Bind him with shield glare, and let Kael do the rest.
Can easily take you out of battle and make a free way to others kill your partner, but easy to die.
If blind, no trheat. Show him for your buddies, allways you detect him. Burning Rage will make him angry all the time.
She can't do nothing to you alone, but allways remmember to protect you partner.
Use your talents on the right time and he will not be a threat.
There's no threat, since you go with and protect Kael'Thas. But Anub'Arak can remove you from protect Kael casting Web Blast on team fights. beware of that.
This a hard one to die.
Tyrael Judgement, can easily reach your Kael. Try stay close and stun him with condemn and allways blind him.
The way you play Johanna on this build it basically protecting Kael'thas an other champions. It works with Jaina too, but Kael awesome damage (late game), protected by Johanna is the perfect. Johanna abilities can prevent other heroes get near Kael'Thas. Allways take front and give Kael vision of the map on the brushes.
Regeneration Master instead of Reinforce:it will benefit and synegy Kael Mana Addict talent. An you will not need a healer all the time. But, for a team with lots of auto atack enemyes use Reinforce.
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