My Data Collection by tempesti

My Data Collection

By: tempesti
Last Updated: Aug 12, 2015
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Tis is not a guide, just my HotS database with BBCoding
Contains general data about HotS - units, XP, map analysis, strategies etc.
Its purpose is my other guides to use redirect links to this data.

If somebody wants to use it too, anchors are underlined
Example of coding such redirect:
[url= goes the anchor..] text mask [/url]

Some numbers are approximate but close enough. Some are even still to be determined. If you have better info on a subject, I would gladly update it.
Team Compositions have great influence but are covered only as general info

Contents Top

Units - Lane, Mercenaries, Neutral Top

Lane Minions spawn at 0:04 and every 30.5 sec as waves of 7 (3+1+3) at your Nexus, each heading towards enemy Core on their designated lane. They are map themed (ex. 3 Footmen, Wizard, 3 Archers), have SightRange of 8, Caster minion may have support function and upon death drops Regeneration Globe.
Catapult spawns in lanes with destroyed enemy Fort and Keep, improves Map Vision (Sight 12), and greatly increases pushing power with long range projectiles. If such lane is not cleared, Catapults from several waves may stack together and become quite a menace for the Core.
Lane Minion Stats

Mercenaries are units defending Camps. Can be recruited once defeated, and head towards their lane and help defending or pushing it.
Bruiser mercs are caster and his escorts. Usually they are map themed Sorcerer (ranged unit with nuke spell) and 3 Knights (ignore half damage from structures).
Siege mercs are long-ranged units - standard ones are Siege Giants with area splash (against stationary targets damage even doubles).
Boss suffers half CC duration and is immune to disables. On lane only attacks structures. Additionally has abilities to destroy player created obstacles and to prevent MULE repair. If 2+ heroes are in melee range (or 3+ units,) casts huge stunning AoE. Against range 4+ attackers has specific ability: Grave Golem (used on some maps as Objective related unit too) has root snare. Giant Scarab (same stats) releases twisters that knock back. Boss abilities deal double damage against non-Heroic.
Standard Merc Stats and Abilities

Battlefield of Eternity replaces standard mercs. Siege Camps are defended by 3 Khazra Impalers - their Bloodlust makes them efficient against high HP targets.
Bruiser Camps have Fallen Shaman and 2 Fallen Hounds. Harder to clear because of Shaman high HP. As Hounds are free meatshield, they have great pushing power if left unchecked.
Battlefield of Eternity Merc Stats and Abilities

Some maps have specific Objective Related Units. They are individually explained with corresponding maps. Table below lists them with their stats.
Map Specific Unit Stats

Main Objective Units

Defensive Structures Top

Structures are buildings helping protect Nexus courtyard and its approaches. Some are passive obstacles, others attack incoming enemies, prioritizing minions/mercs over heroes.

Altar of Storms is the place heroes spawn, respawn, or teleport to using Hearthstone. Replenishes hero HP and mana and has barrier stopping any enemy attack.
Core is placed next to Altar of Storms. Game's ultimate goal is to destroy it. Spawns every 30.5 sec (starting at 0:04) waves of lane minions. Its turret cannot be disabled, uses no ammo, shoots at cloaked units and deals splash damage. Gets HP increase first 20 minutes and until a Keep is taken down is invulnerable.[eule]
Lanes leading to it have outer and inner Defense Line (or 1st and 2nd line). Each is formed by a Gate, 2 Cannon Towers and 2 Walls, completely blocking out the enemy. Another Tower, Healing Fountain and a Town Hall behind them complete such line. Inner line structures are of higher tier.
Town Hall is generally referred as fort, when more specific Fort and Keep.
Destroying Keeps is mid-goal determining who has late game advantage. Turret has Slow effect.
Destroyed Town Hall forms huge impassable piles of rubble.
Tower fortified cannon turret with limited ammo
Fort outer Town Hall
Keep inner Town Hall
Gate entrance impassable for enemies
Defensive Wall passive obstacles granting some vision
Healing Fountain (Moonwell) provides Rejuvenation buff to heroes
Ammo - towers and forts need ammunition to shoot. The have respectively 20 and 40 at the start and regenerate 1 ammo every 15 second. Once a structure is out of ammo, it won't shoot for 30 seconds.

Structure Stats

Important Game Mechanics Top

Objectives, XP and Vision have greatest impact. Other mechanics worth mentioning:

Taking control over objects is usually done by capping the Beacon representing them.
Defeated heroes with some exceptions reappear at their Altar of Storms after respawn timer is up.
All heroes can teleport back to Altar of Storms after 7 sec channeling using Hearthstone.
Most heroes can summon a mount with +40% movement speed after 2 sec channeling.
Heroes HP and mana are restored over time by their innate regeneration and by Rejuvenation buffs from visiting Moonwells or picking up Regeneration Globes.
last hit mechanics in HotS are different compared to other MOBAs and can be dealt by multiple sources.
Channeling itself is basic mechanic in this game. Activities requiring it get
interrupted (unlike channeled spells) by simply taking damage.
respawn timer delay between hero's tajedown and his respawn
Beacon circle with progress bar for capping represented object
Hearthstone object representing hero's ability to telepoet back home
hearthing using Hearthstone
Mount representation of movement speed self-buff
mounting process of summoning the mount
Rejuvenation buff restores HP and mana over time for its duration
Regeneration Globe drops that cast lvl.1 Rejuvenation buff upon picking
last hit dealing damage in the second of death.
drop object appearing upon killing a unit
capping (cap) take control of, abbreviation from capture

Each map expects teams to fulfill some tasks, the reward being beneficial event temporarily increasing their pushing power. Some of those Objectives can give big early or midgame lead that even snowballs, while others have decisive effect by themselves if obtained during late game.
As this is the most efficient way to push lanes and even Core, most of team strategies revolve around contesting them with opponents. One can win a game by clever use of Mercenaries and split pushing while losing on Objective count, but still they remain of top strategic priority.
Every map has its own objectives and adds Objective related units and/or objects.
turn-in point object that requires channeling to add objective drops to team's count
transformation point object where after channeling, a hero transforms into objective reward
objective counter shows team progress in collecting/turning in the required drops

Heroes progress by gaining experience points (XP). Having higher level than opponents significantly improves team's chances. XP is gained by killing heroes and units and destroying structures. Tables in corresponding sections have the exact numbers, during early game Lane Minions being the main source.
XP is evenly distributed between team members. XP from takedowns (no matter the reason for death) and structures is global. Killed units count only if within standard sight range (8) or last hit was delivered by a skill (spell or summoned unit).
underdog bonus bonus/penalty for killing heroes depending on team XP difference
XP soaking gaining experience from Lane Minions
passive XP soak soaking XP from lane without actively attacking minions
feeding needles death giving HP away
XP range units are visible and within range 8
XP denial zoning enemy hero away enough from dying minions
XP Details

Being able to follow enemy movement and keep an eye over objectives and merc camps is important strategic factor. Besides that, during fights often having Line of Sight decides if a hero lives or dies. Vision is granted by controlled heroes, structures, or any allied unit. Can be also achieved by hero skills or by controlling
Watch Tower - object represented by a beacon, that has sight range of 12 and ignores LoS. It takes 3 seconds to cap, and if enemy controls it - 3 sec to negate or 6 sec to recapture.
Vision can be obstructed by impassable obstacle, enemy structure or a bush. Also can be reduced by event (ex. during night cycle on Garden of Terror.
Good map vision helps a lot your Map Awareness - the ability to predict enemy plans and moves.

Fog of War other units can only be seen in areas over which you have vision
sight range distance over which heroes, units, structures and objects grant vision
cloaked unit has Cloak (untargetable and only visible as blur) activated
reveal make area and cloaked units within visible
Line of Sight (LoS) absence of obstacles blocking vision on target
hidden hero hero within Bush out of enemy line of sight

Heroes - Skills, Fights, Compositions Top

Beside roles, other hero related subsections are:
mobility, skill types, crowd control, damage and prevention, engagements, hero tiers, archetypes

There are 4 classes in HotS Warrior, Assassin, Support and Specialist, but when it comes to roles and team composition things become a bit more complicated. Also every region has its own meta and pick methods. Classic composition was tank, healer, 2 ranged and 1 melee DPS that had its power spike for team fights at the time of their Heroics. Now prevalent are compositions with double Warrior (that once existed only in Chinese meta), teams sometimes go for double Healer or even triple Warrior setups.
Team positions depend on regional meta. Having dedicated Main Tank, Ranged DPS and Main Support is not only players to be really familiar with their heroes but as well team to know exactly what playstile to expect of them and have better coordination. The other two slots vary. In melee heavy meta (Korea) it is normal to have dedicated Beuiser for aggressive melees and a Flex (flexible position - takes hybrid, off-tank or whatever the draft forces him into). EU meta usually has two Flexes, melle DPS heroes are considered hybrid. Flexes can also use lane roles - solo laner, off-laner or roamer (more on tri-laning in Details).
Tank (Main Tank) hero with innate CC and able to soak a lot of damage
Bruiser melee hero with good self-sustain and able to take some beating
Carry (ADC) designated Damage Dealer during fights (a.k.a DPS)
Healer (Main Support) hero specialized on healing and supporting the team
Semi-support some heals, buffs and debufs as well as damage dealing skills
Initiator hero forcing team fights by diving or CC-ing an enemy
Off-tank the 2nd Warrior, usually Bruiser, in double tank compositions
Melee Assassin (Melee DPS) damage dealer engaging enemy heroes at close range
Range DPS heroes capable to deal significant damage from distance
Hybrid hero not dedicated as tank, healer or DPS
Auto-attacker hero relying on basic attacks (AA) and picking talents boosting them
Caster hero whose damage is based on his spells
frontliner hero who can survive fighting in front, exposed to enemy attacks
backliner hero who can't afford to be exposed, usually has small HP pool (squishy)

Hero mobility influences positioning, repositioning and capability to engage, chase or disengage. Impeding opponents from doing the same is key in many situations

Body Block physically obstructing enemy movement by positioning a hero on its path
Hit Box / Collision area occupied by a hero for targeting/movement purposes
Peel separate enemy hero from his team or target
Dive bypass enemy frontline usually engaging one of the squishes
Gap-closer skill allowing to very quickly get to a different spot
Teleport (Blink) instantly reappear from point A to point B
charge / jump quickly traverse distanse from A to B, jumps ignore ground obstacles
disengage skill skill allowing to get away from attackers
initiating skill (engage skill) either gap-closer or holds enemy hero in place untill you get to him
Juke sudden changes of direction to evade attacks or to break LoS
Kite moving away from attackers while dealing damage thanks to superior range
Stutter-spep repositioning between basic attacks without losing dps

Heroes interact with environment and other heroes by the use of Skills or Basic Attacka. Skills may deal or heal damage, apply effects or summon allied minions. Skills differ on their targeting, area and effects. Some spells auto-pick among visible targets based on proximity and priority. Targeted skills may be single or multi-hit, areal ones target area on the map. Skills may have instant effect,or be Ongoing spells.
The channeled ones and those that require pre-channeling can be interrupted even by simple daze. Semi-channeled can only be stopped by hard interrupts. Some of the ongoing hero-centered effects can only be stopped by morph disablers.

Skillshot directional spell not requiring target
AoE (Area of Effect) spell affects the entire area including cloaked or hidden heroes
Targeted Skill needs initial visible target within range
Aura centered ongoing effect; heals, damages or applies effects within its radius
Global Skill no range restriction for targeting
channeled skill caster is unable to move or act for its duration
semi-channeled skill caster can only move for its duration
pre-channel requires short channeling before cast
Buff / Debuff target has ongoing beneficial/harmful effect
Fade some buffs/debuff have their effect decrease over time

Crowd Control (or CC) skills have greatest impact on team's strategy and tactical decisions during fights. Especially powerful are hard interrupt effects (stuns, silences and polymorphs).

Stun unit is unable to act
Silence affected hero can't use skills
polymorph unit is silenced and transformed into weaker one
Interrupt stops channeled, semi-channeled or ongoing skill
morph disabler temporary remove a hero from battle
displacement skill Knockback away or Pull towards spell center
Daze results from displacement skills, soft interrupt
Root disables movement
Slow slows by %
Blind target misses with Basic attacks
Cleanse remove CC effects from target
Unstoppable immune to CC

Damage depending on its source is Heroic damage and non-Heroic damage. Heroic damage from Skills is considered Spell Damage, the other being Basic Attack damage. Can be affected by buffs and debuffs and is counteracted by preventing or healing. Innate regenerative effects help too, as well as rejuvenation buffs.

Burst / Sustained damage dealing damage in huge spikes or evenly distributed over time
DoT / HoT Damage/Heal over Time for sertain period
tick activation of ongoing or over-time spell
Shield temporary HP buffer
Block negate (partially) damage rom Basic Attacks
Self-sustain hero's capability to restore/prevent HP loss by himself
Life Leach (LL) dealing damage restores portion of HP
invulnerability state of being immune to damage or harmful spells
frames brief moments of invulnerability provided by some skills
Vulnerable debuffed to take increased damage

PvE elements play their part (primary and secondary objectives), still different hero engagements are what greatly influences match outcome.

1v1 or 1 vs. 1 confronting 1 enemy hero
Duel 1v1 when disengage is not an option
Skirmish groups of heroes from both teams engage over some strategic point
Team Fight 4+ vs. 4+ when heroics and synergies are very important
posturing maneuvering without really engaging
scrappy fight both sides at the end have several heroes at very low HP and
engage / disengage start a fight / retreat from a fight
team wipe in a team fight one side loses all heroes
focused fire all heroes concentrate their atacks agains hthe same target
out of position wither fighting in unfavorable position or unable to join in time

Every hero individually is a viable pick, but some require specific composition to be strong, while others fit easier in many different setups and don't require many hours of team practice so that team mates get used to them. Following list reflects popularity and adaptability of all heroes.
Hero Tiers

Hero TAB Stats Relevance

Composition Archetypes

Depending on their power spike besides standard team fight compositions there are Skirmish ones comprised of strong early game heroes and late game oriented that dominate from late midgame on.
Archetypes are based on team behavior and strategy. Often hero talents and roles are tweaked and what seem more like other archetype adapts its behavior to counter opponent's composition.

The standard one - Team fight - is centered around heroes with highly efficient in team fights AoE skills and disablers, power spike at Heroics.
To counter that, teams go for Poke - long range skills to put damage on frontliners without directly engaging in team fights, or Safe - good zoning, disengage and sustain entering team fights on their terms only.
The bane for those two is Pick or CC Train - locks individual targets and dishes out burst damage.
Last three have trouble dealing with Siege - good structural damage and disengage, sometimes with Split-push - strong split-pusher does his job and provides XP lead while the rest keep opponents busy.
Facing several squishy long range heroes is the reason Dive (or Hard Engage) exists - high self-sustain bruisers diving behind enemy frontline to wreak havoc
There are also many synergy Themed compositions revolving around skill synergies. They may fall under any archetype.
Compositions - Details & Examples

Map Areas - Importance and Hero Behavior Top

Map areas can generally be divided in 3 categories: Jungle, Lanes and Courtyard - the area around the Core.
Haunted Mines has special objective related zone - the Underground.
Jungle are all areas between lanes and at their sides. This is where are situated Mercenary Camps and different objective related units and objects. Terrain there includes also obstacles and bushes, that may create various choke points.
Obstacle impassable element, blocks Line of Sight
Bush blocks Line of Sight for those outside
Choke Point narrow passage that makes moving in formation impossible

Mercenary Camps
These are places of great strategic importance situated in the Jungle. Usually they are symmetrical for both teams near their outer Defense Lines but on some maps there are Camps in the contested middle zone either up (N), down (S) or in the very center (C). There are 3 types of Camps (Siege Camps, Bruiser Camps and Boss Camps) defended by the respective type of Mercenaries - Siege mercs, Bruiser mercs or a Boss. They are idle until engaged. Once dealt damage, defenders attack anyone in vicinity. With no enemy within sight range while on their original position, become idle again and reset HP and level.
defensive Camp Mercenary Camp on your half of the map
offensive Camp (aggressive Camp) Mercenary Camp on enemy half of the map
neutral Camp Mercenary Camp in the middle of the map
leashed forces defenders to return to original position when at max distance
idle state until engaged, defender mercs passively stand at their camp
jungler hero specialized in defeating efficiently defending mercs
tagged Camp defending mercs are engaged while objective event disables camps
camp steal (Boss steal) a hero caps beacon after opponents defeat defenders
Camp Details


Lane is a road connecting both Cores that starts at inner Defense Lines. Inner parts are protected by outer Defense Lines, the middle is contested zone. Lane Minions fight against enemies on lanes, so do Mercenaries - they head from camps to their designated one. Every map has lower (bottom) and upper (top) lanes, most have middle (mid) lane too. Destroying defending Structures on at least one lane is the mid-goal of a game.
Main activities connected with lanes are Laning, Roaming and Pushing
laner hero that fights enemies on lane for XP
bully chase opposing hero away
waveclear the ability to kill efficiently enemy minion waves
lane presence how resistant to bullying and efficient in clearing waves is a hero
Roaming crossing the jungle between lanes back and forth
gank get enemy hero cornered and outnumbered
push attempt to open more space on a lane destroying defending structures
pushed lane minions fight on opponents half
deep-pushed enemy minions are pushed back to their Courtyard
pre-push prepare later push in the lane - ex. exhaust tower ammo
team push 3+ heroes advance on a lane
split-push hero systematically pushes a lane separated from the rest
pushing power the potential to advance in a lane
shove minions and mercs can push lane by themselves
Lane Manipulation assist minions to stack in a powerful wave
Laning in Details

Roaming in Detals

Pushing in Detail

Maps Top

Symmetry is the way your half of a map matches opponent's side:
Mirror is when both halves of each lane are exact match.
When top/bot are reversed it is Rotation by 180 degrees.
Important Areas - having vision over these or denying it can determine game's outcome.
Map Analysis - comparative value of different elements of a map and their combinations.
Tactical - some decisions concerning exact moment or situation
General Strategy - common sense things to do (or not) on a map
Summary - overview of how games normally go on
Behavior and compositions of coordinated from 1st second pro teams are not subject of those surveys.
Bridge of Death is feature on bot lane of Blackheart's Bay and Sky Temple and top on Dragon Shire. To push the Keep a team has to enter a bridge leading to it, where is highly vulnerable to flanking and AoE.
Throw Pit is Boss Camp on Tomb of the Spider Queen. Sometimes used for Blackheart's Bay too.

Battlefield of Eternity Blackheart's Bay Cursed Hollow
Dragon Shire Garden of Terror Haunted Mines
Sky Temple Tomb of the Spider Queen Infernal Shrines

Blackheart's Bay Top

The map of PvE and back alleys. Symmetry - mirror
Main Objective Collect Doubloons and hand them to Captain Blackheart (spawns at 1:10)
10 (+2 for each next bombardment) activate Ghostship Cannonballs
Objective Event 12 Cannonballs are shot in barrages of 3 at closest enemy Structure
Objective Related Doubloons or Coins - collect from Treasure Chests or defeated Doubloon Camps
Doubloon Camp 4 spawn at 2:00 and are defended by 2 Skeletal Pirates. Upon defeating them, 2 Coins and Regeneration Orb drop and starts 2:30 respawn timer.
Treasure Chest -2 spawn periodically and each contains 5 Coins dropped while being destroyed. For every hero the Coin count is tracked on the TAB panel.
Cannonball - deals 2000 direct damage and 250 splash within the circle.
Objective Timings and Locations, Cannonball Targeting

Map Layout 3 lanes. Very little space between top and mid, inner parts are separated by Bruiser Camps, outer by Doubloon Camps and a Watch Tower.
Alleys connect inner mid and inner bot to the contested area for turn-ins.
Bushes for most part are replaced by sewer grates.
6 Mercenary Camps: Siege Giants at lower alleys and Knights at S head bot, Knights inner top/mid and Golem Boss at N head top.

Layout Details

General Strategy & Tactics

Plans on this map can be to gather Doubloons, as well as to push lanes the traditional way and go for cheap turn ins later. Still, if a team gets solid lead, it can practically play PvE - have vision over opponent's movement, deflect their active attempts and periodically turn in Coins and cap Mercenaries. Once Keeps start going down, comebacks against cautious opponents are very hard.
Formation at start is usually 4-1, for midgame follow rotations bot and 1-1-3 or 1-4, then it is all about Coins, control over the central area and split-pushes. Ideally turn-ins are fro the full Doubloon amount, but it is always wise to get rid of Coins carried by split-pusher or initiator.
When behind, have 2 roaming groups and try to make opponents split.

Cursed Hollow Top

The biggest map so far. Symmetry - 180 Rotation (so comments are about right half)
Main Objective Collect 3 Tributes to activate Raven Lord's Curse
Objective Event For 70 seconds enemy team is Cursed: Lane Minions are at 1hp and Fortifications
won't fire. (Core is unaffected)
Objective Related
Tribute - spawns in jungle (stone circles) and takes 7 sec to channel.

Tribute Spawn Timings
Tribute Spawn Location semi-randomness

Map Layout 3 lanes, vast jungle in middle part of which are situated the 6 Tribute spawn locations, at the fringes 6 Mercenary Camps - 1 for each lane. Multiple obstacles and bushes create maze-like pattern with several choke points. Siege Giants are next to bot Inner Defense, Knights are above inner mid and Grave Golem above them heads top.
A Watch Tower on each side grants vision over vital area between mid and bot.

Layout Details

General Strategy & Tactics

Huge map allowing different strategies. Games often pass 20 minutes mark and late game compositions have chance for comebacks if long enough protect their Keeps, while Skirmish compositions have advantage early game. The most important factor is finding the balance between pushing, jungling and team fighting. Mobility, Zoning and Vision are good things to have on your heroes. Team distribution is like roaming party of 3 that is changing size to 4 or 2 depending on the situation. Games are usually decided by Bosses after 2 Curses but once a Keep is down, Core Rushes are always to be considered as a threat. Calldown: MULE can slow down pushes especially in opponent's Golem lane (if turns out that their strategy revolves around sieging).

Sky Temple Top

Very tall map but its objectives make it the fastest one. Symmetry - mirror
Main Objective Control Temples when active by standing on them with a hero.
Objective Event Temple laser shoots every second at closest enemy Structure
Objective Related Temple - circular object, when charged a hero standing on it uncontested controls it for his team. Total of 3, have their own icons under minimap showing their state, charged ones have minimap icon too.
Temple Guardians - Temple defenders that spawn upon activation and after the 10th/25th shot is fired. More details in Objective related Units
Temple Timings and other Details

Map Layout 3 lanes, vast space between them. Several of the Bushes have tactical value.
Relatively open Temple area at N and very specific one down at S.
Bridges of Death in front bot inner Defense Lines, vertical alleys connect them to mid.
A Watch Tower between mid Temple and top providing vision over the area.
5 Mercenary Camps: Knights between top and mid head top. No mercs on mid lane.
Giant Scarab at C and Siege Giants next to it head bot.

Layout Details

General Strategy & Tactics

Temples and Team behavior

Long travel distance between lanes and lots of structural damage dealt by objectives make this map the fastest one. This favors strong early game heroes, still mobility, vision and Calldown: MULE are things all teams would like to have. Late game compositions have to be resourceful in defending and stalling, so that no Keep is lost by the time of their power spike.
Game usually starts 4-1, rotating for 2nd spawn as 1-4. All 3 lanes are pushable with bot being critical, so having it covered by Bridge of Death helps against very early Keep loss (which may still happen after team wipe at bot Temple and Boss being capped immediately). On Sky Temple every bit of unpunished structural damage counts, so teams have to be able to quickly decide when to push, when to defend and when to rotate for main and secondary objectives. Good Map Awareness and correct assessment of team strong and weak sides are key for making the correct decisions.

About me Top

IRL was professional chess player (GM) switched to coaching and so far was on the teams of two World Champions. That explains why I like to maintain complete databases - in warlike strategies information is a powerful weapon that lets you form optimal tactical and strategical approach to different situations.
In my free time used to play a lot of Starcraft, didn't particularly like MOBAs. Last year however was attracted to HotS and so far spent hundreds of hours enjoying it - both in solo queue as well as playing on organized non-professional team. tempesti is the ID on my practice account, mostly play split-push specialists ( Zagara, Sgt. Hammer, Abathur, The Lost Vikings), but also supports and off-tanks relying on positioning ( Brightwing, Li Li, E.T.C., Arthas)

To Do Top

5+1 maps left
Level/Tier advantage section - what to do if ahead or behind
to find out Punisher and minion stats and add to Units

Changelogs Top

12 Augost 2015 - Having most data formated, time to publish it before next patch is official and add the rest when ready.

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