Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Cho |
Easy foe, at level 13, you shred his health and until he gets upheveal, has to get to you in the back. Extremely easy. |
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Leoric |
Extremely easy matchup for you, dodge his drain hope, give him pepper and watch him flee. At level 10, keep a hawk eye on him in team fights for his entomb. |
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E.T.C. |
Yet another easy opponent, only things to watch is his mosh pit at 10, which *clears throat* your gun will do the talking then. Q him and what else? a dead cow. |
1 |
Murky |
Easy enemy, *Eye's lock in* yes I'd shoot dat fish till he run's back as his puffer friend blows up. Be careful at level 10 however, he's even scarier at level 20 like I mean keep a hawk eye on this fish. |
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Rehgar |
An easy priority target to kill, but this doesn't mean to put yourself in danger just to show him who's boss. Kill the rest of his allies then kill him or the other way around if he's caught out 1V5 |
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Lt. Morales |
Focus Morales. |
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Abathur |
Easy matchup, just dodge his abilities, and you're fine. |
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The Lost Vikings |
Not the most troublesome pack, but once they hit 16 and group, beware. |
2 |
Tracer |
Fairly easy matchup, you out damage her, so she'll have to think twice before engaging you early game, but during the mid-late game, her threat level goes up by 1. Stick with your friends and you'll defeat her assault aka do nothing. |
2 |
Valla |
Another easy matchup for you, stay behind your wave and avoid her rotation. if she does not have 10 stacks of her passive you out trade her 1 on 1. Just beware if she hits 16 for a big power spike. |
2 |
Sylvanas |
Well look at that! An easy foe for Jimmy boyeee. What do we got to beat her? solid damage, the ability to all-in on her without fear of getting WTF blown up and self-sustain. She's all about her heroic though, and if the prerequisites aren't met by then she's easy lock down. |
3 |
Muradin |
A tiny bit threatening due to his stuns and lockdown capabilities and a bigger threat now at 13 and 16 with thunder strike and give em the axe. But by then he be not only a threat by then despite he won't think about you in the backline while there's an illidan to worry about. |
3 |
Uther |
Your teacher in the nexus is in the middle area of threat level either he doesn't pose a threat at all or he destroys your team, stand back and shoot that guy and don't let him near. Easy if he doesn't have backup. |
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Auriel |
A relatively easy threat to deal with, just watch her wipe into wall which stuns you. |
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Ragnaros |
If you're caught in where the lava wave is heading, your in real trouble. Other than that he is kite material and not much of a threat. |
4 |
Sonya |
*yawns* easy as pie, give her the Q if she nears, laugh at her cause she can't reach you. *thinks about leap* unless she goes with that then her threat lvl goes up by 1. |
4 |
Diablo |
Ah Dibblezz, the Lord of sucking his thumb when he burns his combo (Q+E or vise versa) He will target you but once you get 13, you shrek him like butter. |
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Gazlowe |
Easy, need I say more? Watch for him baiting you into his turrets as they hurt especially when they grow in size and deal more damage as he's their. |
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Tassadar |
I've put Tassadar in this area because his walls are annoying, not only that but at level 16 he can heal for half his hp back. An annoying matchup but one that can be overcome with practice. |
4 |
Medivh |
Before 7, poses litte threat to you, but at and after 7 poses a threat with master's touch. Don't feed him too many stacks and kill him first every fight to stop his stacking. |
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Kharazim |
Ahh Kharazim, the monk who throws a million punches in a second while mimicking like Jackie Chan. In honestly, he is a threat if you can't kill him but not impossible to take down either. Kite him away while avoiding his SSS (seven-sided strike). |
4 |
Zarya |
She can't do much to you, unless she has full energy. Don't feed her energy and kill her once she used her personal barrier. Also whatever you do, do not get caught in her graviton surge. |
5 |
Arthas |
An edgy opponent as he will try to find ways to reach you like uhh walking towards you, rooting you but you just give him the Q then by the time you Q'd him you'll break out of the snare. If he picks up sindragosa, be prepared to fight even if it means fighting an already lost battle. Threat level goes down at mid-late game. |
5 |
Lunara |
In the early game, Bambi can't kill you over time but she is a nuisance to deal with as her unanswered poke damage can tick you off a bit and sometimes activate your E. but as you scale into level 4 where your big power spike kicks in. Trading becomes easier. She herself can opt for Unfair advantage at 13 so be careful of that. |
5 |
Nazeebo |
Early game is in his favor, so just give him pepper in lane and stay away from his zombie wall. If you get caught in it, use Q towards safety as the 500 damage will one shot (excuse me for putting the pun) them. Also I recommend killing the gargantuan as fast as possible so your allies won't have to put up with it. |
5 |
Kael'thas |
A tough enemy as his stun + Q + W rotation will blow you to 30% in the mid game. will definitely blow you up at 16. Shoot him if he commits to attacking but avoid his stun. Watch what he goes for at level 10. If he chooses pyroblast, eyes and ears on him. If not still watch him, but shoot anything else. |
5 |
Falstad |
Not a difficult matchup to say; there are ways around it. Dodge his hammer; preventing burst damage and stacks towards his Gathering storm, fight him under his W as you at 4, can out trade him. |
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Tyrael |
Until he gets his judgement, he poses little threat to you, watch out in corridors where it's easy to get stuck by him and holy ground towards home as you'll find yourself in a rut. Watch him. |
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Anub'arak |
A hard matchup but not impossible, you'll make him think twice at level 13, avoid his skillshots and you should be fine. If goes cocoon, you better be lucky to survive. |
5 |
Sgt. Hammer |
She'll wreck your lane so let her do it, once she reaches your gate, knock her back while she is seiged up as she'll have to unseige. shoot her mines if possible. If you think you can win, all-in on her point-blank. |
5 |
Zagara |
To be honest, in lane she doesn't hurt you as much as she hurts your lane, straightforward matchup alias not too easy for your lane. Pepper her and her summons and soon you'll come out on top due to your infinite mana reserves. In team fights watch for her maw. Look out for backdoor attempts if she went with nydus. |
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Thrall |
Like Zagara, is more of a threat to your lane than you. Watch him at 10 and focus him if he's in a bad spot. |
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Dehaka |
Technically speaking, shouldn't cause much problems however if caught in his tongue means trouble. Watch him most of the fights. Disengage from him at 10 and give him some pepper. Becomes less stressful at 13. |
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Stitches |
Watch him, I mean watch him closely. As soon as you see him cast Hook, move out of his direction. |
5 |
Malfurion |
New malf is scary, stay safe. Shoot him if you can every fight. |
5 |
Samuro |
A scary threat, stay with your team, and treat him like a nova or zeratul. |
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Malthael |
Kite him and dont let him ult you or he will kill you quickly. |
6 |
The Butcher |
A dangerous foe for you in the early game, even more dangerous even more deadly once he hits level 10. Keep an eye on him. If he hard engages just Q him and kite him. Best to stay mounted if you don't see him while you're alone farming. |
6 |
Xul |
A hard counter to you, but easy to kite, just keep your Q ready when he comes in range and knock him back. Keep in mind that if you wait until he comes in melee, prevent him landing an auto after the root to avoid his combo. |
6 |
Tychus |
An even matchup for you, things to look out for; his Q where alot of his damage comes from, his trait + grenades can do alot of damage. However your AA's plus self-sustain is enough to payback for his crimes (get it cause he's the notorious outlaw?). |
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Tyrande |
Only thing to worry about is her vunerable into lunar flare, if they hit you, you are probably dead. |
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Raynor |
Since both of you are mirror matchups. it just comes down to skill and knowledge of the hero. Who makes the most errors and who is ahead. |
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Alarak |
Alarak is cunning and fearsome, watch for his W+Q combo, keep him outta range and you should be fine. |
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Zul'jin |
Could 1v1 him early game, but CANNOT 1v1 him once he hits level 10. |
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Probius |
Dangerous with setup, not so scary without setup. Treat him like gazlowe. |
6 |
D.Va |
She can dive you but once you hit 13, can fight back as her defense matrix has to be saved for you. |
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Yrel |
Kite her, don't let you hammer you and you're a safe cowboy. |
7 |
Chen |
New Chen is even more dangerous than before, if he goes storm earth fire and he targets you, hope for peels. |
7 |
Azmodan |
Early game is no real threat to you, however like you as the games goes on, gets stronger and becomes a threat indeed. Best advice is don't head into where he'll think you'll go when you don't have stimpack ready as he'll dunk you easily. Stay mounted. |
7 |
Chromie |
This weakling is a weak one yes, however can WTF kill you in one rotation. Pepper her once she bites off more than she can chew while keeping away from her traps and temporal loops. Also if she has her ult up, stay back and let others take it for you. |
7 |
Li-Ming |
Her rotation hurts badly like so bad that it will stick with no healer. Watch her and avoid her ultimate. Can't chase her too cause of her teleport ability. |
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Brightwing |
Brightwing's threat level varies, the most important thing to keep in mind is her polymorph ability as it will shut you down hard. Stay back and fire her down with caution. |
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Rexxar |
Avoid his stuns and his threat level goes down by 3. If he goes unleash the boars, hold on to your pants and prepare for a fight. |
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Kerrigan |
A huge threat to you early game so watch that map, otherwise if she jumps the gun on her combo and doesn't have her ult up, she's pretty easy to take on. |
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Cassia |
Blinds are annoying, but can trade if she does not have those up. |
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Stukov |
An honest enemy who if left alone, can win his team the fight. Kill him if he overstay's his welcome. |
8 |
Jaina |
Her burst rotation hurts, but so do your auto attacks. If she uses her rotation, strike her down while it's on cooldown. Avoid fighting her if you know they're back up. |
8 |
Valeera |
Stick with your teamates so they can peel for you once she initiates a fight. |
9 |
Johanna |
Johanna is a soft counter to you, she can blind you, mini stun you for 0.75 seconds and slow you on the run. Gets worse at level 10 as she can go for backline dives with falling sword or another stun with blessed shield. Keep your distance and pepper her if shes in your range but don't 100% commit to her. |
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Nova |
Nova is one of your biggest counters. Try to keep out of bushes and look for the shimmer. |
9 |
Greymane |
Genn Greymane is bad news on the battlefield, making trading into him difficult. If he goes worgen, Q him and kite him away. Keep an eye on the minimap in the early game if he tries to gank you with help. |
10 |
Zeratul |
One of your biggest counters in the game, his sneaky nature and burst damage is a problem for you. Best thing to do is to stay back mounted early game. Mid-late game demands you with allies all the time. Watch the minimap like a hawk for him. |
10 |
Li Li |
Blinds aren't cool, and she moves faster when hit soo probably wait until she's low hp or focus fire her down. |
10 |
Illidan |
Your biggest counter in HoTs, (tied with nova and zera) a good illidan is the definition of fear, stress and anxiety. His hatred will be the best of you once he has you in his sights. Stay in the back, don't give him a chance to engage on you and hope your allies are nearby to assist you against this monster. |
10 |
Genji |
Divers are problematic for you. |
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