Early Game:

As the game starts head to a lane that you will be ganking prioritizing heroes with little to no gap closers, afterwards stay in a bush mounted and tell your teammates to let the lane push abit. Preferably 2 minion waves in engage the target with the ability rotation listed below.
Late Game:

As Late Game approaches, objectives become a higher priority, and you will be leaving your ganking lane more often.
You and your team will be moving as unit throughout the map, capturing camps.
Map Specific Strategies:
Cursed Hollow: 1/1/3: Roam between lanes looking for potential ganks, when Tributes spawns stay in a nearby bush stationary because moving around frantically makes you slightly visible to the enemy.
Blackheart's Bay: 0/4/1: You and your team will be pushing middle lane back in hopes to get middle chest, afterwards Zeratul and 2 other teammates clear Giants->Pirates->push bottom lane to tower->bottom knights. Your other teammates during this process should soak mid and bottom.
Haunted Mines: 4/1: Early game capture watchtower and send 4 teammates up-top and 1 bottom (pref: a gap-closer).
Dragon Shire: 1/1/3: Solo top lane, only capture Shrine when you lane is pushed. 3 bot take jungle camp at Level 3/4/5 then bottom Shrine and rotate mid. You can tank a few hits as you capture Shrine top, in order for your team to capture Dragon.
Garden of Terror: 3/1/1: Tassadar lanes mid. If your able to push the lane more then half way cast Oracle (D) to avoid getting ganked. Focus on soaking experience and calling MIA's.
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