Skilling the mana at level 1 is nice to spam the hammer, but i prefer the attack speed reduction. Simply brings so much more to teamfights. Ofc you have to play a bit more passive, but on most maps thats ok.
1. Perfect Storm or Infused hammer (personal choice) Perfect storm can reward if used as often as possible and always hitting heroes.
4. Crowd Control, the others are a waste of potential DPS output.
7. Battle momentum because it reduces CDs and with crowd control can allow for constant stomps.
10. Avatar for new players, Haymaker if your team will need you to make plays to pick off enemies (can be more detrimental for team if used by noobs)
13. Burning rage or healing static instead of thunderstrike. People don't solo often at late game (by the time you get it).
16. Give 'em the axe instead of stoneform if you have healers on your team. (most games)
20. Unstoppable Force or Grand slam (depends on ulti choice) Hardened sheild only lasts 4 seconds.... and rewind is not needed (especially due to Battle momentum)
I like this guide, but one thing I can't understand. Picking crowd-control for reducing cooldown...and then Thunderstrike.
It makes no sense to me so I'm picking the healing from thunderclap since it has nice synergi with the Crowd-control.
It makes a lot more sense than you make it out to be. The healing is usually wasted - when I have that many minions around I'm full hp anyway, or about to be due to the trait + D. The extra dmg, however, is gold in 1 on 1 situations and has helped me get kills and stay alive more than the healing ever will.
I thought Muradin was bad until I tried this build. I really had no clue how to build and play him. This build makes so much sense. I made wonders happen with this. Only died once. Saved by Dwarf Toss a lot of times. Forgot to check my takedowns but this dwarf could bring down anyone. The Crowd Control + Thunderstrike makes Thunderclap good both against heroes and minions. I had so much fun that I will buy him now :)
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4. Crowd Control, the others are a waste of potential DPS output.
7. Battle momentum because it reduces CDs and with crowd control can allow for constant stomps.
10. Avatar for new players, Haymaker if your team will need you to make plays to pick off enemies (can be more detrimental for team if used by noobs)
13. Burning rage or healing static instead of thunderstrike. People don't solo often at late game (by the time you get it).
16. Give 'em the axe instead of stoneform if you have healers on your team. (most games)
20. Unstoppable Force or Grand slam (depends on ulti choice) Hardened sheild only lasts 4 seconds.... and rewind is not needed (especially due to Battle momentum)
In my humble opinion as a beginner.
I like this guide, but one thing I can't understand. Picking crowd-control for reducing cooldown...and then Thunderstrike.
It makes no sense to me so I'm picking the healing from thunderclap since it has nice synergi with the Crowd-control.
It makes a lot more sense than you make it out to be. The healing is usually wasted - when I have that many minions around I'm full hp anyway, or about to be due to the trait + D. The extra dmg, however, is gold in 1 on 1 situations and has helped me get kills and stay alive more than the healing ever will.
btw is twarf toss a typo or an inside joke that im unaware of hehe
It makes no sense to me so I'm picking the healing from thunderclap since it has nice synergi with the Crowd-control.