Kerrigan (Flexible Builds) by Polartech

Kerrigan (Flexible Builds)

By: Polartech
Last Updated: May 2, 2018
13 Votes
Build 1 of 6


Build: Best Generic Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Kerrigan with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Chromie Cromie can't really do nothing versus Kerrigan... Kick her gnome ass with your Q, followed by your combo and explode her fastly without any risk and pity.
Lt. Morales Lt. Morales can only gain time with her Displacement Grenade to stop Kerrigan, nothing to add. play aggressively and try to set good combos to kill her.
Sgt. Hammer
Sylvanas Lane 1vs1: Play aggressively and try to kill her, Sylvanas' E is very predictable and it needs time to be used correctly, try to hard engage with your Q and to poke her with your AA. If she isn't good it will be a free kill. During Team Fight: Sylvanas' damage isn't so high, you can decide to focus another target, or jump on her and wait for her E to try to kill her with your combo followed by 2 or 3 AA.
The Lost Vikings
Abathur Abathur mines are really boring and annoying, and in addition he can ruin all your 1vs1 during gank or lane phases... Pay particular attention when you gank an enemy that has Abathur as Team Mate!!!
Li Li
The Butcher


Build: Infernal Shrines Build (Q Build)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Focus Build (VS Morales/Chromie)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Surviving Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Hybrid Build (Battlefield of Eternity)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: AA Team (Bloodlust or Stim Drone)

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Introduction to Kerrigan: Top

Hi all, I'm Polartech a main Diamond Kerrigan Player, i have more than 1000 games with Kerrigan, and i have started to play Kerrigan since Beta. First of all I wanna speak about Kerrigan's role in the game, I think that Kerrigan is one of the strongest Ambusher of the game. She should be free to roam the lanes and gank Light Targets without escapes, like: - Jaina, Morales, Tyrande, Cromie, Nazeebo, Malfurion, Zul'Jin, Kael Thas, Raynor, ecc... ecc... To do so, you'll need to stay mid with other 2 champions of your team, in this way the other lanes (Bottom and Top) will be pushed by the enemies and your team will get the most advantage from your ganks.
Everyone knows Kerrigan's Combo ("W" and after "E"), (" Impaling Blades Followed by Primal Grasp"), unfortunately I still see people in platinum select Kerrigan and have no idea of what a combo is...!
However know how to use well the Kerrigan's Combo, equals to know 40% of the things to know about her!!! The remaining 60% is Positioning, Timing, Vision, and Choice of Targets.
Back to talking of her role in the match, I think that Kerrigan is very strong even 1 vs 1 in lane, and she can stay alone almost against anyone! If you are interested in 1 vs 1 maatch-up, please be patient and wait for my suggestions in the individual match up [Threats in the first Build (Best Generic Build)].

My Personal Opinion and Results: Top

Actually this is my rank position in Hero League.

This is my first time Diamond ranking in Hero League.

I think that Kerrigan is one of the strongest "Counter-Pick Champion" of the game, she is really devastating against high Range Assassins, Passive Support, and some Specialist. To take the max advantage from Kerrigan, the best thing should be to pick her from the 3° pick onwards, in this way you could see a big number of the components of the enemy teams and decide to take Karrigan or not!!! However Kerrigan works really well with other Aggressive Melee Champions like; Kharazim, Anub'arak Thrall, Muradin, Uther, The Butcher, E.T.C., Diablo, Valeera and Rehgar. But she is however good with some other champions with strong CC (Crowd Control) or Champions those do a lot of Damages like; Jaina, Tyrande, Medivh,
Arthas, Kael'thas and Chromie.
I especially like the Strong Sinergy between Divine Shield of Uther, and Kerrigan's Maelstrom!!! Another Great Combination is Kerrigan's Combo ( Impaling Blades + Primal Grasp) followed by Tyrande's Lunar Flare. I also like the Chain Stun Combo with Anub'arak, Diablo or E.T.C., it isn't so easy to coordinate together, but with a little bit of practice it will be easy and frequently to fit those Chain Stun Combo.

Talents 1 by 1: Top

Kerrigan can be builded in a lot of ways, and almost every talent is useful in several or some situations, same talents are must, others are situational. So I'll try to describe and comment all the talents 1 by 1 in the best of way, or at least in the best way in my opinion;

Tier 1 (Lv.1): - Sharpened Blades, Siphoning Impact, Energizing Grasp and Block;

- Sharpened Blades is surely a good all round talent, always useful. Because Kerrigan's great source of damage comes from her combo, and in particular form her Impaling Blades. I take this talent very frequently.

- Siphoning Impact is more specific and focused than Sharpened Blades. It is super strong with Clean Kill and especially in some map like Infernal Shrines. I also pick it when I need to stay 1 vs 1 in lane to soak experience against Tanks or Supports, or however champions with an high sustain like Thrall, Ragnaros etc... etc...

- Energizing Grasp is surely the less helpful amoung this streak of talents. Nothing to add, ignore it.

- Block is a good counter pick Talent against champions like The Butcher, Raynor, Zul'jin, Artanis and other Auto-Attackers with low frequency of attack but big damages per hit. But honestly I tend to not take this talent almost never, only if enemies have 2 or more Auto-Attackers and we haven't any Blind Effect in all the team.

Tier 2 (Lv.4): - Fury of the Swarm, Psionic Pulse, Clean Kill and Envenom;

- Fury of the Swarm is surely the best Wave Clear talent you can take with Kerrigan. I usually take this talent in almost every game and map except in Infernal Shrines and Battlefield of Eternity. Its Sustain is simply wonderful because it works really well with Double Strike, and with all talents based on Assimilation like;
Assimilation Mastery and Aggressive Defense, generating Shields really stronger than usual, and also in Team Fight is a good talent to do a bit of Area Damages if needed. Remember: AREA DAMAGES = MORE SHIELDS!!!

- Psionic Pulse is a decent alternative to Fury of the Swarm, but its effectiveness is less useful especially during Lane Phases, because it needs mana to be activated and it lasts only 5 seconds, leaving you without it for other 5 seconds!!! I take this talent only in Battlefield of Eternity because it does a bit more damages to the Immortal, and Lane Phases in this map last really nothing. Ignore this talent in other maps.

- Clean Kill is strong only in combo with Siphoning Impact and only in Infernal Shrines. While Siphoning Impact is however a good talent almost in every map, instead Clean Kill is useful only in Infernal Shrines, also because Fury of the Swarm is simply too important for Kerrigan!!! Don't take Clean Kill in other maps.

- Envenom is a poor active talent in this meta, but it still remains helpful to kill some champions like;
Lt. Morales and Chromie. I take Envenom only followed by other talents like; Summon Ultralisk and
Essence for Essence. In this way you can focus and explode the target!!! Ignore Envenom in other situations.

Tier 3 (Lv.7): - Assimilation Mastery, Adaptation, Blade Torrent and Bladed Momentum;

- Assimilation Mastery is a versatile talent always helpful, in every composition, against every composition and in every map...! Usually Kerrigan will be able to Enter in Team Fights starting with a Shield Base that otherwise she would not have without this talent!!! This is the best thing of this talent but not the only one, another good thing is the Mana and Life Regeneration Doubled!!! A good way to recall the less possible. At least the Extraordinary Sinergy with Aggressive Defense, at level 16, makes this talent very useful.

- Adaptation is a Situational Good Talent. It is very strong against some champions like Stitches because he has maybe the strongest grab of the game; Hook. And his "R" Gorge is really a Nightmare for a champion like Kerrigan that Jumps forward trying to catch Light Targets like Mages and Supports!!!

- Blade Torrent is a Noob Talent!!! Really Useless if you are confident with Kerrigan's Combo...! You don't need it!

- Bladed Momentum is generally the most picked in this streak of talents... But I really prefer the most versatile
Assimilation Mastery to it. Bladed Momentum is an Aggressive Talent, useful to cast More Combos in Less Time, that sounds great!!! But I realized very quickly, that You will end your mana after 2 Combos!!! And this is the problem that makes this talent a little bit useless than Assimilation Mastery.

Tier 4 (Lv.10): - Maelstrom and Summon Ultralisk;

- Maelstrom is simply stronger than Summon Ultralisk because both 2 give Shields, but Maelstrom is a Bonus that goes Around Kerrigan giving to her more Shields simply staying in Team Fight!!! And also has Deterrent Effect on lighter enemies!!! While Summon Ultralisk is only good to Focus Independently of Kerrigan's Presence on that Target. But Ultralisk has really Low Life and Damages to be picked without a specific reason.
PS: To break a spear in favor of Summon Ultralisk, i can say that 1 time, during a quick match, i was matched in team with Artanis, Jaina, Raynor and Brightwing. In this particular game, enemies were 4 melee plus
Lt. Morales. Try to think for a second what can happen to Lt. Morales hit by: Polymorph, Purifier Beam, Summon Ultralisk, Summon Water Elemental, and Raynor's Raiders!!! Ahahah...! Simply Epic!!! XD

Tier 5 (Lv.13): - Double Strike, Eviscerate and Queen's Rush;

- Double Strike does combo almost with every other talents of Kerrigan, and it is very good also alone. The strongest think is the Wonderful Synergy with Fury of the Swarm. Every Basic Attack after every Basic Ability will splash for a 75% Additional Damages!!! With this talent you will do Every Camps Alone in really little time...! Another Strong Sinergy is with Nexus Blades. But, in my opinion, the most important thing that often goes unnoticed is the fact that your next basic attack after using Ravage will probably kill the target refunding; Life,
if you picked Syphoning Impact, Mana, if you picked Clean Kill and the Cooldown of the ability in any case...!

- Eviscerate is useful to Reach and Catch Backliners like Mages and/or Supports. It is especially strong against Chromie and/or Lt. Morales. A good Synergy is with Adaptation to have More Escape Range, especially if you are caught by Stitches, Dehaka or Artanis!!! But generally Double Strike is often better than
Eviscerate. I suggest to take Eviscerate only if you really think to be catched/grabbed/eaten a lot of times!!!

- Queen's Rush. This Talent is really really Poor...! Because the Speed Bonus is Simply too Low to be useful to something...! If you need an escape on this streak of talents simply take Eviscerate!!! Only in 1 specific situation it could be fine, and i'm not totally sure in reality, when you will go with Nexus Blades in an Auto-Attack team with Bloodlust or Stim Drone, or Inspire. In team with Raynor, Rehgar, and Lt. Morales.

Tier 6 (Lv.16): - Aggressive Defense, Essence for Essence and Overdrive;

- Aggressive Defense is the most Versatile talent amoung these 3. It Does Combo with every Other Talents
and with everything that does damage. It's simply the best generic talent you can take at level 16. Kerrigan will be a real Off-Tank if you succeed to come to the Team Fights starting with a lot of Shields accumulated!!!

- Essence for Essence is a Strong Talent against Tanks and if you need a Fatal Blow against light/elusive Targets. Once again I'm thinking to Lt. Morales and Chromie on everyone. It's a Good alternative to Aggressive Defense if you are not interested to be Off-Tank and especially if you need more damages against their Tanks.

Overdrive. I was really fascinated from this talent since its release, but a 25% Additional Damages cannot cost
a 40% of Additional Mana
...! It has a good potential but its statistics are simply too bad to use it!!! Such a pity... You can try it instead of Essence for Essence in the Super Focus Build, but i think that Essence for Essence
is however better than Overdrive, even to kill target with low life like Chromie and Lt. Morales.

Tier 7 (Lv.20): - Omegastorm, Torrasque, Nexus Blades and Psionic Shift.

- Omegastorm is really impressive, and leaves the mark in all the Team Fights!!! a 25% Size Increase plus a 100% Shields Bonus are simply great...! It does a Super Combo with Aggressive Defense. Your Shield will be simply gigantic, making Kerrigan a tough target to kill in short time during every fight. Recommended!

- Torrasque isn't a great choice even if you picked Summon Ultralisk. We have better to choose at level 20.

- Nexus Blades is a Situational Good Talent, it is super strong in combo with other abilities of other champions, like: Bloodlust, Inspire, Stim Drone, Plasma Shield and some others that Improve the Damages or Frequency of your Auto-Attack. It obviously does combo with Fury of the Swarm and Bladed Momentum. Build Kerrigan with these talents only in team based on Auto-Attacks, or in Battlefield of Eternity.

- Psionic Shift is surely the Safer and most Versatile of level 20 talents. It is Strongly Recommended Against Champions with Hard Catches like: Stitches, Dehaka and/or Artanis, or with a lot of Stun/Slow Effects like: Muradin, Anub'arak and/or E.T.C.. Generally is always good, An All Round Strong Talent.
It is also good to close kills against Elusive Targets like: Genji, Tracer and/or Illidan.

Best Generic Build: Top

This Build is always Strong... ALWAYS!!! If you don't want to stay too much time to think about who you have against, in which map are you playing, who are your Allies, or simply if you are only testing Kerrigan for the first
25-50 games, go with this build, and you can stay sure that it will be really fine.
This build gives you a lot of Self Sustain in Super Early Game thanks to the First Talent Siphoning Impact, playing well, and taking confidence with Kerrigan's playing style, you can take a lot of benefits from this talent and will win your lane if you are 1vs1. The Second Talent Fury of the Swarm is the Best Clean Wave you can take with Kerrigan, surely stronger than Psionic Pulse, it also helps you a lot during Solo Camps giving you more Damages and Shields. Only in few maps i prefer Psionic Pulse to Fury of the Swarm, one of these is Battlefield of Eternity, because in this map Psionic Pulse gives you more damages to the Immortal during objectives phase. At level 7, as Third Talent, i always prefer Assimilation Mastery to Bladed Momentum, because i really need more Sustain both in Lane than in Team Fight, and Mana is a serious problem for Kerrigan, and bit of more Life Regeneration is always good. Maelstrom is a MUST for Kerrigan, and Double Strike helps you a lot both to do more easily camps and to last hit the enemies thanks to your "Q" Ravage followed by 1 autoattack. In the end Aggressive Defense is the reason of why i always pick Assimilation Mastery at level 7. More Shields and long lasting provide much higher Longevity in Team Fights.
At level 20 you can choose between Omegastorm and Psionic Shift, sometimes I prefer the first of the two choices because Omegastorm does Combo with Assimilation Mastery and Aggressive Defense.
But usually 1 escape is a savelife...! However it depends on enemy team!!!

Infernal Shrines Build (Q Minions Wave Clear): Top

This Build makes Kerrigan a true Tier 1 in this Map...! Infernal Shrines is really an extraordinary map to play Kerrigan, because it's made out of three close lanes, because you can ISTANT KILL every guardian with your
Ravage Ability, followed by 1 autoattack, refreshing your Ravage Cooldown
. This is the reason of the first 2 talents; Siphoning Impact and Clean Kill will help you gaining a lot of Life and Mana Sustain, and even in Lane Phase these talents will give you an hand to recover Life without recalling every 2 minutes, even against counter pick like; Artanis, Dehaka, Illidan, etc... etc... The rest is similar to the precedent builds.

In this game i have done the 86% of the Damages of my team to the Guardians of the Altars. This means that Kerrigan is the Fastest Farmer during Altar Phase in this map, you simply have to spam your Ravage Ability (Q) on all minions and wait a light enemy champion to kill preserving all other abilities for him/her.

Super Focus Build: Top

I don't like so much this build and I decide to go with it only if you are against 1 or both of these 2 Heroes;
Chromie and/or Lt. Morales. With this build you surely have more Explosive Damages thanks to Envenom
and Essence for Essence, but it is also true that you will lose a lot of sustain both in lane that in team fight...
The reason of this build is to reach Morales and/or Cromie and destroy them in less time possible!!! This is the reason of Summon Ultralisk and other talents that all Improve your Range like Eviscerate and Psionic Shift and/or your Istant Damage. Don't choose this build for other reasons, is really less helpful of the others in every other situation...! Your Passive ability; Assimilation will be useless and your Shields really poors.
In addition Maelstrom is however better than Summon Ultralisk in every other situation and condition!!!

Support Value for Kerrigan: Top

I wanna open a small chapter to all Supports in relation with Kerrigan. Because not all Supports are synergistic with Kerrigan. I'll divide them in 4 Tier, where Tier 1 are the most Useful, and Tier 4 are the most Useless:

- Tier 1: - Uther, Rehgar and Kharazim;

- Uther is surely the best Support for Kerrigan, his Divine Shield is what you really want in Team Fights. Kerrigan's Maelstrom will become a Real Nightmare for your enemies if combined with Uther's Divine Shield.
In addition Uther can follow your combo with his Stun Hammer of Justice, and Istant Heal you with his 2 Healing Abilities Holy Radiance and Holy Light!!! In fact I think Kerrigan requires a Support that Istantly Heals to cover the retreat after her ***oult. Shrink Ray is an exellent way to help Kerrigan to close a kill, and with Benediction at level 16, Uther can stun 2 times in a row the same target with Hammer of Justice!!!

- Rehgar is one of my favorite Support of the game, and both his Ultimates are Great with Kerrigan!!! Ancestral Healing can Fully Restore Kerrigan when she is low life. And Bloodlust is however good with Kerrigan, both for its Movement and Attack Speed Bonus, seeing that Kerrigan does several damages with autoattacks, and Lifesteal is always good for every autoattackers even if Kerrigan isn't a real autoattacker. Like Uther, even Rehgar can nicely follow Kerrigan's Combo with his Bite and with Earthbind Totem Slowing a lot the target and facilitating the kill. In addition after level 13 Rehgar can Shield Kerrigan with his talent Earth Shield ensuring more survivability to Kerrigan after her Ravage on light targets, or while she is running away from the death.

- Kharazim is another nice choice to Support Kerrigan. He can follow her Ravage with his Radiant Dash and Heals all the team a lot thanks to Transcendence activating Deadly Reach while he is autoattacking the target of Kerrigan's Combo. Divine Palm is another great way to keep Kerrigan in life when she is hugely focused. Breath of Heaven is a decent heal for Kerrigan but i really like it because heals all the team.

- Tier 2: - Tyrande, Lt. Morales and Medivh;

- Tyrande is considerated the Best Support for Kerrigan, I honestly do not totally agree with this theory, even if she is however a good Support for Kerrigan. The Strong Synergy between Kerrigan's Combo and Tyrande's Lunar Flare is really effective and impressive! But that's all... This is the reason why i don't Super Like Tyrande.

- Lt. Morales is simply the strongest Support to Heal Champions Focused. Given the fact that Kerrigan is almost always the Main Focus, i really like to play with Morales because she gives me more time to close the Kills and to Run away from the enemies when i'm the Focus, thanks to her abilities: Healing Beam and Safeguard.
I also like Bioshield and Irradiate Talents. In this way Kerrigan will gain more Damages and Survivability.
The first one, Bioshield, does Combo with Assimilation and with all the Talents based on Shields, like;
Assimilation Mastery, Aggressive Defense, or Essence for Essence. While the second one,
Irradiate, does Combo with Psionic Pulse. And both 2 are Super Great with Maelstrom!!!

- Medivh isn't a real Support but i wanna mention him because is a good pick in team with Kerrigan, even if
Medivh is considered a bad pick, and I generally agree with the idea that usually is a bad pick. But I like him for Several Reasons. One of these is his Shield Force of Will, because 1,5 seconds of Invulnerability are Super Good for Kerrigan, especially when she jumps with Ravage on light targets. Another reason is the possibility, that Medivh has, to create an Escape for Kerrigan with his Portal. I appreciate especially Medivh builded on Portal, with; Stable Portal, Mage Armor, Raven Familiar and Astral Projection or Quickening.

- Tier 3: - Malfurion, Tassadar and Li Li;

- Malfurion is rightly considered one of the strongest Supports of the game, and I really like him in every team and composition, but he doesn't work really really well with Kerrigan. I think that Malfurion can Heal really a lot, but He can only Heal over time and Not Instantly!!! And this is a serious problem for a champion like Kerrigan that needs a quick cure in the right time. To Malfurion favor it must be said that he can Root the targets of Kerrigan's Combo with his Entangling Roots obtaining more time of immobilization to close the kill.

- Tassadar works well with Kerrigan but together they haven't any good combination of abilities to exploit.
The only strong Synergy are Tassadar's Shields because his Plasma Shield is good with Assimilation. Nothing of extraordinary but it works decently. Archon does a lot of damages and it is a great way to follow Kerrigan's Combo, Slowing and hugely Damaging the Targets. I also like Khala's Light to give more Resistence to Kerrigan.

- Li Li is fine for Kerrigan, She can Istant Heal, and her Cloud Serpent is good to improve the Damages of Kerrigan both in Team Fight and in Lane. I like Li Li all builded on Cloud Serpent, with; Timeless Creature,
Mending Serpent, Lightning Serpent and Serpent Sidekick. I also like Shrink Ray and her Jug of 1,000 Cups. Especially the Ultimate is really strong to Fastly Fully Restore the Life of Kerrigan and her allies.

- Tier 4: - Brightwing and Auriel;

- Brightwing is surely the worst Support for Kerrigan. It Can't Istant Heal, No Roots, No Stuns, it can't easily follow the focus, and its Damages are too Low to be incisive... Do not misunderstand me, i like Brightwing, especially against Illidan, The Butcher, and Kerrigan too. But it can't work decently with Kerrigan Style.

- Auriel works well with Mages who make a lot of Damages and charge Auriel's Energy. But she hasn't any Synergy with Kerrigan and her Detainment Strike is harmful for Kerrigan's Combo, because it hugely moves the target, and if it strikes while Kerrigan is casting her Combo, it surely will miss!!! However i really don't like
Auriel in this meta, she doesn't heal so much, and her other abilities aren't so useful. The only good thing is
Crystal Aegis, very strong ability. But she is super effective with Cho Gall. Seeing is believing!!!

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