Table of Contents Top
No direct link, just type it in with "Ctrl + F" or "⌘ + ⌥ + F (Command + Option + F)" and you'll get to the place you want.
- Introduction
- What's covered in this guide?
- Abathur - Evolution Master
- Anub'arak - Traitor King
- Arthas - The Lich King
- Azmodan - Lord of Sin
- Brightwing - The Faerie Dragon
- Chen - Legendary Brewmaster
- Diablo - Lord of Terror
- E.T.C - Rock God
- Falstad - Wildhammer Thane
- Gazlowe - Boss of Ratchet
- Illidan - The Betrayer
- Kerrigan - Queen of Blades
- Li Li - World Wanderer
- Malfurion - Archdruid
- Muradin - Mountain King
- Murky - Baby Murloc
- Nazeebo - Heretic Witch Doctor
- Nova - Dominion Ghost
- Raynor - Renegade Commander
- Rehgar - Shaman of the Earthen Ring
- Sergeant Hammer - Siege Tank Operator
- Sonya - Wandering Barbarian
- Stitches - Terror of Darkshire
- Tassadar - Savior of the Templar
- Tychus - Notorious Outlaw
- Tyrael - Archangel of Justice
- Tyrander - High Priestess of Elune
- Uther - The Lightbringer
- Valla - Demon Hunter
- Zagara Broodmother of the Swarm
- Zeratul - Dark Prelate
- Favored Hero Guides
- Map Information
- Contributors
- Changelog
What's covered in this guide? Top
This guide will basically have all the necessities for new players. By new players it can be someone new to the game, or new to a specific hero.
Hero Guides - All information to get you used to playing that hero. When you're used to that character, and want a more complicated build or explanation on how to play them, then go to my top guides and it will have the top guides for each hero.
Map Information - Basically tells you what is where, and how to win as a team.
Contributors - They get special attention. They helped me with anywhere between grammar, to writing a full mini guide.
Change-log - Exactly what it says. Tells you what I changed, and when.
Reminding you again, this is just a guide to get you used to each hero. If you get used to your hero, and want a more complicated build then look at the best hero guides.
Introduction Top
Hello, my in-game name is Gorgolock, but on many other games some may know me as Balmung, Applezrule, or Disturbed2169. I am an expert at strategy based games, and been a gamer for as long as I can remember. I am pretty good at MOBA games as well. Would like to apologize now for any bad grammar. English was never my strong suit in school. I was more of a fan of Science and Math.
I'd like to start off with telling you all that the
Talent Build above shouldn't be used. I merely selected the first one to show you what it looks like on the website. I will go on below about possible standard builds, and each abilities/ talents effects. Just so you know, there is no such thing as a perfect build, each build is situational, and also depends on your play style, and who or what heroes are in your party. The threats are what I perceive to be a threat, but those are
correct unlike the abilities at the top.
Secondly I would like to point out that this guide is for all heroes, and by all I mean literally all including those released in the future.
If you're on Windows System use "Ctrl + F" to use the "Find" function, and type in the hero you'd like to skip to. If you're on a Mac use "⌘ + ⌥ + F (Command + Option + F)" to use the "Find" function.
I hope you enjoy this guide. If you find it helpful, or think it'll be helpful to others please up vote and leave a comment. And if you find this guide displeasing, or unhelpful, then please down-vote and give me a reason why in the comments. If I have any grammatical errors, or if information is wrong then please comment or email me at: or
[email protected]. The first email is linked to my phone, and the other I have opened always on my desktop.
Abathur - Evolution Master Top
"Design must be simple. Elegant. Implementation, less so. Sequences must change. Intent static, product fluid. Always can improve. Stressers reveal flaws. Flaws reveal potential. Always improving. Good."
"Evolution never over. Perfection goal that always changes. Can pursue. Cannot obtain."
Abathur, is an amazing hero if you can play him right. When Blizzard says his play difficulty is Very Hard, they mean it. This hero requires extensive team work, map awareness, and multitasking abilities. When you decide to queue as this hero, ONLY queue with a premade team of 5 people. Never solo queue. I say this because like I said this hero requires a large amount of teamwork and I guarantee that you'll have none if you all just met each other.
- High skill cap
- Unique play style
- Can make or break the team
- Incredible map awareness
- Players with good synergy can excel with this role
- Levels 1-10 are dreadful if the enemy is pushing team fights
- When choosing talents if you make 1 small mistake it could be the end of you
- Teamwork is a must, without it, your team will always lose
- Always gets blamed for the loses, even though it's not abathur's fault
- Hard to play, and extremely hard to master
Abilities - Symbiote/ Ultimate Evo. Inactive
These abilities are the basic ones Abathur can use when Symbiote and Ultimate Evolution are inactive.
Symbiote is the most basic move besides Toxic Nest, but it is also what you will be focusing on the most. Symbiote will be used primarily on helping the other heroes run away, or chase someone. The Q can shoot single spikes at an opponent, which is good while that hero is running away, or chasing someone. W is an AoE move, which is good against a group of monsters, or heroes. The E is a shield, but with talents it can increase speed or regenerate health. None of the other basic moves can be used while Symbiote is active.
Toxic Nest is a pretty straight forward ability. Basically you have an area you can place these lil' mines down and they go boom if someone walks on them. They can do area damage and with the right traits they can slow and even do damage over time. There's also a talent you can get where it has unlimited range which is extremely useful on certain maps. Especially those where you can guard objectives making it difficult for enemies to turn things in or receive.
This ability is one of the reasons why this champion is so hard to play. Not only do you have to memorize all of your own abilities, but you also need to memorize all of the abilities of every other hero in the game. I mean, you don't have to memorize them all, but the time is limited when you use it so by the time you're done reading every move, your time limit will be half way gone. I suggest using this moves for team fights, or taking out a tower/ wall. Also, try not picking a hero to copy that's weak to a lot of the enemy heroes, or the team fight will definitely fail. This ability also has a really high CD period, so use wisely!!
Basically Deep Tunnel is your mount. It can take you anywhere on the map that has vision. It's also extremely good at getting you out of danger. All you have to do is make sure you use it before you die.
Erm... well... it does what it says. There are various upgrades that can upgrade the Locust's, but I wouldn't recommend wasting talents on them.
Abilities - Symbiote Active
These abilities can only be used when Symbiote is Active.
This attack shoots in a straight line which range can be upgraded via talents. Does a moderate amount of damage. You can use this ability to kill enemies that are running away or chasing your ally. Also you can increase the amount of uses before CD via ability points. No need to spare these, use them all you want.
Basically it does area damage, and has upgrades that can do increase range, slow enemies, or even do bonus damage to non-heroes. You can't click and place it. Once you click it, it's been used. I recommend using this on a group of minions. Or use it in team fights if your Ultimate Evolution is on CD.
This truly is a fantastic move. Without any talents picked for it this ability puts a shield on the user or building you used Symbiote on. But when upgraded with talents, it can increase movement speed or even regenerate some health. Extremely useful in team fights, or 1 on 1 fights. This can also be used to prolong buildings deaths.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
- Combat Instincts - Dumb choice, no point in even taking it.
- Survival Instincts - Really good if you go for a Locust build, since it works with your Q quite well.
- Envenomed Nest - Best for stealthed targets since the over time affect, but still good against all units including minions.
- Eradicate Minions - Useful on maps with a ton of minions, or maps where minion kills are the objective.
Tier 2
- Ballistospores - Extremely useful on some maps. Also you can just sit protected at the spawn point instead of having to move around to use a Toxic Nest.
- Barbed Spines - If you plan on doing a lot of chasing, tower sniping, or running away then pick this.
- Pressurized Glands - Eh.. like I said Spike Burst is really only useful on Minions so this talent isn't needed.
Tier 3
- Needlespine - Great for chasing, running away, or even sniping towers.
- Regenerative Microbes - Nice HP Regen when used along with the already in place shield boost. This or Needlespine is fine to pick.
- Vile Nest - Eh.. this one be better if the Toxic Nest didn't take so long to be usable once placed.
Tier 4
- Ultimate Evolution - No point in really explaining this one... it's the only choice.
Tier 5
- Assault Strain - They do area damage AND go boom when they die. Ain't that useful? Imagine that combined with Locust Swarm from Tier 6.
- Bombard Strain - No point really. Some people like it, but there are better talents than this one.
- Prolific Dispersal - Who doesn't love an extra 2 Toxic Nests? To me this is the best default for Tier 5.
- Spacial Efficiency - Just... it's dumb. The CD is so short that this talent seriously doesn't matter. If the CD increases in a new patch then this will be a maybe.
- Swarm Tunnel - If you combine this with Locust Swarm from Tier 6 you'll have 6 locusts, plus the one that auto spawns. That's basically 1 minion wave.
Tier 6
- Adrenaline Boost - Nice, and great talent. You can help your ally chase or run away faster.
- Envenomed Spikes - This is an incredibly dumb move. Spikes are more for minions and not against heroes. So the slow aspect is pretty useless.
- Locust Swarm - Best default for Tier 6. Great for pushing the lane, and giving a little bit more assistance.
Tier 7
- Evolution Master - Only choice, so no point in explaining.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Abathur. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Anub'arak - Traitor King Top
Arthas - The Lich King Top
"All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge.
Gaze now upon the lands below us. The Scarlet Crusade scurries to undo my work, while Light's Hope stands defiantly against us - a blemish upon these Plaguelands. They must all be shown the price of their defiance.
You will become my force of retribution. Where you tread, doom will follow. Go now and claim your destiny, death knight."
Lord and Master of the Death Knights and the Scourge, Arthas, is a great hero. Has amazing sustain, and can tank pretty well. Good CC skills as well. Don't try to solo engage, unless you're going for minions in the forest. Arthas benefits the most in team fights so team work is a must. Also remember not to chase unless you're good at using the root.
- High Sustain
- High Damage
- Very Durable
- Great at extended trades
- Great burst, and AoE damage
- Low mobility
- Easy to miss skill shots
- Requires aggressive play for sustain
- Susceptible to ranged attacks
- Can be kited
All of these are basic abilites.
Early on death coil needs to be used on yourself to heal or do damage. Later on there will be a talent that lets you heal when you use the damage option. That makes this move a must, and that talent a must as well.
This is a pretty difficult move to use, but if you aim it just right it's an incredible CC move.
A good move for clearing out minions, and chasing down enemies. Make sure to grab the Tier 1 talent that increases it's range so you can chase better. Be warned, this move drains mana fast, and can possibly make or break you.
Does a ton of damage, and can heal you every time you hit R again. There is a short CD on R though, and there's a small amount of ghouls. So use it wisely. Also only use this in team fights, or if you're taking out a big boss.
All it does is slows heroes, freezes minions in place, and disables towers. Not worth taking.
All you gotta know is to use this EVERY time it pops up. It restores a small amount of mana, and does some damage. You absolutely MUST use this all the time.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
- Frost Presence - Nope, nopety nope nope. Not worth it. Frozen Wastes is a way better choice.
- Frozen Wastes - Best for Tier 1. The increase range can make it so you're less able at being kited. You can also sit back a bit farther when killing minions.
- Regeneration Master - Regeneration master overall is a pretty good talent, If you have not unlocked all talents on Arthas.
- Block - Nope. Don't even think about it.
Tier 2
- Envenom - This is hands down the best choice for Tier 2. Remember You have to click and use it like any other ability, you can't just click and think that you're done.
- Superiority - No reason to take this whatsoever.
- Destruction - Yay, 50% boost damage on a move that's meant for gaining mana. No reason to take this.
- Eternal Hunger - People who are new to Arthas or the game may find this useful while learning the ropes until they comprehend mana management.
Tier 3
- Death Touch - This talent provides absolutely no benefits. It'd only be useful if you can use on mercenaries.
- Frost Strike - Once again, Frozen Tempest is already slowing and doing damage making this redundant.
- Obliterate - If your close enough to auto attack your enemy then you are already slowing them and doing damage with Frozen Tempest making this redundant.
- Rune Tap - Fantastic ability. Every 3rd hit you gain 6% of your max HP. And since Arthas is meant to be a CC tank, this is highly needed. You need to stay alive as long as possible.
Tier 4
- Summon Sindragosa - Yay a dragon! Bummer that the dragon basically does the same thing as your W. Don't even bother wasting your time with this. Army of the Dead is a more viable option.
- Army of the Dead - Can summon a bunch of ghouls that not only deal damage, but can also heal you if you click R again. They last a short time so make sure to heal with them as much as you can.
Tier 5
- Relentless - When Arthas is stunned he is unable to heal, and for Arthas to be a good tank he needs to heal since he doesn't have the highest health out of all the tanks. That makes this ability a must have for Arthas making him the perfect tank.
- Spell Shield - If the enemy team has Heroes that utilize spells to do a large amount of damage I would recommend to take Spell shield to mitigate damage.
- Biting Cold - Eh, I personally wouldn't recommend it. Great ability, but it's already hard enough to maintain mana on Arthas.
- Trail of Frost - I would take this talent if you are new to Arthas or you cannot land his skill shot reliably.
Tier 6
- Stoneskin - Absolutely amazing, and can save your ***. It gives you a shield based off 30% of your max health. Percentage talents and moves are the best.
- Immortal Coil - This talent allows you to still do damage while having an increased heal on yourself simultaneously. So I highly recommend using this one. Stoneskin is good as well though.
- Embrace Death - If you are low HP you should be healing yourself not poking the enemy.
- Frostmourne Feeds - Not worth it when you have not upgraded this ability in any way prior to this tier of talents.
Tier 7
- Legion of Northrend - Gives you 3 more ghouls and they last 50% longer. Don't forget ghouls can heal you if you hit R again. I recommend this one if you solo queue.
- Absolute Zero - Like I said earlier, this talent is just useless. And you can't get this if you already chose Army of the Dead.
- Fury of the Storm - Incredibly useless on Arthas. Don't bother.
- Resurgence of the Storm - If you're competitive or in a premade group then take this one. You resurrect after 5 seconds, and the CD is only 2 minutes. Extremely good in a competitive match.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Arthas. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Azmodan - Lord of Sin Top
Brightwing - The Faerie Dragon Top
"Your insides taste like berries!"
"I’ve got your head! Oh, did you need it back?"
Brightwing is a decent support hero that can counter some of the strongest enemies. Not only is she adorable as hell, but she's also quite annoying. She can poloymorph you, knock you away, gain boost of speed, and even heal herself and her allies. And on top of that, she can teleport almost anywhere on the map with her Z.
- Extremely adorable
- Strong and consistent AoE output
- Very strong late game
- Polymorph is annoyingly OP
- Weak early game
- No mount *insert frownie face here*
- Arcane Flare (Q) is useless vs. strong players
- Squishy squish
All of these are basic abilites.
This is an extremely hard to aim move, that takes a lot of practice. The best way is to think ahead of possible paths the enemy may take, or to use it on the path your team is driving the enemies. There are talents to upgrade the area damage and give it a slowing ability, but I don't recommend taking those talents, purely on the fact that you can get better ones and that it's a hard ability to aim with.
I gotta' say this is the most annoying ability in the game. Being against a Brightwing is a nightmare for me, since Brightwing is very mobile, and extremely durable in some cases. Later on there will be a talent that can boost damage when polymorphed so take that talent. Your team should always focus the polymorphed enemy, if they don't then remind them to. Try to use polymorph on enemy support characters that have the ability to heal, or on high damage output assassins if the enemy currently has no support in that team fight or at all.
I find it best to use this move on the tanks so they can initiate faster. Some prefer to use this move on the squishier allies. In all honesty use this move on whatever feels right to you, whoever needs it the most. You may find this to be an extremely useful escape move since the bonus speed and the blocks. Don't take any of the talents for this move. They're unneeded.
Being against this move just irritates the hell out of me, but when it's on my team it's like the best thing ever. It's best to use this move to escape, or help allies escape. And try to use it at choke points making the enemy have to run around, giving you more time to escape. I highly recommend getting the talent at level 20 for better CC and more damage output.
Just... eh. This move tended to screw me over more than to be useful. I don't find the healing amount to be worth it, so Emerald Wind was always a better choice. This move just heals whoever you click whilst teleporting you to that target, hence why I said sometimes it'll end up screwing you over instead of doing good.
What a great move. You can teleport to any ally across the map, sadly you get no mount. There will be a talent you can take to give a shield on the person you teleport to. I find it quite useful to be honest, though some people would say not to take it. Your choice.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
- Arcane Precision - Unreliable, and not worth taking. Way better options for this Tier.
- Shield Dust - Yaayy you can get 1 more block! Pretty useless..
- Bribe - The fact that she can quickly take Siege Giants and then simply teleport out means that she'll be virtually uncontested in doing so. It's even possible for her to take a Siege Giant camp on her own early by just Bribing one and killing the other.
- Scouting Drone - It's a good choice against double stealth teams, but personally not good enough against anything besides that composition. Stick with Bribe.
Tier 2
- Anti-magic Powder - Weaker than it sounds, so don't bother.
- Promote - Useless.
- Envenom - Envenom is a very strong skill in general right now. Early in the game, not many heroes can deal with this. Every Hero should have this talent.
- Protective Shield - Eh, this shield isn't strong enough to defend someone being focused down. Would be way better if it was stronger. So right now Envenom is the most viable option for this Tier.
Tier 3
- Regenerative Rain - This skill is just far too good to pass up. The passive healing from Soothing Mist is already quite good, and the CD on Brightwing's abilities are short enough that you will be casting them almost all the time.
- Gust of Healing - Regenerative Rain gains more health than you can with this, making this talent obsolete.
- Calldown: MULE - MULE is a fine talent, but there are better choices for this Tier.
- Cleanse - CC in this game is simply too short to really warrant this pickup. Don't even bother with it.
Tier 4
- Emerald Wind - This skill both initiation, disengage, and hard CC. Making it an obvious choice over Blink Heal. Though it is quite harder to master than Blink Heal.
- Blink Heal - With Blink Heal you may be able to play more aggressively, but this move is highly unrecommended due to the fact that Emerald Wind is a better choice for competitive play.
Tier 5
- Sticky Flare - Can be good if you hit multiple targets, but it's already hard enough to hit 1 person which this move. Better options are available.
- Phase Shield - Not really worth it to save someone before they die, so there are better options in this Tier.
- Ice Block - If you're the one constantly being focused, then by all means pick this one up.
- Sprint - It's useful ability on any hero for its sheer utility, which makes it a possible choice.
- Rewind - This ability has great synergy with Regenerative Rains, besides its obvious benefit, it can give doubly duration on Polymorph and grant a quick burst of healing.
Tier 6
- Hardened Focus - Can be good if you never get hit, but AoE will always manage to hit you, and Brightwing usually gets focused due to the fact of how annoying she is.
- Sticky Powder - Can be a good option if you need to kill a fleeing enemy faster.
- Critterize - Hands down the best option for this Tier combined with Rewind for the double duration.
- Stoneskin - I find this talent not worth it on Brightwind since there are better options.
Tier 7
- Bolt of the Storm - Has obvious synergy with Emerald Wind, allowing you to get into a fantastic position to initiate with the ability, and also allowing you to use it as an escape.
- Continuous Winds - Gives a good CC boost, while slightly increasing damage output. This talent makes it very annoying to deal with, and makes it the best option.
- Ysera's Blessings - Just... The fact Blizzard even made this a talent makes me cry.
- Storm Shield - Not very good for competitive play, there are better options.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Brightwing. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Chen - Legendary Brewmaster Top
"They Call Him... Stormstout.
Things were not always like this. Oh no, they were much, much worse. Not three weeks ago, we were under siege by saurok bandits. They stole our jade, befouled our food stores, and terrorized our cubs.
We needed a hero, and a hero arrived.
He drove back their forces, defeated their leader, and returned our stolen jade. All he asked in return was a serpent ride for his niece, Li Li.
I was never able to thank him. If you are headed to the Valley of the Four Winds, would you relay our thanks?
Oohh.. does that quest bring up some fun memories. If you're a fan of rolling on a barrel, getting drunk, setting things on fire, or making copies of yourself. Chen is your man. Super tanky, and can rack up a nice amount of damage as well.
- Very Durable
- Can have 2 lives from the Ultimate: Storm, Earth, Fire.
- Pretty Mobile
- Good tank
- Never sober
- With certain builds can be less mobile
- Vulnerable when using your trait
Can't think of any other cons, he's pretty op.
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Chen. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Diablo - Lord of Terror Top
"The seven Evils are one within me! I am Legion!"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Diablo. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
E.T.C. - Rock God Top

"They can't stop me, let em' try!"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on E.T.C. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Falstad - Wildhammer Thane Top
"Aye, 'tis the hammer that impresses the ladies most 'tisn't it?"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Falstad. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Gazlowe - Boss of Ratchet Top
"You know what the best part of being boss of Ratchet is? Because I’d love to know, I mean seriously, it's so boring."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Gazlowe. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Illidan - The Betrayer Top
"Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my blind eyes see what others cannot: that sometimes the hand of fate must be forced! Now go forth... unleash the tides of Doom... Upon all those...who would oppose us."
- High Sustained DPS
- Very difficult to kite
- Scales strongly into late game
- Good at taking camps
- Excellent body-blocker
- Small amount of AoE damage
- Squishy squish early game
- Can't burst targets early game
- Not good vs. enemy healing/ shield sustaining due to low burst
All of these are basic abilites.
Very simply put, your chase tool. Slows your opponent during its animation, body-blocks your opponent as you land. Strong for catching enemies out of position and allowing your team to catch up. Weak for damage - do not use it on cool down for the sake of using it, use whenever you need to chase or escape (Like diving enemy minions or structures).
Sweeping Strike: Opposite of Dive, use on cool down whenever you can hit an enemy. Does solid damage and buffs your attacks IF you hit a target with it. Ignores unit collision, so you can use it to continue body-blocking when they walk around you after you Dive. Decent escape tool as well. Avoid using it to get in range of a Dive as you won't have buffed attacks.
Simple enough, blocks all incoming Basic Attacks. This includes towers, forts (NOTE: You will still get your Attack Speed + Movement speed reduced even when you don't take damage from a Fort shot), lane minions, mercenaries, and the Core. This ability is the only reason Illidan can survive as a squishy melee hero against enemy heroes. Use wisely, it has a decently long cool down.
The better Heroic Ability for team fighting. Since that's the majority of what you do in this game, I highly recommend it in most cases. Pretty straight forward; gives you a bigger health pool the more enemy Heroes you hit and serves as an attack speed steroid. Synergizes well with several talents and your Passive.
It gets a bit complicated when you want The Hunt over Metamorphosis or vice-versa, so I'll simplify here. Get Metamorphosis. If you do decide to get this ability to try it out, note it can be used for many utilities. Burst damage, escaping (You can Hunt enemy minions for instance), and of course helps when you are out of position and your team engages a fight.
Probably one of the strongest passives in the game, and along with Evasion is the only reason Illidan is an actual Hero instead of a glorified minion. Gives your Heroic Abilities very low cool downs, and of course gives your normal abilities low CD's, including Evasion. Also allows you to do mercenary camps very efficiently.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
- Battered Assault - Not as potent as you think. The extra DPS is decent, but not optimal for this tier. If you definitely want more early game damage and less survivability, this talent isn't unviable.
- Shadow Shield - Gives you good sustain by providing a 10% HP shield. May not sound like much, but using it a couple times in a fight can easily mean 30% of your HP was saved, and using it dozens of times in a lane gives you much more sustain.
- Regeneration Master - Lackluster talent, feels altogether ineffective. Shadow shield is superior in survivability.
- Seasoned Marksman - After the changes, about the same as Battered Assault - starts out weaker and eventually out scales it maybe 18-20+ minutes into the game. Again, damage vs Survivability. I recommend survivability. Survivability = more damage.
Tier 2
- Marked for Death - Overall a bad talent in my opinion because it forces you to use Dive on cooldown for maximum damage, which eliminates the possibility of an easy getaway by having Dive off CD. I could go into many scenarios where having Dive on CD is bad, but basically it's not a good idea.
- Fel Reach - No purpose in it - in fact it can be worse than having no talent at level 4. Since your W moves a fixed distance, this can cause you to over-shoot targets. Also completely unnecessary regardless.
- Immolation - Synergizes well with your ability priority - since you always want W on CD while fighting, makes perfect sense to add DPS to your Sweeping Strike. Does more single-target damage until very late into the game than MfD, and tons more AoE damage. Note you DO have to be close to your opponent's for the damage to tick, but not any closer than you are anyway to get attacks off. Amazing for doing Mercenary Camps - allows you to do Siege Giants AND Knights at level 4.
- Thirsting Blade - I haven't found this to be that effective until much later into the game. If you're going a very tank-oriented build, it can be taken for maximum sustain. However I wouldn't recommend trading so much damage for late-game sustain.
Tier 3
- Rapid Chase - Useless talent. Dive animation puts you in FRONT of enemy target, and you stand there using Basic Attacks for a near 2 seconds anyway. You then use your W to move, not walk. No real reason to get this.
- Reflexive Block - Lackluster talent. Does not much more survivability and there are better survivability options in this tier.
- Follow Through - Also encourages spamming as many abilities as possible, similar to MfD, to get the maximum DPS off. Definitely not recommended, 25% may seem good but on only 1 Basic Attack it doesn't synergize well with Illidan. Illidan is low damage high attack speed - having a percentage based single-attack buff is bad due to this. Not like your W buff which buffs ALL your attacks for the next few seconds.
- Thrill of Battle - Adds more micro to your gameplay, so if you just want to get the hang of Illidan I don't recommend it. A great talent though since it has a very low CD and can be used to get your Heroic Ability off CD extremely quickly, or do Mercenary camps quickly. Also gives good sustain through giving your Evasion ability more uptime in fights - along with Shadow Shield can add survivability as well.
- First Aid - Synergizes well with Evasion and your Passive. Evasion has the mitigation to allow First Aid to tick, and stacking with your Passive healing it greatly increases your sustain. Also, it is percentage based, which means if you use Metamorphosis and get bonus Health, First Aid gives you even more health than in normal form. Default to this if you're unsure about Thrill of Battle.
Tier 4
- The Hunt - Situationally good, mostly good when snowballing (That is, being higher leveled than the opposing team and winning pretty hard). More of a fun ability than a serious one. Gives you a measure of Burst and also provides you with some CC for eliminating squishy targets more quickly. Requires good game knowledge to use effectively in team fighting scenarios however.
- Metamorphosis - Lots of survivability increase with this talent which allows team fighting, also has Invulnerability frames to disjoint targeted skills like Triple Tap. Standard pick to give you more ability to counter-death-ball since it's so rampant in this game.
Tier 5
- Giant Killer - The percentage of Max HP damage it does may not sound like much, but with Illidan's Attack Speed it is actually huge. Even against squishy enemy Heroes it is a strong damage increase. Especially pick when the opponent has more than 1 Warrior. Synergizes well with Metamorphosis since you get an Attack Speed Steroid as well.
- Lunge - Seldom useful, Illidan seriously does not need extra chasing ability to keep up with his opponents.
- Friend or Foe - Actually not a bad talent, but it's not reliable and does not provide the huge DPS boost Giant Killer does.
- Unbound - Also a good talent in theory, I actually really like this one. Unfortunately the utility does not justify giving up Giant Killer.
- Sixth Sense - Situationally a great talent. 50% mitigation is absolutely huge, however many heroes don't have huge Ability damage to mitigate. Against Heroes like Valla or Nova, can save your life. Requires good timing as you can't use it as a reaction but must use it preemptively.
Tier 6
- Executioner - Not good on Illidan by himself, but great if you have someone like Rehgar. Rehgar's totem provides an AoE slow, which basically means you get tons of bonus damage for a really long time. Similar thing with Malfurion. Consider picking it up with these teammates.
- Hunter's Onslaught - 15% is a really low number. Even if you hit 5 people with Metamorphosis at level 20 (Unlikely), that'd be a whopping 2000 Ability damage, but only 300 health. That's less than 10% of your max HP. Your W, the only other Ability Damage you really have, would heal for 38 HP for each target hit at level 20. Not very amazing.
- Second Sweep - I actually like this talent kind of like Unbound - the talent is great but it's just not amazing enough utility to justify taking over other talents in the tier.
- Blood for Blood - Very strong talent for really any scenario. Steals a chunk of % Max HP from an enemy Hero, which means if you steal 15% Max HP from Stitches, you heal for like 30% of your Max HP. Serves as a nuke and survivability - just a really powerful talent. Default to this.
- Stoneskin - Only take this when using Metamorphosis. The 30% Max HP shield is significantly larger with the Metamorphosis health steroid. Even with Metamorphosis however, the shield has a very low duration, which means it's only really useful against targets who will try to burst you down, so take that into account as well.
Tier 7
- Fury of the Storm - Not great, Illidan does not specialize in AoE damage so the extra damage you do will usually end up being relatively meaningless. Not a useless talent but there are better options.
- Bolt of the Storm - If you have the capacity to put another button on your bars, Bolt is pretty strong on just about any Hero. Illidan is not great at escape mobility despite being an excellent chasing Hero, which makes Bolt of the Storm quite useful. Mostly lets you chase other Assassins who have Bolt instead of needing to waste Metamorphosis to chase, and lets you escape without needing to waste Metamorphosis.
- Nowhere to Hide - I wouldn't take this in most cases, I've been convinced Bolt is usually better. Still a really fun pick to play with, good on maps like Cursed Hollow or Garden of Terror.
- Demonic Form - The reason this is Green and not Yellow is because you should default to this if you're not convinced that Bolt is good or if you're not confident that you will use it well...or something like that. Regardless of why you decided to not pick Bolt, this is a great talent to fall back on as it gives CC reduction and boosts your Attack Speed even further. Lets Illidan do everything he already does a little better.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Illidan. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch. Also please give special thanks to your fellow heroesfire member Severage for supplying this basic guide for Illidan. Thanks Severage! Don't forget to check out Severage's Illidan guide:
Kerrigan - Queen of Blades Top
"I am the Swarm. Armies will be shattered. Worlds will burn. Now at last, on this world, vengeance shall be mine. For I am the Queen of Blades."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Kerrigan. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Li Li - World Wanderer Top
"(Sighs) My Uncle Chen traveled all over the world... on foot. And he's still fat!
Uhh, okay...
Is it just me, or are you being kind of weird and dumb?
(Speaking rapidly) Okay, so, I'm all like, "Hey, what's up?" and you're like, I'm gonna poke you and I'm all, "Whacha doin'?" and you're like, I'm gonna keep poking you and I'm like, "Seriously?" an' you're all just like poking me?
Like, what's your deal..."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Li Li. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Malfurion - Archdriud Top
"To stand in the way of nature is heresy, even when nature is destructive."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Malfurion. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Muradin - Mountain King Top
"You lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you! What's happenin' to you, Arthas? Is vengeance all that is important to you?"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Muradin. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Murky - Baby Murloc Top
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Murky. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Nazeebo - Heretic Witch Doctor Top
"I have a PhD in PvP."
"What? Noo. I have not been licking toads. Why would you think that? (toad croaks) Hush you!"
"My mother tells everyone her son’s a witch doctor. Do you know how many years of schooling you have to go through to become a witch doctor? And then the application process is a nightmare."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Nazeebo. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Nova - Dominion Ghost Top
"Sometimes forgetting what's behind is the only way to look ahead."
"A ghost’s first and best weapon is her mind. Everything else is supplemental."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Nova. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Raynor - Renegade Commander Top
"James Raynor was the most decent man I ever encountered during the fall of the Confederacy. Everyone else, I can safely say, was either a victim or a villain or quite often both. At first glance, Raynor seems like a backwoods cowboy, one of those good old boys swapping lies about the days gone by. There's a ****sureness, an overconfidence about him that makes you bridle initially. Yet over time you come to see him as a valuable ally and — dare I say it? — a friend. It all comes from belief. Jim Raynor believed in himself and believed in those around him. And from that strength came the strength that allowed him and those who followed him to survive everything else the universe threw at him. Jim Raynor was a most decent and honorable man. I suppose that's why his is the greatest tragedy in this godforsaken war."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Raynor. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Rehgar - Shaman of the Earthen Ring Top
"At Dire Maul, I recouped my investment in those two a thousand times over. I knew this day was coming. A man is truly a prisoner only as long as he agrees to remain one. After that, in his heart, at least, he is free. And where his heart is, his body may follow if his will is strong enough."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Rehgar. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Sergeant Hammer - Siege Tank Operator Top
"Now you better pray, because here comes the hammer!"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Sergeant Hammer. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Sonya - Wandering Barbarian Top
“Bul-Kathos, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one will remember why we fight, or why we die. All that matters is that five stood against five. I ask you, grant me one request. Improve my MMR! If you do not listen, then to hell with you!â€
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Sonya. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Stitches - Terror of Darkshire Top
Darkshire... I HUNGER!!
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Stitches. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Tassadar - Savior of the Templar Top
"My friends, this is our final hour. Not all of us may survive the coming conflict. Yet, death may be a blessing should we fail here. We seek now to destroy a foe that has ravaged its way across the universe consuming all in its path. And now it has reached the end of its long journey. The Overmind has come to destroy all that we hold dear and assimilate us into itself. And I say to thee, this shall not come to pass! Aiur shall not fall! Executor, I stand ready!"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Tassadar. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Tychus - Notorious Outlaw Top
"Hell... it's about time."
Abilities - Commandeer Odin Inactive
These abilities can only be used when Commandeer Odin is Inactive.
Abilities - Commandeer Odin Active
These abilities can only be used when Commandeer Odin is Active.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Tychus. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Tyrael - Archangel of Justice Top
"Forevermore we shall stand together, angels and men, in the light of this glorious new dawn."
"You cannot judge me. I am justice itself! We were meant for more than this! To protect the innocent! But if our precious laws bind you all to inaction ... then I will no longer stand as your brother."
"I did call them abominations...and I was wrong! My vote is for them...For I would see what they might become...and marvel in it."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Tyrael. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Tyrande - High Priestess of the Moon Top
"Darkness covered us in the beginning, and we could not see. We cried for guidance and the moon shone down bright upon us. Her soft light not only illuminated the night for us but also gave comfort. Her light touched us from within, enabling us to see even when the moon was not visible."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Tyrande. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Uther - The Lightbringer Top
"Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs."
"Lad, no one feels ready. No one feels he deserves it. And you know why? Because no one does. It's grace, pure and simple. We are inherently unworthy, simply because we're human, and all human beings--aye, and elves, and dwarves, and all the other races--are flawed. But the Light loves us anyway. It loves us for what we sometimes can rise to in rare moments. It loves us for what we can do to help others. And it loves us because we can help it share its message by striving daily to be worthy, even though we understand that we can't ever truly become so. So stand there today, as I did, feeling that you can't possibly deserve it or ever be worthy, and know that you're in the same place every single paladin has ever stood."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Uther. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Valla - Demon Hunter Top
“Be vewy vewy quiet. I’m hunting demons. (evilish chuckle)â€
“Not enough hatred. Just kidding, I hate you a bunch right now.â€
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Valla. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Zagara - Brood Mother of the Swarm Top
"I dislike space. It is cold and empty. Give me a turgid, wet hatchery."
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Zagara. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Zeratul - Dark Prelate Top

"I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities..."
"I do this for Aiur."
"Protoss brethren, heed me! The last twilight has fallen. The galaxy burns around us! The terrans have been consumed. We are all that stands against the shadow. But if we are to meet our end this day, then we will do so AS ONE! En Taro Tassadar!"
All of these are basic abilites.
All Possible Talents
Green is good,
red is bad, and
yellow is a maybe. Basically no means it's no good, or isn't as good as it sounds. Maybe means it's a possible choice depending on what map/ heroes you're facing. Green means Default choice if you don't know what to pick. No need to go into an in-depth explanation with this talents, will give a brief explanation though.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Tier 4
Tier 5
Tier 6
Tier 7
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this short guide on Zeratul. I hope this can help improve your game play. Please remember this is a basic guide, like a crutch.
Favored Hero Guides Top
Map Information Top
Blackheart's Bay
Blackheart's Bay is a 5 v 5 battleground with a dock's theme. Its unique objective is Blackheart's ghostship that will bombard enemy buildings if a team can gain the ghostly pirate's favor.
In this map, there are three lanes. 2 treasure chests containing 5 doubloons each are directly North and South of the Pirate Ship. There is only 1 Vision Tower that can be obtained. By having control of it you can see the 2 minion groups exactly East and West of the tower. There is also a Grave Golem directly North of the tower. Holding this tower will grant you vision to see if anyone is attempting to attack the Golem, or going to attack you while you're attacking said Golem. At the most southern point of the map, there will be a Knight Camp. South West and South East of the Pirate Ship is 4 more minion camps in total. 2 of the minion camps will be Siege Giants, and the other 2 are just plain old minions.
Every minion camp drops 2 doubloons. There are a total of 8 minion camps and 2 chests. If your team gets all of those at the same time that would be a total of 26 doubloons. Enough to buy 1-2 bombardments.
Revolving around an extra resource of doubloons - the map requires players to work together to collect doubloons from a variety of different sources and bring it to Blackheart in order to gain his favor. Players must work as a team to obtain doubloons and to push back the enemy forces. By not doing so you will definitely lose since this is a game that revolves around team work and skill.
Cursed Hallows
Cursed Hollow is a 5 v 5 battleground set in a haunted forest. The Raven Lords of the forest demand tributes, which appear in the forest at the center of the map. If a team collects 3 tributes, their enemies become cursed.
There are three lanes in this battleground and all of the objectives are located in a forest in between them. On the top half of the map there is 1 watchtower, 3 tribute spawn points, and 3 minion camps. The same goes for the bottom half of the map. Each half's minions camp consists of 1 Grave Golem (boss), 1 Knight Camp (Hard), and 1 Siege Golem (Easy). By killing these minion camps, not only do you get bonus minions, but it can potentially put you many levels ahead of your enemy giving you a clear advantage.
Tributes spawn in the forest periodically at one of six spawn points. The spawn point is determined randomly. To capture a tribute, a hero must channel on it for several seconds, during which he can be interrupted by damage or disables. Once a team collects 3 tributes, the Raven Lords curse their enemies. While cursed, minions health is reduced to 1 and towers cease firing, allowing a team to push against a cursed enemy with ease.
Dragon Shire
Dragon Shire is a traditional Three Lane Map where both teams start off fighting each other as they do in any map. The only difference is that there are Shrines in the middle of each of the lanes on this map.
The objective of this map is to take control of both the northern and southern shrines once they are activated. You take control of the shrines simply by having more players near then than your opponents do. When the shrine is yours it will remain yours unless the enemy team captures it. Below the Southern Shrine there will be a Siege Golem Camp. Southwest and Southeast directly below the Dragon Shrine will be another 2 Siege Golem Camps, bringing Siege Golem Camps to a total of 3. Now last of all directly West and East of the Dragon Shrine are 2 Knight Camps.
While you have both of these shrines under your control you have to have a person in middle click and channel on the dragon knight shrine located in the middle of the middle lane. You also have to make sure that person is clicking the dragon, and not just clicking the floor, or you won't be able to control it fast enough. Once the channel is complete that person becomes the Dragonknight.
The Dragonknight is a really tough character with a frontal cone flame breath ability, an ability that punts enemy heroes across the map and has auto attacks that deal extra damage to structures.
Garden of Terror (Day & Night)
Garden of Terror is a three-lane battleground. When night falls, the night horrors will come out in the garden area of the Battleground and all normal mercenary camps will disappear.
Sorry, but during the day you're stuck with normal Mercenary Camps. Sucks huh? On this map, there is a total of 6 Mercenary Camps. 4 of which will be Siege Golems, and the other 2 will be Knights. Northwest from the Center of the middle lane will be a single Siege Golem Camp. Now directly Northeast from the center of the middle lane, will be 2 camps, 1 Siege Golem, and the other one will be a Knight. Southeast of the center of the middle lane will be 1 Siege Golem Camp. Southwest from the center of the middle lane will be 1 Siege Golem, and 1 Knight. That concludes the day time camps.
At night time, there will be a total of 6 seed camps. North of the middle lane will be 3 seedling camps, 2 of which will be easy to solo that drop a small amount of seeds, and the other will be like a Grave Golem, in which it's counted as a boss. South of the middle lane will be exactly the same, 3 seedling camps, 2 of which will be easy to solo that drop a small amount of seeds, and the other will be like a Grave Golem, in which it's counted as a boss. Remember you have to collect them all for it to be day time again.
One you collect 100 seeds, it will allow you to summon a Garden Terror. You'll receive a move that turns every hero (including the enemy Garden Terror) into a plant thingy. The other move will be a planter that does damage in an area. It's extremely effective against buildings, and can also damage minions/ heroes. Auto-attack should do average damage regardless on what you attack.
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- MissMarvel#1645
- Xaxton#6931
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- eguor - /profile/eguor Guide Suggestion
- Severage - /profile/severage Illidan Guide
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Changelog Top
10/8/14 -- v 1.3: Added Anub'arak and Azmodan, and "What's covered in this guide?" section. Finished up maps. Finished Illidan. Fixed some grammar mistakes.
9/28/14 -- v 1.2: Finished Map Information. Working on all Heroes. Fixed grammar mistakes.
9/27/14 -- v 1.1: Finished Brightwing, Chen. Added all hero quotes, all hero pictures, all basic hero information.
9/25/14 -- v 1.0: Finished Abathur, Arthas, Hero Guides, Intro., chapter titles. Added Brightwing, some hero pictures.
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