Every hero, ability and talent that can interrupt Mosh Pit by LPhure

Every hero, ability and talent that can interrupt Mosh Pit

By: LPhure
Last Updated: May 15, 2021
23 Votes
Build 1 of 3


Build: Tank - CC & Mosh

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Solo Lane - No Mosh

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: ARAM

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Mosh Pit Index Top

The following table includes every hero, ability and talent that can interrupt Mosh Pit

Note: If Mosh is disrupted within the 0.75s it takes to activate, it will be put on a 10s cooldown. If it is interrupted during the channel it will go on full CD.

Rule of thumb: if you see the AOE circle around ETC, or hear the music playing, any interruption will put it on full CD

Change Log

- Anduin
- Johanna
- Raynor
- Stitches
- Qhira (edit)
- Lunara (edit)


Nothing! Except Ultimate Evolution which copies a hero's basic abilities


Discord Strike Q - Silence
Telekinesis W - Displacement
Deadly Charge R/20 - Alarak will get caught mid-dash inside of mosh. You may still take damage
Counter-Strike R/20 - Will block damage while protected and won't be cc'd but once the channel ends, he will be stunned inside.
Last Laugh 20 - Will not allow him to escape while stunned


Wing Buffet E - Knockback; Must be in Dragonqueen


Sleep Dart E - Sleep


Leap of Faith D - Can give an ally Unstoppable, pulling them out of Mosh Pit, to interrupt from outside.
Lightbomb R - AOE Stun (after 1.5s). If the recipient of Lightbomb dies before it can trigger, the stun will not go off. Anduin can self-cast Lightbomb and walk into Mosh Pit to interrupt.
Censure 20 - Allows Chastise E to interrupt. Piercing Light 4 can turn Chastise into a piercing stun as well.


Impale Q - Stun
Burrow Charge E - Stun
Cocoon R - Stasis


Phase Prism E - Cube transpose




Detainment Strike E - Knockback
Converging Force 13 - Will push ETC out of Mosh towards the centre




Jet Propulsion E - Can not interrupt, he'll be stunned before reaching ETC
New Habits + Pyromania D + Jet Propulsion E - Must fast combo D + E to gain unstoppable and stun ETC.
Bunker Drop R - Enemies inside can exit safetly outside of Mosh if there is an area to do so. Of course, they can't enter while stunned


Polymorph W - Silence
Soothing Mist D - Will remove the stun, but they will be restunned immediately upon removal
Emerald Wind R - Push
Hush! 16 - Q will now silence on direct hits

The Butcher

Ruthless Onslaught E - Unstoppable charge and stun
Lamb to the Slaughter R - Silence


Valkyrie R - Stun (pull)
Imprisoning Light 20 - Silence if close to the target of Valkyrie


Wandering Keg R - Unstoppable knockback


Hammer of Twilight R - Stun
Upheaval R - Pull


Leaden Orb 16 - W Stun
Deafening Blast 16 - E Slilence


Time Trap E - A trap detonated on top of ETC will pause Mosh during the duration. Enemies that are in Mosh Pit but far enough away not to also be within the Time Trap radius can exit safely while ETC is Time Stopped
Temporal Loop R - Loop will interrupt Mosh regardless of ETC's position


Boosters Q - D.Va will be stunned before she can connect with ETC
Boosters + Self-Destruct - The self-destructing MECH will knockback while it is boosting
Self-Destruct E - Knockback
Bunny Hop R - Stun (after 2 seconds)
Good To Go ( Concussive Pulse) 13 - Knockback; Only available in Pilot Mode


Aspect of Death Passive - Can't be Mosh'd
Earth Shatter E - Stun
Bellowing Roar 10 - Fear
Molten Flame Q - Doesn't interrupt but encourages a short Mosh if the DW has built Q talents

Deckard Cain

Stay Awhile and Listen R - Sleep
Lorenado R - Knockback


Drag Q - Stun
Isolation R - Silence
Lurker Strain 4 - Knockback; Allows Burrow (E) to interrupt if ETC is above Dehaka
Tunneling Claws 16 - Move during E; Makes Burrow + Lurker Strain a reasonable interrupt option


Shadow Charge and Overpower are very common to disrupt the Mosh Pit startup but will never interrupt!
Apocalypse R - Stun
Hellgate 20 - Stun
Dying Breath 20 - Stun (proc'd on Diablo death)


Loud Speakers 4 - Knockback; the increased range allows Face Melt to reach and interrupt
Encore 13 - Can interrupt if Moshing on top of the AMP.


Mighty Gust 10 - Knockback


Planet Cracker encourages a short Mosh


Groundbreaker Q - Stun
Warlord's Challenge R - Does not reach
Earthshaker 16 - Stun; Requires an enemy to toss
Indomitable 4 - Gives Unstoppable; Enables Wrecking Ball or Warlord's Challenge to be an interrupt option


Xplodium Charge E - Stun
Grav-O-Bomb 3000 R - Pull
Bomb Toss 20 - Stun. 2 bombs will fork diagonally from the initial E and stun from a distance






Horrify R - Fear


Dragon's Arrow R - Stun
Bullseye 20 - Stun


Staggering Blow Q - Knockback
Shockwave R - Long range stun
Loot Hoard D - The Loot Hoard has the potential to push enemies, on the edge of Mosh Pit, outside of the stun radius. It may also do the same to ETC and push him away but will not stop the Mosh. This is tricky to do, but is possible.
Hoardapult R - Same as Loot Hoard


The Hunt R - Stun


Celestial Charge Q - Stun
Wrath of the Angiris R - Grab




Condemn W - Pull/Stun
Falling Sword R - Stun. Can now give allies underneath Unstoppable to escape the Mosh Pit radius
Blessed Shield R - Stun


Concussion Mine W - Displacement
RIP-Tire R - Knockback
Sticky Wicket 7 - Silence; Traps take 2 seconds to activate once thrown onto ETC
Chattering Teeth 4 + Sticky Wicket 7 - Moshing close to a trap will cause it to chase you and can silence Mosh.
Dirty Trickster 7 - Does nothing but be mindful of the damage. This will proc when Junkrat's HP hits 50% and 0%. If he gets blown up while Mosh'd, ETC is gonna take a ton of damage! (3.7k damage at 10)


Gravity Lapse E - Stun


Chains of Kel'Thuzad E - Requires a second body to stun against or Glacial Spike(Quest)


Impaling Blades W - Stun
Primal Grasp E - Pull
Summon Ultralisk R - Stun


Cleansing Touch 16 - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit but he will get stunned


Buried Alive 20 - Silence

Li Li

Let's Go! 7 - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit

Li Ming

Wave Of Force R - Knockback

Lt. Morales

Displacement Grenade E - Displacement


Soundwave Q - Knockback
High Five R - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit, however they must be on the edge of Mosh Pit otherwise Lucio will get stunned
Heavy Casters 16 - Will not reach ETC. Lucio will get stunned before the stun can connect
Synaesthesia Auditiva 20 - Will remove the stun, but they will be restunned immediately upon removal


- Abolish Magic 13 - Will remove the stun, but they will be restunned immediately upon removal


Umbral Bind W - Pull
Warden's Cage R - Knockback but fowards. She has to cast it so that a warden is positioned right on top of ETC for it to knock him out of Mosh
Containment Disc R - Will pause Mosh, letting victims escape, before resuming


Fel Claws Q - Third hit can interrupt with good positioning
Seeker Swarm 20 - Can sleep Mosh but it's very unlikely


Twilight Dream R - Silence
Astral Communion 20 - Silence will interrupt Mosh despite teleporting into Mosh's radius




Force of Will W - Will prevent damage but not Cleanse the stun
Poly Bomb R - Polymorph (Silence)
Ley Line Seal R - Time stop. ETC will be Time Stopped and Mosh's duration will be paused, allowing enemies to escape its radius.


Mei's Blizzard W - Stun (after 2 seconds)
Icing E - Knockback. Mei will slide into Mosh and be stunned which triggers the knockback
Avalanche R - Eaten by a big snowball
Ice Wall R - Time stop. ETC will be Time Stopped and Mosh's duration will be paused, allowing enemies to escape its radius.


Shade of Mephisto E - Mephisto will recall to the Shade if he's caught in Mosh
Unspeakable Horror 20 - Silence (After 2.5s root)


Storm Bolt Q - Stun (Piercing stun after Quest)
Haymaker R - Allies punched will knockback ETC
Skullcracker 7 - Can not interrupt but very common to disrupt Mosh startup


Octo-Grab R - Stun






Crushing Jaws R - Stun
Eternal Feast 10 - Won't interrupt, but the damage encourages a short Mosh


repulsor 16 - Knockback


Revolving Sweep E - Stun
Unrelenting Strikes R - Stun can barely reach ETC
Booming Kick 16 - AOE stun. Reactivating Revolving Sweep E on an enemy, other than ETC, can cause an AOE stun around the target that can interrupt Mosh.
Silent Killer 20 - Silence. Can disrupt Mosh startup but will not reach from outside


Molten Swing Q (Only during Molten Core) - Stun
Sulfuras Smash R - Stun


Penetrating Round Q - Knockback
Heavy Slugs 7 - Increases the range at which Penetrating Round can interrupt Mosh Pit
Raiders Roll 20 - Grants unstoppable to Adrenaline Rush E. Must be cast before the Mosh stun.


Cleanse 7 - OG Cleanse! Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit


Misha, Charge! W - Can not reach ETC before getting stunned in Mosh



Sgt. Hammer

Concussive Blast W - Knockback. More commonly used to disrupt the Powerslide entry
Siege Mode + Concussive Blast W - Longer range Knockback
Siege Tactics 4 - E gives Unstoppable in Siege Mode. It's much easier for her to interrupt when she has this


Ancient Spear Q - Stun
Leap R - Stun


Hook Q - Stun
Helping Hand Active - Can pull an ally out of Mosh
Gorge R - Can't reach
Hungry Hungry Stitches 20 - AFTER the first Gorge, the teleport + Gorge allows Stitches to interrupt Mosh
Gas Bag 20 - Unstoppable. Allows Gorge to interrupt


Lurking Arm E - Silence
Massive Shove R - Push
Flailing Swipe R - Knockback


Wailing Arrow R - Silence
Mind Control R - Silence


Black Hole R - Pull and Stun
Force Wall E - Force wall has the potential to push enemies, on the edge of Mosh Pit, outside of the stun radius. This is very unlikely to happen and difficult to do, but is possible.

The Butcher

Ruthless Onslaught E - Stun
Lamb to the Slaughter R - Silence

The Lost Vikings

Large and In Charge 16 - Surprising at times that Olaf can disrupt the Mosh Pit startup, but he can't interrupt Mosh without being stunned


Sundering R - Stun


Telefrag 13 - Knockback. Very difficult if not impossible to pull off intentionally.
Pulse Rounds + Bullet Spray + Get Stuffed! - Can not reach ETC


Frag Grenade W - Knockback


Judgment R - Stun
Sanctification R - Invulnerable AOE prevents being stunned. Must be active before or cast outside Mosh Pit to affect his allies
Holy Ground 13 - Can potentially push enemies outside of Mosh


Lunar Flare E - Stun
Celestial Attunement 7 - Will remove the stun, but they will be restunned immediately upon removal
Shooting Star 20 - Stun. A free Lunar Flare can potentially be fired onto ETC


Hammer of Justice E - Stun. Can disrupt Mosh Pit's start up but is out of range to hit ETC while Moshing.
Hand of Protection 7 - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit
Divine Shield R - Invulnerable. Target can't be stunned and is free to interrupt Mosh Pit
Divine Hurricane 20 - Stun. Uther can interrupt Mosh using Divine Storm's increased radius.


Cheap Shot W - Stun; Can only interrupt while Valeera is in Deep Shadow ( Vanish D - Longer range if Stealthed for 3s)
Garrote E - Silence; Can only interrupt while Valeera is in Deep Shadow
Cloak of Shadows R - Gives Valeera Unstoppable, allowing her to interrupt with Garrote or Cheap Shot regardless of Deep Shadow (R > D > W or E)
Enveloping Shadows 20 - Gives Vanish Unstoppable


Rain of Vengeance R - Stun


Taunt 4 - Taunt; Very common to disrupt Mosh Pit start up


Intercession 7 - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit
Scarlet Crusade 20 - Can give an ally Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh Pit
Judgment Day 20 - Pull




Righteous Hammer W - Can disrupt but out of range to interrupt
Ardent Defender R - Invulnerable but will still be stunned
Seraphim 20 - Unstoppable; Allows W to interrupt (even without full charge)


Devouring Maw R - Get eaten


Graviton Surge R - Pull
Expulsion Zone R - Knockback
Unstoppable Competitor 13 - Gives Zarya Unstoppable to interrupt Mosh
Cleansing Shield 16 - Will remove the stun, but they will be restunned immediately upon removal


Void Prison R - Puts everyone within Mosh in Time Stop. Mosh duration is paused but will resume after VP



? ?? Top

Thank you for scrolling to the end. As a reward for your curiosity, some super secret high level ETC strategy:

An ally with the ability to give others Unstoppable can throw it onto ETC to ensure Mosh Pit can never be interrupted for at least 1 second, 3 seconds if you're Uther

Uther - Hand of Protection, Divine Shield
Rehgar - Cleanse
Lúcio - High Five
Whitemane - Intercession
Kharazim - Cleansing Touch
Li Li - Let's Go!

Good Luck

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