Atk Per Sec
Mana: 40 Cooldown: 6s
Unleash your sword in a targeted direction, continuously dealing 31 damage to enemies caught in its path.
Mana: 35 Cooldown: 7s
Passive: Basic Attack and Ability damage cause enemies to bleed for 46 damage over 4 seconds. Stacks 5 times.
Active: Qhira deals 33 damage and heals for 90 health per enemy Hero affected. Damage and healing is increased by 50% per each additional stack on that Hero.
Mana: 70 Cooldown: 16s
Attach your sword to the first enemy Hero hit, Stunning them for .25 seconds. Once attached, Qhira avoids Basic Attacks and becomes immune to all effects, rotating around the target for 2.75 seconds, and dealing 109 damage to any enemies between you and the target. Reactivate to send you to the target's location, knocking them back, dealing 112 damage and Stunning them for .75 seconds.
Mana: 50 Cooldown: 60s
Heroic Ability
Deal 44 damage to nearby enemies every 0.5 seconds for 2.5 seconds as your sword grows outward. Upon expiring, deal 160 damage to nearby enemy Heroes and Stun them for 1.5 second.
Mana: 45 Cooldown: 40s
Heroic Ability
After 1 second, deal 410 damage to enemies in a line. This damage is increased by 25% against enemy Heroes who are below 50% Health.
Trait Cooldown: 20s
Qhira fires a Grappling Hook that pulls her to any terrain it contacts. If an enemy Hero is hit, they take 35 damage and Qhira launches at them, kicking them for an additional 108 damage.
Can be used while Revolving Sweep is active.
Create your own Heroes of the Storm (HotS) build and talent selection with the HeroesFire Talent Calculator. Select Qhira’s talents, and watch as Qhira’s abilities are affected by your talent selection. Expand the abilities to see Qhira’s advanced ability stats and information. Use the level slider to see Qhira’s stats and ability details at every level. When you’re done, share your build by using the copy link or quick share features. This tool works for any Heroes of the Storm hero and the talent and ability details are updated every patch.
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