Build: All-rounder (favorite build)

Level 1

Level 4

Level 7

Level 10

Level 13

Level 16

Level 20
Threat | Hero | Notes | |
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Alarak | Alarak is the second biggest threat regardless of build. Ideally, wait for him to use his [[Discord Strike]] before engaging. Worst case, focus on juking it. If avoided, Alarak can be safely punished during the ability's 8 second cooldown. If it hits you, you're probably dead. Place pylons strategically to grant vision before a fight to avoid being caught. At level 20, be weary of [[Deadly Charge]], which makes defensive positioning even more critical (most take [[Counter-Strike]] at level 10). Level 20 talent [[Hasty Bargain]] gives Alarak another chance to use his basic abilities even if he misses--watch out! |
Threat | Hero | Notes | |
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Alarak | Alarak is the second biggest threat regardless of build. Ideally, wait for him to use his [[Discord Strike]] before engaging. Worst case, focus on juking it. If avoided, Alarak can be safely punished during the ability's 8 second cooldown. If it hits you, you're probably dead. Place pylons strategically to grant vision before a fight to avoid being caught. At level 20, be weary of [[Deadly Charge]], which makes defensive positioning even more critical (most take [[Counter-Strike]] at level 10). Level 20 talent [[Hasty Bargain]] gives Alarak another chance to use his basic abilities even if he misses--watch out! |
Threat | Hero | Notes | |
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Alarak | Alarak is the second biggest threat regardless of build. Ideally, wait for him to use his [[Discord Strike]] before engaging. Worst case, focus on juking it. If avoided, Alarak can be safely punished during the ability's 8 second cooldown. If it hits you, you're probably dead. Place pylons strategically to grant vision before a fight to avoid being caught. At level 20, be weary of [[Deadly Charge]], which makes defensive positioning even more critical (most take [[Counter-Strike]] at level 10). Level 20 talent [[Hasty Bargain]] gives Alarak another chance to use his basic abilities even if he misses--watch out! |
Threat | Hero | Notes | |
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Alarak | Alarak is the second biggest threat regardless of build. Ideally, wait for him to use his [[Discord Strike]] before engaging. Worst case, focus on juking it. If avoided, Alarak can be safely punished during the ability's 8 second cooldown. If it hits you, you're probably dead. Place pylons strategically to grant vision before a fight to avoid being caught. At level 20, be weary of [[Deadly Charge]], which makes defensive positioning even more critical (most take [[Counter-Strike]] at level 10). Level 20 talent [[Hasty Bargain]] gives Alarak another chance to use his basic abilities even if he misses--watch out! |
Threat | Hero | Notes | |
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Alarak | Alarak is the second biggest threat regardless of build. Ideally, wait for him to use his [[Discord Strike]] before engaging. Worst case, focus on juking it. If avoided, Alarak can be safely punished during the ability's 8 second cooldown. If it hits you, you're probably dead. Place pylons strategically to grant vision before a fight to avoid being caught. At level 20, be weary of [[Deadly Charge]], which makes defensive positioning even more critical (most take [[Counter-Strike]] at level 10). Level 20 talent [[Hasty Bargain]] gives Alarak another chance to use his basic abilities even if he misses--watch out! |
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Worker Rush (Z) is Probius' mount equivalent that allows him to zoom around the map. Unfortunately, any damage cancels this effect. I use this to speed to an uncontested lane to soak, to catch enemies with Null Gate, to juke, and to escape. Be more cautious when this is on cooldown. If bleeding or poisoned, refrain from using Worker Rush until the damage over time expires, or use it to avoid being hit in the first place. The level 4 talent
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Disruption Pulse (Q) is Probius' bread and butter ability. It effectively replaces the need to auto attack in most cases. It entails firing a narrow burst of energy outward, damaging all targets along the way. While its damage from a single use is not a lot, its short 3 second cooldown makes this a large source of Probius' damage output. Most importantly, it allows for the strategic detonation of Warp Rifts. Firing a Disruption Pulse into the center of a Warp Rift detonates it once active. I use Disruption Pulse to safely poke enemies in lane. Often, I will exclusively use this ability during bruiser matchups where I cannot contest the regeneration globe and do not want them to have it. This ability chips away at their health, and then Warp Rift can be used once the wave is at my Fort's walls to safely gather the globe. I also use Disruption Pulse to interrupt channeling, like a Zul'Jin's Regeneration, and to defend objectives during Alterac Pass, Cursed Hollow, or Towers of Doom. I also use it to dismount enemies chasing me and reveal stealthed heroes. With its low mana cost and cooldown, do not hesitate to use it on cooldown to check bushes before entering or passing to avoid ganks and Abathur mines. Disruption Pulse has game-changing synergy with the level 1 talent
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Warp Rift (W) enables Probius to become an assassin. It allows you to do significant area of effect burst damage, especially if your team has a lot of crowd control. Just because a Warp Rift becomes armed does not mean it needs to be detonated right away. If you let it be but still harass with Disruption Pulse, often enemy heroes will forget the Warp Rift is still there and take damage from it once it passively detonates. Warp Rifts can be used to zone enemies from key objectives like during Volskaya Foundry. Once an enemy hero experiences getting hit by one, they will likely make more of an effort to avoid them. Use this to your advantage. Warp Rifts make it easier to predict enemy movement (they will move away from it), which allows more Disruption Pulse damage or a successful Null Gate for your team to follow up on. If you enjoy a sneaky play style, place a Pylon in a high-traffic bush for vision. Wait for an enemy to approach the bush while you wait on the other side. Then place down all the Warp Rifts available inside the bush. Detonate them using a single Disruption Pulse once the enemy enters the bush. This strategy is even more powerful if the level 1 talent
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Photon Cannon (E) allows Probius to siege forts independently of their own minion waves. I prefer to place at least one cannon defensively to ensure I always have the level 4 talent magic resistance from
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Pylon Overcharge (R) is a great way to reliably do damage to enemy heroes in range and protect Pylons. This is the ultimate I always chose when first learning Probius. There are various uses given the fact that enemies tend to disengage when this ultimate is used due to the high damage output. Thus, it can be used to prolong and defend a siege, to safely escape or fight if overextended, and most commonly, to zone enemies off of key objectives. Ideally, wait for two Pylons to be down prior to ulting. If in a pinch, additional pylons can be placed during the 8 second ultimate. If the level 20 talent ![]() |
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