.
This is the same thing as Anub'arak. Nothing to be afraid of here. They will pick Johanna most of the time in Hero League, to counter, but it really doesn't. Her disrupts are tiny and her damage is very little. She is really not a counter, but she is up here, because you cannot underestimate all Johanna's and their compositions. Some Johanna's will fair better against you than others. That is why it is important to see how they build.
Diablo is one of my favorite tanks to 1v1. He will place you behind him and push you even farther. Chen can just Kick back behind him and run away. Simple as that. With Brewmaster's Balance movement speed he won't be able to catch up. Assuming you used a combo or half your brew before you jumped out of his death trap.
Muradin's nerf on his Avatar ultimate benefitted Chen so much, as hit auto attacks no longer stun. Just fight him with auto's and your kit, and dodge his Q. Kite him around, dive in, leave, repeat. Make sure you drink on minions, and get those regen globes to stay ahead while soaking in lane.
If Abathur is going a top hat build. The damage of a Hero that usually does not out damage your brew, can be scary. Just watch out for a top hat build and his miens as you are running away.
Go an Anti-Spell Power talent build and she is not as scary. Her range is far, so going Keg and pushing her into the fight always proves worthy. Do not let her spam Q at your team, but also do not just dive her and leave your team with no tank. Gankign her before team fights will prove useful.
Watch out for her booster knockback when you are drinking your brew. Also runaway as fast as possible when she is setting her tank to explode, as it does massive damage to anyone. When she is out of her tank, KILL as FAST as possible, before she can hop in her tank again.
Zagara is very hard to lane against, her damage and points can prove to eat you up, especially early game. The best option is to let another specialist lane with her, and you take someone else, or better yet solo lane and let two people stop Zagara.
Valla can do some serous damage and if she goes her stunning ultimate, I would be a little more cautious when fight her. You can easily walk out from the second one, but that one stun could end you.
Force Wall can be very scary. Archon you should not worry about to much. Do not drink in his Psionic Storm, just walk out. His solo laning is pretty good, so maybe let someone else handle him, as he can bait you to dive and just Phase Shift out.
Lt. Morales
The Medic's grenade can be a scary tool to consistently stop you from drinking your brew, and if she is not taken out of the team fight. You will lose.
His protection on other enemies may be hard. He is very good with you, but Medivh can save his teammates for your ganks, however his damage alone, should not worry you.
Stukov's CC can be a hand full. Try and stay near walls so he cannot zone you out of the team fight. Keg or body block him when he begins to silence your team as well.
Rexxar's CC is hard to dodge, just when you see the bear running up to you. Do not drink, let him stun you first and then begin to chug.
He is META and his damage output is scary. Just play very careful. Outplaying him is difficult.
Just do not sit there, while his passive auto attacks start to maul your health down. Go in and out and burst your combo at him. When he starts firing away with this Q, kick behind him. He will than dash backwards, at that point just kick away or runaway and repeat this process. If done right you can 1v1 him, still a risk matchup though considering his grenade can knock you out of drinking.
Any mirror match-up can be scary. Honestly it just depends who has the better composition, the better build for the map, and skills overall with the Hero. Prove that you are the better Chen by your knowledge of the map, and skills of a tank. Remember you are a Zoning Tank, let your allies to the work.
Watch out for Alarak's W. Other than that you should be fine. His damage output does not overcome your brew, and you can do some pretty go damage on him. The W is scary because he can take a teammate and you have to save them, or takes you out of brew and the enemy team can gank you easily.
E.T.C is tanky like Chen, and he has so much crowd control. However, I usually just tank the damage if I am in a 1v1 with him, and drink after he popped his CC. Going a health-regen may prove worthy as you are going to have to take some hits prior to start drinking for actual serious damage.
Kerrigan is only scary if she can land her kit. He can be easily outplayed. When she dives you, people start to run away vertically from her. If you run to the side it will mess up her combo, as usually all Kerrigan's do not expect this. They are mostly telegraphed moves. If you do get pulled in! Try and kick out, because if you don't you are in major danger. Once her cooldowns hit or miss, dive her.
His lifesteal can do major damage while you are drinking your brew. His ultimate (Horrify) can change the whole team fight around, so always think twice about diving a Gul'Dan.
With the buffs on his ultimate (Twilight Dream) he cna silece you for three seconds. Meaning you cannot not drink or vast any abilities. That is all that you need to worry about. If he goes Tranquility than Keg him out of the teamfight.
Kael'Thas has an amazing stun that last as for 1.5 seconds and sets your drinking up for failure. Positioning for Kael is behind the enemy team and if he focuses you and nobody kills him first. Chen is in trouble. His burst damage can be a pain as well. His Pyroblast cannot kill you, but his Phoenix can zone you out far from protecting your team. Best option is if you can't kill Kael'Thas find a way to stun him. Going Wandering Keg is the best idea so as he charges up you start ramming him father or towards your team for the kill, peel, or zone. Still high threat. With another damage or root, I wouldn't recommend going 1v1.
Dehaka is like Skarner from League of Legends. However if Dehaka was in League, he would be the most broken Champion of all time. I mean Dehaka can use Skarner's ultimate which is grabbing opponents and stunning them for long periods of time. He can doge most damage and is a META champion with a lot of utility. You have to just kick out of his grabbing stun and hope you are not dead.
Artanis E can take you out of the drinking brew, and put you in an awful position where you get bursted. To out play, you must have your kick ready to jump over to a minion, or pass Artanis.
His level 16 talent (Titan Killer) is a heavy damage tool, that if you are caught out without drinking your brew. He can burst you down.
His ultimate Purifier Beam can be countered by either of your ultimates, however, it is best to go Keg because you can help other teammates escape death, by knocking enemies away and peeling for them.
Zul'jin is very scary as he has the best single damage hero in the game. He bursts your health and drinking super fast. Early game for sure do not lane with him. His unkillable with last longer than drinking your brew, and ultimately kill you. Gank him with Keg, or body block with Elemental Conduit as he has no escapes either. Ganking him before objectives and team fights will prove worthy of you and your team's time.
Nazeebo is just a broken Hero right now. His siege damage and hero damage are off the charts every game. If you do not focus him in team fights, Chen will look like the worst tank of HoTs history. It is best to dive him in a team fight, than to kite and peel. He has no escape, the only way he can is with his wall. Body blocked is key, and so is going pressure point. His does not counter you all together, just is damage output, especially at level 20; is broken 100%. Do not 1v1 him.
The Butcher
You never 1v1 the Butcher in lane. His charge CC with knock you out of drinking your brew. His mark does massive damage to you, and because you just sit there when you drink, he will just heal back to full health while he pummels you. His damage output while marked is also too much for your health to handle. Best to stay away from this Hero. If Butcher goes his chain move it is best to Keg to counter. If he goes the AoE burn, Keg also counters.
Ragnaros is just a META champion right now. He is a heavy counter if he goes his stunning ultimate. Other than that you do not have to worry much, as you can out play a lot of his moves. Brewmaster's Balance can dodge most of his moves. Just make sure you stay at 50 brew. Easiest way is to drink up to max brew, and then W, and E. Gives you more health regeneration, and movement speed to block all of those damaging skill shots, Leaving you enough Brew to kick as well.
Brightwing is the main and probably only support that you need to worry about. (Polymorph). I usually go in there start drinking and see if I can bait the Polymorph and than dive in. If there is other CC around the team, make sure that you team dives with you. You won't survive. Also the wind ultimate that pushes everyone away can be scary. Going Keg ultimate could prove worthy as if one of your teammates get's caught out, you can Keg in and save them.
Kharazim will always go with healing trait unless he is trolling, or may have a secondary healer that would allow him to go damage. Anyways Healing Kharazim will do massive damage to a drinking Chen, and even when you drop your kit on him, he will heal out of it, and with his movement speed can peel back for anyone to escape. Better to stay away from hm unless you are laning with a healer yourself.
Lunara poison damage, on repeat auto attacks is very scary. If paired with Auriel you are in for some major damage. Going an auto attack block build may be worthy, but you need someone to kill Lunara in every teamfight badly. If she dives you go pressure point and try and leave her open for a gank.
"Our lowest-tier Hero is currently Chen, and going forward we may make some balance changes to bring him more closely in line with the rest of the roster."
If you check hotslogs you can see that Chen has barely any games played compared to other Heroes, which can highly show that his win rate is lowest. also Chen is a hard player, in fact can be one of the hardest players to play. Mechanics on him are fairly simple, but how you use them is the big game changer.
The beauty about a guided build is that you can take it all word for word, and trait for trait, or build upon it and add your own spice. This guide is mainly for current Chen's who know more about HOT's but can help the new Chen's as well.
"Chen Stormstout is a wanderer, adventurer and keg-emptier and this world-class brewmaster has left an indelible mark on Azeroth's history."
Chen Stormstout was born and raised on the Wandering Isle, a massive landmass on the back of the giant turtle Shen-zin Su. There, he developed his superior fighting skills and the desire to explore and discover new lands (and new ingredients for his legendary brews) like the traveling pandaren who left Pandaria thousands of years past. Chen's wanderlust led him into adventure after adventure, from the creation of the wildly popular Brewfest event to the very founding of Durotar, where he fought along with the re-formed Horde to establish it in its new home.
Years later, along with his niece, Li Li, Chen embarked on a quest that led him to the mystical Pearl of Pandaria, and with the help of the artifact, he visited his ancestors' home, Pandaria, for the first time. Not long after, the Horde and the Alliance discovered the continent and rekindled their conflict, placing Chen (once again!) squarely in the middle of history.
This is a Cinematic Trailer of Chen is the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansion pack. Hopefully after you are done reading my guide you will comment, give positive feedback, and want to play and accept Chen as a viable hero to play!
October 6th he finally got his update. It's been a long ride.
- Beware CC (Crowd Control) for it stops your main ability/trait which is your chug.
- Do not miss your W Barrel into Fire
- Soaking and Pushing lanes! Regen globes and having brew instead of mana allows you to maintain your lane.
- Stay with your team later on in the game as they will need your damage and peel abilities, kick back in front of enemies to peel, body block, and chug leading to a team wipe for your opponents.
- Watch your brew levels, using Brewmaster's Balance allows you to do so much. The talent allows you to take on enemies with crowd control. CC makes you unable to Chug, so you will relatively stay at low brew. With that talent it benefits you with the gained movement speed to escape and reset. Main advantages, allows you to retreat or chase down your proponent.
- When taking about bosses, just jump in there right next to the boss and tank all the hits as you chug. Save Keg ultimate to steal the boss.
- GET REGENERATION GLOBES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, so that you do not have to hearth back to the Nexus.
Every build is self-explanatory. Within the title of the build is what you want to go. Just like in any MOBA. You see their composition, you have to build accordingly. Bread and butter is consistent in any composition, but any teams that are virtually all auto-attack and/or all mage/spell damage take the counter talent build bath listed at the start of the guide.
Early Game - SOAK EXPERIENCE! Ignore the first tribute. Maintain a 1 or 2 level difference; so when the next tribute comes you guys can wipe the team, get even more experience and tribute. Comrback game is strong so this strat is just to get you guys to level 10 faster and end the game quicker.
Mid Game - Now go to every tribute, win your engagements, make your healer is healing you. Grab camps to zone enemy team and grab tribute. They either kill camp or grab tribute, either way you still benefit. Disrupt the people capping the tribute asap. CC is dire in this map. Chen is iffy here, I say go Wandering Keg if your team cannot handle getting to tribute so yo zone them inside tribute. After you get the curse, go directly to the closest Boss, grab that and push 1 or 2 lanes.
Late Game - Stay grouped. Prioritize 5 Man pushes when enemy is cursed, 5 man defending when you are. Grab mercs for map control between tributes. Try to get a Golem the same time the enemy is cursed for a 5 man push to win, and you are golden.
Early Game - Make a 4/1 lane push. Do not go for watch tower. Soak experience until you guys can win engagements at the pirate. Roam and gank if you guys get 1 level higher. Maintain bot and top and grab chests as soon as they spawn. Kill the pirates and mercs as they spawn. Turn in frequently and watch the pirate.
Mid Game - Find and help Teammates to attain Merc Camps and Coins. Engage/Disengage team fights for Turn-In Maintain control over Boss, grab watch tower for that so you can see them approaching the Boss. If you get a team wipe do not start pushing grab all the coins and turn in. This map is about objective not early 5 man pushes.
Late Game - Stay grouped. As I said, GET COINS OVER PUSHING PLEASE. This map you should go barrel so you can easily stop turn ins, or zone out their team. Let ship win the game for you. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Early Game - You should be soling mid in this map no matter what. You have the most sustain, and due to the fact that early game you lack damage going into top lane or bot lane wouldn't be bad, but not the BEST choice. You can roam and gank if your team needs help or is about to eliminate an enemy. Overall just soak experience and try and get atleast to level 7 before you try and get into some real engagements.
Mid Game - Around the time you get to level 10-13 is when you really have to start staying together grabbing camps to zone the other team. When you zone them after camps Chen charges in with his team for the stranglers who are taking out your camps and slowly kill them all 1 by 1 allowing for you guys to grab shrine and get dragon; unleashing a heavy push, but never over extend and make sure you grab Dragon. I personally like when tanks enter dragon so when dragon dies you can potentially still wipe the other team or have enough health to run away.
Late Game - Control bottom lane and grab mercs asap every time they spawn to zone them out. Stay together as a team the rest of the game. Focus the correct people against you. Fight and maintain shrines until you get those 5 man pushes with the Dragon. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Early Game - The first thing you want to do is get all 5 on one lane or a 4/1 lane. 5 if you want to get a real good pre-push on the golem lane or 4/1 to get a mediocre push on top lane and soaking. I prefer the 4/1 laning, but I have seen a whole 5 man lane work. Next enter first mines with your team and GO STRAIGHT TO MID, you may encounter the opposing team, but the two mid mobs have the most skulls.4:1 split when golems spawn. You and 3 people respond to the stronger golem (push or defend), and the last person goes to the opposite lane to soak exp.
Mid Game - The next thing you want to do is 5 man defend the stronger golem. If you have more skulls than the other team always push with it. Always get the mercs. Wait to grab your side of the mercs so it can help kill the enemy golem, so capture that around when the their golem is halfway to your fort. Overall the 2nd mines is usually when the tide turns for a team so always be prepared for the second mines.
Late Game - The late game is simple, because the map is self explanatory and ends quick. Stay grouped, COLLECT ALL THE SKULLS, and never die, because if you do the game is over. The re-spawn timers will be way to far, the other team gets the skulls and it's game over. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Early Game - All you have to do is 3 simple things. Help team capture the temples. The temples spawn in top lane and mid lane first so roam around the watch tower and soak experience. I like going for the MID TEMPLE FIRST, because if they get top our team has faster access to the bottom lane so we can go there quickly and soak experience faster than they can. The next phase of temples is bot ONLY. EVERYONE must go bot and secure the temple and potentially get the wipe or scare the other team off.
Mid Game - All you need to do is capture temples and capture all the mercs to zone them out; so they either choose to stop the mercs or grab the temple. You have to play all the mechanics of the map here to win. This map is the least important for laning to be honest. If you get a team wipe go for boss ASAP.
Late Game - 3 simple things... just stay grouped. Win engagements, and grab camps to zone them out for the easy ganks.
Early Game - The first thing you want to do is collect seeds as soon as they spawn, but before the seeds spawn, grab a siege camp as soon as it spawns so you can zone them out. They are probably still going to go for tribute, but you would have had your siege camp put in work during that engagement.Grab camps frequently to zone them out and gank, so keep on roaming. Solo camps whenever possible. More siege camps than bruiser because siege is faster.
Mid Game - When seeds spawn grab all the small mobs first. Overall stay as a team, and win engagements at the bosses. Stay grouped at all times, do not get ganked. Peel if someone gets polymorphed by the garden terror, overall when you get your terror all push as hard as possible, unless they have better pushing ability like a Gazlowe than go back and stop their terror.
Late Game - STAY GROUPED PLEASE. GRAB ALL CAMPS TO ZONE THEM OUT, the map is so big so zoning is a big deal. gank the stragglers get the Terror and push to win.
Early Game - You want too take top or bot lane. Let someone else take mid. Example a Zagara or a Tassadar because because they can have vision on both turn ins. There is 2 possible strategies. You can run a gank squad with your team. Mainly if they have damage and crowd control. If you have a Sylvanas or Gazlowe I would just focus on getting gems first and guard both turn ins. With those 2 pre-pushing lanes is important. Let's the Webweavers do a lot more damage.
Mid-Game - FOCUS ANYONE WHO HAS A **** TON OF GEMS. Pardon my french. Basically what you need to do. If a tank has it that's a problem. You have to kill everyone around the tank then focus him. That's the only exception. Anyone other class you have to aim first. It can save you the game, even if you get wiped or some die in the process. Also getting camps is basically useless, because getting the camps just feeds them XP unless it's a boss, but it let's them maintain their lane anyways. The only way getting a camp is good id when your steam rolling or you guys are planning to push with the camp. If not all your doing is wasting your team, not getting gems and letting them turn in on you. The trade off is very good. I usually if the opposing team is on bot lane, or they just got the web weavers I as Chen will start on boss, and tell my team to come to me has the boss only has around 75% health left and we burst it down. They when get a boss that's pushing for us, and they have the Web-weavers. Then they have to kill the stronger boss and kill just hurry and kill the web-weavers. In the case the opposing team doesn't defend the gotten boss, you have to either out pushing them with your boss, or go back defend and wipe them. Overall you still want to keep playing map the way you were y getting gems. Do not get over zealous and do not get killed. That could lose you guys the game as it allows pushing in lanes your teammates can't do anything about and allows the opposing team to get a whole bunch of gens. By the time you comeback there will be webweavers wrecking your core haha.
Late Game - Keep playing map. Play Smart. Stay together has a Steam Roll or as a Gank Squad. Skirmish at turn in's and get your webweavers. DO NOT PRIORITIZE BOSS. BUT... ALWAYS HAVE VISION ON IT. ONLY GET BOSS WHEN YOUR TEAM WIPES THE OPPOSING TEAM. Push to win and I like to let 1 keep down before all the forts, because it allows your minions to be extremely more powerful that the opposing team and your minions will do work.
Side Note - Go STORM, EARTH, FIRE, it gives you a second life and can body block people at turn in's like a wall. It also let's you disturb people who are turning in. Have fun!
Squad of Champions
Tychus can clear lanes very well with this grenade and whenever Chen is in trouble he can come in with Overkill. The best combo between these two Heroes is Tychus's Odin and Chen's 3 spirits. You can peel, zone, and distract for Odin to unleash crazy amounts of damage, including just drinking your brew right after your Storm, Earth, Fire is over. When these two Heroes are against each other Chen will win every time. Together they become a powerhouse and have many wombo combos you can unleash upon the enemy team. His grenade is a great CC, but it's not the only CC. Granted this team comp doesn't really have a lot of CC, it's ok because the sustain and burst damage should be enough to win your engagements.
Tassadar can dish out some damage. He is by far the best support to be paired with Chen. His extra shields help against CC Teams because they will focus you knowing you can chug, but with the extra shield the other team will use all their cooldowns on you as if you drank you get your shield... but you didn't so you can just chug right after and let Tychus and Thrall destroy the other team. If things get hefty that's why you have Rehgar to heal you, preferably just wait into Ancestral Healing, or if your team is already steam rolling Bloodlust and focus Chain heal on you. Tychus and T***dars wave clear ability helps a lot because XP soaking will not be a problem and capturing camps with me super quick.
Rehgar is great. He just makes sure the tank really never dies. In the case where Chen gets stunned out of his drink and starts to die, he can just burst heal everyone as if nothing happened allowing the team to make a comeback and steam roll. If you team is already steam rolling by the time you get to level 10 he should just go Bloodlust so you guys can turn the tide of every single team fight. Overall he is in the Squad of Champions for his burst heals and really flatters Tassadars shields. You do want both Tassadar and Rehgar to go Healing Ward so in team fights you don't even need to drink anymore. Amplified does it for you and you all can burst them down.
Thrall is all round a good additive to the team. He stuns helps us catch up and helps you land Pressure Point a lot easier. The combo where I split into 3 spirits and he pops Sundering allows me to attack everyone, keep them zones, and letting Tychus and everyone else take the team out one by one. If they don't continue to attack my spirits I will peel, jump back and block team like a Force Wall. I like Thralls Chain Lightning, because it is like Rehgars Chain heal, while he uses his time to use chain heal. Thrall and use Chain Lightning and hurt the whole other team. The synergies in this team is so great. I suggest trying this team composition and see how fast you and wreck in matches.
I Will Find You, and I Will Kill You
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This whole team composition is based off of Void Prison.
Chen you have to go Competitive Tank v1 for this one!
This WOMBO COMBO has to be executed to perfection and is very effective on smaller maps or areas.
It can be easily be done at level 20.
First things first everyone's Heroic Ability in order.
1. Zeratul - Void Prison
2. Tyrael - Judgement
3. Illidan - Metamorphosis.
4. Nazeebo - Ravenous Spirit
5. Chen - Wandering Keg
Chen goes into the team fight with his Flying Kick and drinks and grabs the other teams attention. Zeratul alerts you that he is going to Void Prison and you run or kick out. We have their team trapped. I get on the other side of the Void Prison ready to Wandering Keg them all back to our team for the wipe. Anyways, as soon as the Void Prison ends, we choose them ONE BY ONE WHO WE WANT. Squishies first. Nazeebo uses his Ravenous spirit where there are all congested at and Tyrael uses Judgement and spreads them out so we can focus 1 by 1 and burst them down after they were just damaged by Nazeebo. As soon as Tyrael uses Judgement, Illidan uses Meta and Aoe damages them and keeps the chase. Any stranglers that run away I will slow and kick or (BOLT IN FRONT OF THEM) and knock them back towards our team to kill him/her and possibly trap them in a corner and possibly finish all 5 off. Zombie Wall helps Illidan take out any straglers that didn't get caught in my Wandering Keg.
Well, overall you don't have the capability to have a 100% assurance landing this COMBO if you guys are not level 16 at least. Laning and getting levels, just play the map as you would usually do. Let Zeratul roam and gank, Nazeebo solo top, Chen and Zeratul Mid Lane, and Tyrael and Illidan take Bot. You should definitely try this team comp and combo it is so much fun, and when you execute it for the team wipe it is TOP 5 Play of the week worthy.
This is a PRO GAME, with PRO TEAMS. I was inspired after watching the first game/battle. The winning team in this game had no damage, and was based off of sustain. Watch the first match and see how they play and talents they pick. Examine how they play. Let the video do the talking for this team composition.
With this team comp. You have a gank squad. Arthas Root and Army of Dead to body block with Chen Spirits put so many bodies on the ground Level 10 you block the gates and kill whoever is in the lane. Arthas burst damage is superb for tanks especially when teamed up with KT, and Rehgars Feral Lunge and slow. Abathur focuses on Chens head with symbiote making him a powerhouse. Unkillable even after being hit with CC. Basic Attacks increased. Chen always jumps the back line so while your drinking, Abathur can go off. Burst Heals from Rehgar is to keep KT and Arthas alive mainly. Going Ultimate Evolution allows 2 KT's to be on the floor, and that's Rehgars main priority. Overall This isteam comp, KT DEALS The main damage while the rest watches and allows him to destroy. Actually 2 KT's.
Little clip of Chen and Abathur.
Generic Combo: Q->W->E->aa->aa->Q->W->D / than you decide on the situation <- bread and butter.
Waveclear Combo: W->E->aa->aa->aa->Drink->W->E
(Q) Flying Kick
This can get you out of a lot of sticky situations. The range is fair, but after you kick it actually sends you farther than expected. This ability is very good for peeling, if you over extended and need to fall back to your team you can kick back.
(W) Keg Smash and Fire Breath
Soak in brew to slow and the fire does damage over time for a short amount of time. This part of the combo is so important and dire to clutch kills and your Hero/Siege damage.
(W) Stagger
High cool-down -- please only use Stagger when expecting to take a decent amount of damage, additionally please escape as soon as possible and drink (D) to soak the stagger damage.
(D) Fortifying Brew
USE THIS ALL THE TIME. This ability IS Chen. Try and keep drinking until your kit is reset, cooldowns are done and you can just keep on bursting down squishes, annoying the enemy team, and body blocking. Always engage enemies that don't have CC 1v1, no second thought about it. Zu'jin is the only one you don't want to 1v1 as his single target DPS will eat your shields down, others majority on non-cc heroes CANNOT KILL YOU. Overtime if the enemy does not get reinforcements they are dead. Stay alive brewmaster and chug away.
Heroic Abilities
(R) Wandering Keg
In 2021 this is hands down the best ultimate to take. Best at peeling. Best at surviving an engagement. Best playmaker i.e stealing an enemy boss camp. Best at getting free picks. Please, go Keg 99% of the time.
(R) Storm, Earth, Fire
This ultimate was nerfed to the ground. It is absolute and utter garbage. If you pick this talent you are genuinely trolling and need to be reported.
Pandamonium Explanation (Legacy Content) 2015-2017 Top
Level 1
Regeneration Master - This is the best one and usually the talent I go every game, unless it is Haunted Mines. Haunted Mines ends to quick for me to get enough stacks of Regeneration Master to make it useful. Clearing mobs, and getting the AoE damage in team fights complements the team way more, and because their team probably wont focus you, Chen can low key dish out a lot of damage.
Other Talents
Grounding Brew - I think this talent is great for when you are going against ability heavy teams, such as Nova, Jaina, Kael'thas, Zeratul, etc. Makes the shield so much more viable. You really wont be able to avoid the first hit, but for example, Zeratul might land his cleave, but while you are drinking his double bombs do less damage./color]
Keg Toss - I only take this when I want to do the wildcard build as a slower/CC Ring of Fire - Good for waveclear and pushing, and does decent damage in a teamfight not enough to make much of a difference. You're just sacrificing Brewmaster's Balance which isn't really worth it. Works on Blackheart's Bay chests for quick coin gathering that's a positive. Helps for taking out camps as well, while you chug for shield you are still doing passive fire damage.
Consuming Flame - I usually go this on maps where the other team cannot burst me down, or a map where I will not be focusing minions/mobs to get my Regen globes. This is the third best talent and again is situational on both current team comps in your game. I would take this talent first if you were on Haunted Mines. You can destroy mobs inside the mines, maintain soaking exp when you are in lanes. and clear the few camps on that map quickly. If you go the other talents that complement Consuming flame just if you think your team can survive without ultimate tankiness from Chen or if you are running a dual-tank team I would pick this as well]
Level 4
Amplified Healing - This is the overall best pick. With a shield your health is untouched. What happens when you are not being attacked. Your health regens, hence why you need to go regeneration master. As you tank all the hits The regen master allows you to regen quicker and more of it. Synergizes great with the whole tank build. You will have gained so much health depending on your current stack, and the team wouldn't even notice, giving your team an advantage for the team wipe!
Other Talents
Swift Reflexes - This is just another form of block. I actually like using this talent more for being a tank. All the other team can do after they use all their cooldowns is basic attack you allowing your team to make them looks like fools and burst their cooldowns on them. This talent is especially good for enemy Heroes, such as Illidan, Kerrigan, Zeratul, Murky, Raynor, and more. When you go the Competitive Tank v2 build you usually don't need the Amplified Healing so I rank this talent 2nd to be picked.
Deadly Strike - This damage increase isn't really worth it, you can have fun using it and it might give you that clutch last hit into getting a kill, but long term it will be outgrown and soon become obsolete. It is not worth the sacrifice of survivability or health regeneration.
Deep Breath - I only take this during SoloQ. Take this one if you are going for extra team fight damage and mob killing. The range can help so much, and cover so much land. This is situational as well. Enemy team comp plays so much, and your team comp. Pick this if your team lacks damage or the ability to clear mobs quickly. This talent is favorable picked due to the fact that you can push way harder with it. I personally like it a **** ton because if I see a blur for Nova or Zeratul I can always reveal them]
Level 7
Brewmaster's Balance - This is easy my favorite talent for level 7. I picked this almost every time I played as Chen. It makes you so versatile. You technically have an unlimited sprint under 50 brew making you a chasing master by auto attacking, slowing and kicking; or the best escape artist because you outrun the enemy team and you are able to mount up before they reach in time. If you have to retreat and you have full brew, throw down your abilities until you get to 50 brew and you should be okay and kick to walls and suck the make them chasing you down even harder. Best part is with this amount of speed you can zone out one of your biggest threats which is ETC and stay away and dodge his CC, actually making you a threat if you can play it the situation right.
Other Talents
Full Keg - I usually take increased slow time (Full Keg), because I find that when Chen needs to stop and drink while engaged -- this gives him the crucial time to maintain range for Flying Kick. It helps a LOT for finishing off retreating heroes. Example, Lili, Zeratul, Anub'arak, Muradin, Tassadar would be a good example of Heroes that retreat often.
Combat Stance - Combat Stance can potentially be good, but overall it's kind of bad. Here is how you can utilize it. In the scenario that the enemy team has a lot of CC they will stun you first out of your brew. Make sure you grab Bolder Flavor when you get level 16. This means you can get a lot of shield quickly while having a shortened drink by CC but it's okay, because you get Brewmaster's Balance... which means YOU NEED TO stay right by 50 brew giving you speed to move around, peel, and body block, and keep the survivability as if you were still actually drinking. Still giving your team the ability too wipe the enemy team. Heals while doing that would't hurt either]
Level 10
Wandering Keg - Wandering Keg is my pick if my team can burst down EXTREMELY quick. I will kick to either the tankiest on their team, or the squishiest. Doesn't matter who is it, even if it is their biggest threat and just hit them all the way back down to our bases and trap them into a corner. It zones out a key player in their team, kills them quick, and allows me to jump back in the fight with my kick because the cooldown for it is down by the time you burst the hero down. Drink like a fat panda and get back to tanking for my team for the rest of the team wipe. This talent is very good for maps suck has Sky Temple, and Cursed Hollow because people stay in objectives has a group and you zoning their team grants a team wipe or just an opportunity to take the objective. Fellow master Chen's call this the Peeling Keg because you can also Keg back to your team for the save. I usually go this if the other team can't burst me down and use it for fun, or if they have people you "CHANNEL THEIR HEROIC ABILITY" example, I would go this if they have a Tyrael using Santification, or a Nazeebo using his spirit Heroic. Not a bad talent, just depends on the user, and again I stress it alot... THE SITUATION. This can be a great boss stealer, coinciding with Bolt of the Storm.
Here is a great way/play to can use Wandering Keg.
Storm, Earth, Fire - People love this talent a lot more than the barrel. I do to. Not saying this is the better talent. Again it's all about the comp and situation. I prefer this talent because I can go really deep into the team fight and not be afraid to die. Near death you can pop the ult. split all 3 spirits and jump away to safety. This talent makes you the 1v1 god as you literally can not die. Not figuratively hahaha. The only problem is that you have to time it right because while you charge into going into this form you can be stunned and can't use it for 10 seconds which means your done. Technically if used right this talent is overall better. Body blocking is amazing. The other team isn't or shouldn't focus you and might be going for a squishy on your team. That's when you surprise them with a jump and squeeze in between and then kill them or run them off. It could be used the opposite way by blocking them like a Force Wall by having all 3 there. I suggest going into this Heroic with full brew and health so you can survive if you find yourself in a sticky place.
This is what Storm, Earth, Fire is like:
Level 13
Relentless - This will save your life along with Brewmaster's Balance. Because CC is Chens #1 weakness, I go this one every time because I am counteracting the #1 Weakness duuhhhh. Isn't that great!
Other Talents
Enough to Share - This AOE shield is so useful to the team. Especially for diving towers and forts. It DOES REQUIRE your team to recognize it and utilize it -- but when they do I think it is amazing. This can basically allow your team to tank a fort while the enemy team is trying to poke. If applied correctly your teammates will basically be immune to the initial barrage from the enemy team. Credit - Fragasm
A Touch of Honey - I go this every time I pick Pressure Point. It helps your team catch up to the enemy, and in a team fight makes the whole team close to half slowed. That is pretty amazing. Having 2 crazy slows with Pressure Point on that makes CC Chen very dangerous. again the situation matter the most, if their team is sluggish and slow already never pick this or Pressure Point, you just don't need it.
Brew Strike - This is not worth getting. It negates some of the best talents for Chen regardless of the situation or team comp. Pick this in Co-Op if you wanna have fun or be stupid, but don't pick this. You want Relentless because the only thing that makes Chen viable to death is just being CC'ed. Why not attempt to make it less dangerous]
Level 16
Pressure Point - This really gets the enemy team mad. It zones out one of there teammates and you can burst them down quickly. This might trigger the enemy team to come and retaliate, but that will most likely end in their termination. They will act on impulse and try and get revenge or save there dead amigo. 90% slow is basically a root. This also helps a teammate who is being chased make by a Illidan or Zeratul and you stop the chase. Makes peeling a lot easier. This supports the team a lot. I pick this mainly when my team lacks CC or the enemy team cannot burst me down so I do not need the extra shields.
Other Talents
Bolder Flavor - By the time CC's you your shield will still be active. With regen master is secures having health comeback. This can be situational between pressure point or bolder flavor. I feel that if there are two tanks do not go this talent. If you are the only tank I would pick this one. If the enemy team cannot burst you down I wouldn't go this either, because base shields should be enough for you. Read Brewmaster Balance and you will see how good this complements teams that CC you and how to make Chen viable against his greatest weakness.
Bottomless Mug - This is my least favorite talent, mainly due to it's lack of drinking brew frequently which is the main concern for Chen players. On the other hand you can auto attack a lot more, you are not Illidan for example and need to auto attack. You have to get in the fight and be the big fat panda you are and drink while your team does the rest of the work. If you are by yourself on a 1v1 or 2v1, you NEED to drink the whole time so this talent is absolute garbage. Try to avoid picking this.
Combination Attack - I wouldn't advise ever grabbing this talent. Their are only two talents to choose from in this power spike here. Ehhh, again it can be useful for some damage, but you are sacrificing a 90% slow and unfathomable constant shields. Not worth it]
Level 20
Elemental Conduit - This this so good. The best level 20 talent by far. The enemy team doesn't even notice what is happening. The spirit is just passively giving you free damage, fire over-time damage, or slows; after each ability which is great, because cool downs are short for Chen and after you pop your cooldowns you can drink until your cooldowns are back. You can control the spirit as in which one spawns depending on the ability you use first. Example if you Q and kick you get the lightning spirit which is my personal favorite. If you went pressure point it makes you the deadly in damage for 1v1's because your kick of course slows, allowing your lighting spirit to hit; while you are taking him out. As it goes away you are already drinking and ready to go on to the nest one.
Other Talents
Hardened Shield - Take this talent if you are going the tank build. It is the best for tank anytime.
Bolt of the Storm - Bolt of the storm is amazing. Flying kick is glitchy at times and wouldn't teleport directly onto enemies that are moving, and unless you are well in range of the ability you wouldn't teleport behind them. Bolt allows you to body block easily, escape and steal camps rather easily if you took that barrel ult (bolt in + barrel is a great boss stealer). Credit - DarkTycon
Untapped Potential - This is really messy, can leave you in a very bad spot, and while you are in a barrel spinning and moving so quickly no one is tanking for your team. This is my least favorite. If you do go Barrel at level 10 I would Hardened Shield instead. It has a great synergy because you basically become invincible and you need that because unlike the spirits, the barrel uses your current health and you can die in that state. Hardened shield allows you to stay alive while in barrel]
Thank you for reading this build. I will try and update patch to patch and the more I play Chen the more descriptions I can give. I will answer any questions, and hopefully you guys can give me suggestions on my build and give feedback.
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