Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Murky |
Better since Sylvanas' patch but not a real problem for you. |
2 |
Sgt. Hammer |
Just dodge her poke. |
3 |
Gazlowe |
Not a problem for you. |
3 |
The Lost Vikings |
Just be careful at level 10. |
4 |
Abathur |
Abathur is not a problem, but his spells are. He can easily kill you if you don't be careful. |
4 |
Brightwing |
Not really a threat. Be careful to her [[polymorphed]] and stun&mark to finish her. |
4 |
Illidan |
HAHAHA! Wait his jump on your team and kill him! But don't attack when he is on [[evasion]] |
4 |
Raynor |
You can kill him before his heal. And he don't have any control against you. |
4 |
Tassadar |
He can become a threat if you take [[shadowstalk]] |
4 |
Tychus |
Since his nerf he's not a real threat. |
5 |
Azmodan |
The only threat : His long range. It's hard to stun him. |
5 |
Malfurion |
His zone stun, his zone silence, his heal.. A very bad guy this druid. |
5 |
Zeratul |
Melee stealth. Find him and kill him. |
5 |
Kharazim |
Everything depend of his passive. If he play aggressive, try to stay out of range. |
6 |
Kerrigan |
Be careful, her spells are terrible |
6 |
Nova |
She's a ranged assassin but she's stealth. Your [[starfall]] counter her. |
6 |
Thrall |
Stun and burst. But you can see him arrived. |
6 |
Zagara |
[[hunter killer]] is a problem and [[devouring maw]] too. |
7 |
Falstad |
Like some ranged assassins, try to stun them before they kill you. |
7 |
Jaina |
Like some ranged assassins, try to stun them before they kill you. |
7 |
Li Li |
She's a healer. But his [[blinding wind]] is a threat for you. |
7 |
Sonya |
She have good mobility but not enough life to be a high threat. |
7 |
Uther |
Stun, heal and life after death. |
7 |
Valla |
Like some ranged assassins, try to stun them before they kill you. |
7 |
Sylvanas |
A good range and always moving, she's not easy to stun. |
8 |
Anub'arak |
Too much mobility for you, or wait the moment when he launch his [[burrow charge]] for stun him. |
8 |
Chen |
Life bag but he don't have lot of controls. Just dodge him. |
8 |
Rehgar |
The most terrible support you ever seen. Good heal, jump with his [[feral lunge]], good damage. |
8 |
Kael'thas |
High threat for this area's assassin. Try to stun him before he launch his combo. |
8 |
The Butcher |
He can easily dash on you and kill you really fast. |
9 |
Arthas |
Life bag and many control. |
9 |
Muradin |
Again a tank with controls. |
9 |
Nazeebo |
Lot of damage, a very good control, DoT.. Fear him. |
9 |
Tyrael |
Life bag and good mobility. You can't escape. |
9 |
Johanna |
Slow, pull, blind, stun. To much crowd control for you. |
10 |
Diablo |
This hero is insane for you! Stay out of range. |
10 |
E.T.C. |
Like Diablo. |
10 |
Stitches |
Ouch grab.. |
10 |
Leoric |
Good mobility, good tanking, good harassing and good damage. Stay out of range. |
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